Thursday, July 29, 2004

4 am

So, I'm getting up tomorrow at 4:15 am.

I hate that feeling that comes with packing and getting on a plane.
I have mother's packing list and I still feel like I could be missing something.

Sorry for not posting since Saturday.
Yeesh, that's a long time.
Shame on me.

I'll probably post while I'm vacation, so be prepared to be envious of all the fabulous things I'll be doing over in that party state of Indiana.

In other news, it has actually been confirmed that a certain tall baritone will be where he's supposed to be.
And even an extra date on the 5th.
Bless him.
All I gotta say is, it's a good thing Assassins closed when it did.

So, I gotta take a shower and do some stuff and then get it bed.
4 am.

Saturday, July 24, 2004

Choices, choices...

Okay, people....
As much as I like the theme, it just isn't suiting my mood lately.
It's too dark.
I'm feeling the need for a castle or something...


Friday, July 23, 2004


This is highly amusing and I am sure that one for Bush would be just as funny.

  7 mansions, including Washington DC, worth multi-millions
  Law Enforcement:
  I voted to cut every law enforcement, CIA and defense bill in my
  career as a US Senator. I ordered Boston to remove a fire hydrant
  in front of my mansion, thereby endangering my neighbors in the
  event of fire.
  I used three minor injuries to get an early discharge from the
  military and service in Vietnam. I then returned to the US, joined
  Jane Fonda in protesting the war, and insulted returning Vietnam
  vets, claiming they committed atrocities and were baby killers. I
  threw my medals, ribbons, or something away in protest. Or did I?
  My book "Vietnam Veterans Against the War: The New Soldier" shows
  how I truly feel about the military.
  I graduated from Yale University with a low C average. Unlike my
  counterpart George Bush, I have no higher education and did not get
  admitted to Harvard nor graduate with an M.B.A
  I ran for U.S. Congress and have been there ever since. I have no
  real world experience except marrying rich women and running HJ
  Heinz vicariously through my wife Teresa.
  I set the record for the most liberal voting record, exceeding even
  Ted Kennedy and Hillary Clinton. I have consistently failed to
  support our military and CIA by voting against budgets, thus
  gutting our country's ability to defend itself. Although I voted
  for the Iraq War,
  now I am against it and refuse to admit that I voted for it.
  I voted for every liberal piece of legislation. I have no plan to
  help this country but I intend to raise taxes significantly if I am
  My wealth so far exceeds that of my counterpart, George Bush, that
  he will never catch up. I make no or little charitable
  contributions and have never agreed to pay any voluntary excess
  taxes in MA, despite family wealth in excess of $700 million.
  Although I claim to be in favor of alternative energy sources, Ted
  Kennedy and I oppose windmills off Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard
  as it might spoil our view of the ocean as we cruise on our yachts.
  I ride a Serotta Bike.
  My Gulfstream V Jet I call "The Flying Squirrel"
  I call my $ 850,000 42 foot Hinckley twin diesel yacht the
  I am fascinated by rap and hip-hop and you had better listen to it
  as it reflects our real culture.
  I own several SUVs including one parked at my Nantucket summer
  mansion, though I am against large polluting inefficient vehicles
  and blame George Bush for the energy problems.



Thursday, July 22, 2004


What flavor lip gloss are you...

You’re Perfectly Peppermint!You believe in the understated chic of simplicity. Not one to hide behind lots of makeup or flashy clothes, you prefer to let your natural beauty shine through. For a down-to-earth sister like you, the fresh-n-feisty flavor of peppermint is your obvious lip-gloss partner. Not only will this cool, comforting essence help calm your mind and elevate your mood, the addition of fresh mint in your gloss will give your lips a naturally rosy glow.

Hah!!!!!  I used to LOVE that Bonnie Bell Peppermint stuff.
Now I use Burt's Beeswax Lip Balm and it is very pepperminty.

Wednesday, July 21, 2004


Looking around blogs...


All I can say is that I'm glad I'm at the place where I am now...or something like that...

I've been thinking.

This summer has been great.
I have been able to spend a lot of time by myself.
I suppose some people view me as anti-social.
I need my alone time.  It gives me energy to be around people.
God has helped me and shown me how to deal with some things in life and it has made a huge difference.

April 03-May04 was a tough period for me, for reasons which most of you probably know.
But things are different now.
I feel like I have been walking downhill for a long time and now the road is straight and smooth.
Not necessarily on a day to day basis, but on a larger scale.

I have seen that is it possible to remain someone's friend even when they make decisions that you disagree with.
I have seen that people only change when they want to change.
I have seen that a relationship cannot fail as long as two people continue to communicate openly.
I have learned that God trusts me.



