Saturday, May 05, 2007


When he came to her in dreams,
when the moon cast its midnight curtain
over the earth,
it was the little things she tried to remember.
The way his big hands
held little hands.
The tilt of his head
and the question in his eyes
when she told him that she was not coming back.
The feel of his fingertips brushing across her cheek.
It was always the same dream.
Always the same.
He was gone when she woke up.
The curtain was drawn back
and the light does not like ghosts.
They only come out at night.
In dreams.

When would the joy come?
This was what she
longed for,
hoped for.
This was what she
longed for,
hoped for?
This wasn’t what she imagined.
He was what she imagined
and he was real.
This was real, too.
More real than him.
But he was gone.
The light was too bright.
She wanted someone to close the curtain.
Then he might come.
Still a dream.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

As promised...

So, I saw that I haven't posted since January.
That's mostly because I haven't had anything terribly interesting to say.
My life has mostly been school, work and church.
I am a TA for Tim this semester and you know how I like to organize things and tell people what to do.
What can I say, it just comes naturally.

Next post will be about the Texas trip!
Updates coming soon!
Cross mee heart and hope to dee!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

The Prince and His Carbon Emissions

This is absolutely hilarious.
I was reading it to mother and could barely get the words out because I laughing so hard.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

I've been tagged

I was just looking at Emma's blog and saw that she has tagged me.
I am requested to reveal 5 things about myself.
Here goes...

1) I get hives for absolutely no reason. The last time was so bad, my doctor had to put me on Prednisone to make them go away.

2) When I wear a watch, which isn't often because they usually give me a rash, I switch it back and forth between my right and left wrists.

3) I have cheated on schoolwork. I know, you're shocked....what can I say...I'm human. But don't worry - I confessed. :)

4) I don't like white pianos.

5) I can