Another ope'nin, another show...

So, here we are again my friends.

I finally managed to find some tracks from The Woman In White demo.
Not terribly impressed, but one of them isn't bad.
Walter sings it.
The lyrics aren't exactly earth shattering, but I suppose that's to be expected.

I have important news....

She'll be here August 10-16.

My goodness.
Sal one week and Becca the next.
Then school.
Might need a Prozac or something.


Saturday, July 17, 2004

Turkey sandwiches

I seem to be developing a fondness for restaurant turkey sandwiches. 
Not sure why.
I got the Les Miz soundboard with Carlos again.
I seem to have accidentally thrown away the files.
But Joyce the Magnificent helped me out.
A certain baritone is appearing with the Indianapolis Symphony.
This means that a certain happy vegetable will finally be able to see him.
There will be great suffering in Guilder if he does not show up!!!
*makes threatening face*
Bro.Plemons has developed a fan club.
It's so cute.
The little girls surround him after church.
I never did that.  I was too shy.
I know, I know, I know...some of you probably don't believe that.  But it's true.
I need to make a list of all the songs that the choir doesn't sing and give it to Frank.
Cause there are a lot of good ones that we never sing.
Alrighty, I should go do......something...

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Some people!!!

My mother was going to put the teapot that Reina brought me from Holland INTO THE DISHWASHER!!!!!

Raising parents is a hard job.

The beauty of a good grapefruit soda

My friends, there is nothing on earth that can equal a good grapefruit soda.
Grapefruit soda is an extremely delicate matter, right up there with Jane Eyre and peanut butter ice cream.

What these three things have in common is that if they are not done just right, they stink to high heaven.
I'm sure I need not elaborate on the Jane issue, but peanut butter ice cream...have you ever had nasty peanut butter ice cream?

Tuesday, July 13, 2004


Today was a good day.
I think I am still happy from last night. :)

On Tuesday, Sis.Brown goes in for her surgery.
Everything is going to be okay, so don't worry.

Carly called today and asked me to watch Gabby and Madelaine overnight on Saturday.
I said "Yes," cause I like those two and because I didn't really have a reason to say "No."

I read a very interesting article today titled God Is Not A Republican
Check it out if you're interested.

I am so amused by the whole idea that the world will suddenly be perfect if Kerry is elected president.
If only it were true.

The guy from the Frugal Gourmet died.
I remember my grandmother watching that show when I was little.
Do people ever actually cook the stuff that is done on those kind of shows????

I got another Jane musical today.
What an absolute travesty.
Thank goodness Charlotte is dead and therefore eternally spared of ever hearing what those people did to her beautiful words.
My goodness.
I was quite indignant over the whole issue and Sal is a witness of that. She's the one who got yelled at. :)
When Jane is leaving, the music is HAPPY!! For the love of doughnuts, people!! Really!!!
The people playing Jane and Rochester....what a pair of passionless cold fish. Notice I did not refer to them as "actors." Using that term would imply that they were acting.
Paul Gordon, if you ever read this, YOU ARE A GENIUS!!!
And your writing partner....that John Caird fellow...he isn't so bad either.

I suppose I should head to bed.
I like my bed.
It's my friend.

Sunday, July 11, 2004


Sundays sure poop me out.

This morning was kind of a madhouse with the class room switching and whatnot.
The kids were higher than kites.
Not sure why.
Just summer, I guess.

There were a ton of church people at Don Perico's.
I tried the vegetarian burrito and it wasn't anything spectacular. But I wanted the rice and beans rather than tons of bell pepper. Not a bell pepper fan.

It's warming up, people!
It's 86 right now.
I wish I was usually cold instead of usually hot.
I remember back in the Family days when Andrea and Linda would be freezing and I would be burning up. lol
Those two and their sweaters.
It did used to get rather toasty back in my Cave.
I miss my Cave.

I had a dream last night that I missed choir practice because I was in the restroom, changing my clothes.
I told Frank about it and he laughed. :)

For some reason, we got two different invitations to Baby Ella's shower.
How very odd.

Mother bought a very nifty book about London.
So I looked through the thing and by the time I got to the Underground Map at the end, I was thoroughly depressed.
If anyone is reading this who can help me get a nice office job in London, please let me know!!!!

Friday, July 09, 2004


I am seeing that if a person already has an unfavorable opinion about another person, they are so easily convinced of that person doing wrong. Without even really thinking about the situation or having a knowledge of the facts, they just assume that they are being lied to,cheated, deceived, etc.

I realize that I am guilty of this just like everyone else, but I am going to try to do better.

And why are people automatically willing to believe anything negative about politicians????

Why is the general public automatically willing to believe that Farenheit 9/11 is absolute truth?
Why was the general public automatically willing to believe anything negative about Bill Clinton?

I'm beginning to feel like Charlie Brown.

Wednesday, July 07, 2004


I love voices.
Not all of them, of course.
I love to listen to some people talk/sing.
My Garrison Keillor collection is proof of this.
He has such a unique voice. It's like a lullaby.
I'm glad God gave us a voice as a means of communication and expression.
I feel that some people abuse the gift of language.
People who talk all the time tend to get on my nerves.
Unfortunately, my father tends to talk all the time.

It's interesting how different voices can be.

I was trying to describe the difference between Mario and Josh to someone.
I was searching for an adjective and told the person that Mario's voice is more earthy. And it was like a lightbulb went on in her head. :)

Anyways, I suppose I should get back to work.

I'm still resisting the doughnut, btw.

Doesn't it figure

I wear my new sandals.

It's 10:30 am and only 60 degrees.

I love California.

It's 8:45 am

I'm feeling terribly coordinated today.
It's a rather odd feeling.

I think that picking Edwards as his VP was not a very smart move on Kerry's part.
Edwards is rather green, but he sure brings the Kennedys to mind as far as the appearance department and that is probably in his favor.
Unless Kerry does something really dumb (or at least gets blamed for something dumb) and Dubya does something really good (or at least gets the credit for something really good), I'm thinking that Kerry is going to win.

Last night I decided that I need to start getting some exercise. I sit in front of the computer too much.
I went for a 3/4 mile walk.
It was nice.
Had R&J playing, there was a nice breeze, I was wearing my Jane sweatshirt... :)
I tell myself that I need to start doing that at least a couple of times a week.
Burn some calories, ya know.

So what does mother buy this morning??????


Yes, the Dreaded Pink Box of Death.

Did I eat one?


I sat here and ate my two eggs, like a good little girl.

I suppose I should get to work.
For some reason, I have to work to get paid.
Don't you think that's un-American?

Monday, July 05, 2004

La La Laaaa...

Thirteen random things you like:
01. the peach thingie from Jamba Juice
02. Garrison Keillor
03. people watching
04. analyzing music
05. tea
06. walking around Manhattan
07. the Datebook of the San Francisco Chronicle
08. getting a massage from Bethany
09. bugging Sal about the "He belongs in a boy band" comment
10. hearing Reina call me "Gooch"
11. Cadbury chocolate
12. roadtrips
13. redesigning my blog

Twelve songs you like:
01. Flying Without Wings
02. Any Dream Will Do
03. Verone
04. Vous Dites
05. Mentir
06. To Him Who Sits On The Throne
07. Amazing Grace
08. O Holy Night
09. The Star Spangled Banner
10. More Than Wonderful
11. Pendant Que Mes Cheveux Poussent
12. Vivo Per Lei

Eleven things in your room:
01. lots of pictures
02. a poster of Richmond's portrait of Charlotte Bronte
03. The Accolade and Godspeed by EB Leighton
04. a bed
05. Bruno (as in the fish)
06. a tiara
07. my flowers from Andrea and Tim's wedding
08. lots of cds
09. lots of books
10. a stereo
11. a box full of theatre stuff

Ten things about you:
01. I sing
02. I like music
03. I trim Percy's nails
04. I skipped third grade
05. I was born on the same day (May 24) as Queen Victoria
06. I know the difference between an axel, a salchow, a flip, a lutz, a toe loop and a loop
07. I like to travel
08. I am a good cook
09. I can't eat melon
10. I can pick things up with my toes

Nine good friends:
01. my parents
02. Andrea
03. Reina
04. Sal
05. Rebecca
06. Lissa
07. Bethany
08. Emma
09. Tim

Eight favorite foods/drinks:
01. peaches
02. In&Out
03. tea (hot and iced)
04. Pepsi
05. sea food
06. pizza
07. potatoes
08. eggs and toast (cause those have to go together)

Seven things you wear daily:
01. underwear
02. deoderant
03. a hair clip
04. a skirt
05. a shirt
06. shoes
07. lotion

Six things that annoy you:
01. injustice
02. drivers who think they own the road
03. rude people
04. songwriters who should let other people with better voices sing their songs
05. people who are afraid of their emotions
06. people who are afraid to think

Five things you touch everyday:
01. my cat
02. my computer
03. dishes
04. Bruno's food
05. the couch

Four books you read as a child:
01. James and the Giant Peach
02. Brighty of the Grand Canyon
03. the one with Grover and the monster at the end of the book
04. Mr.Popper's Penguins

Three favorite musical instruments:
01. cello
02. piano
03. violin

Two favorite authors:
01. Charlotte Bronte
02. Byron

One person you could spend the rest of your life with:
01. Poor guy is out there somewhere...

Saturday, July 03, 2004


Chopin by Emma Lazarus

A dream of interlinking hands, of feet
Tireless to spin the unseen, fairy woof
Of the entangling waltz. Bright eyebeams meet,
Gay laughter echoes from the vaulted roof.
Warm perfumes rise; the soft unflickering glow
Of branching lights sets off the changeful charms
Of glancing gems, rich stuffs, the dazzling snow
Of necks unkerchieft, and bare, clinging arms.
Hark to the music! How beneath the strain
Of reckless revelry, vibrates and sobs
One fundamental chord of constant pain,
The pulse-beat of the poet's heart that throbs.
So yearns, though all the dancing waves rejoice,
The troubled sea's disconsolate, deep voice.

Who shall proclaim the golden fable false
Of Orpheus' miracles? This subtle strain
Above our prose-world's sordid loss and gain
Lightly uplifts us. With the rhythmic waltz,
The lyric prelude, the nocturnal song
Of love and languor, varied visions rise,
That melt and blend to our enchanted eyes.
The Polish poet who sleeps silenced long,
The seraph-souled musician, breathes again
Eternal eloquence, immortal pain.
Revived the exalted face we know so well,
The illuminated eyes, the fragile frame,
Slowly consuming with its inward flame,
We stir not, speak not, lest we break the spell.

A voice was needed, sweet and true and fine
As the sad spirit of the evening breeze,
Throbbing with human passion, yet devine
As the wild bird's untutored melodies.
A voice for him 'neath twilight heavens dim,
Who mourneth for his dead, while round him fall
The wan and noiseless leaves. A voice for him
Who sees the first green sprout, who hears the call
Of the first robin on the first spring day.
A voice for all whom Fate hath set apart,
Who, still misprized, must perish by the way,
Longing with love, for that they lack the art
Of their own soul's expression. For all these
Sing the unspoken hope, the vague, sad reveries.

Then Nature shaped a poet's heart--a lyre
From out whose chords the lightest breeze that blows
Drew trembling music, wakening sweet desire.
How shall she cherish him? Behold! she throws
This precious, fragile treasure in the whirl
Of seething passions; he is scourged and stung,
Must dive in storm-vext seas, if but one pearl
Of art or beauty therefrom may be wrung.
No pure-browed pensive nymph his Muse shall be,
An amazon of thought with sovereign eyes,
Whose kiss was poison, man-brained, worldy-wise,
Inspired that elfin, delicate harmony.
Rich gain for us! But with him is it well?
The poet who must sound earth, heaven, and hell!

A new arrival!

Baby Ella Lankford was born shortly after midnight!!!

Friday, July 02, 2004


So Wednesday I was talking to Paul Moore, trying to find out about the service in Sacramento tonight.

Okay, guys, you know that kind of thing isn't my cup of tea.
I feel like I don't even speak the same language.
I contemplate the evening and mentally, I draw back, not quite in horror (to coin a phrase), but in something more odd kind of intellectual fear.

Paul says it's because I'm "sophisticated," which I think is code for "stuck-up."

I told him it's because I'm too boring.

I suppose people think that having an open mind (for lack of a better term) means compromising the blinking neon sign between right and wrong.
And it doesn't.

Okay, I know this isn't funny....but it is!!!

SUV owner Pat Campanella talks to a towing company owner about getting his car out of Katherine Peacock's pool on June 28 in Honolulu, Hawaii. Campanella's wife drove the car into the pool on Saturday while learning to drive.

It's a grand night for singing...

Hhmm...what do I have to say...

Today is Friday.
That's always nice.

Uhm...I got the cast album of the Fiddler revival. I love it. It's great.

The weather has been lovely, not too hot.

Oh, I put together a beautiful Power Point presentation for July 4th. It's too cool. *pats self on back*

I think my powers of snappy dialogue and witty conversation are in recess or something. Must be because a certain jolly vegetable went off and left me for week.

I got a lovely card in the mail from Reina Rodmilla DeGhent Smith.
Her and Tim sent me some gift certificates to "Stone Cold" Creamery.

I was listening to Michael English' Heaven to Earth album yesterday. Man, that is a good one. That guy can sing.

Ah, I also got the La Boheme cast ablum.
Goodness, that Jesus Garcia sure reminds me of Roberto.
It just seems odd that so big a voice can come out of a little guy.
Still don't like Alfred and David.
They should have just let Jesus record the whole cd!!
Once again, they didn't consult ME about this!
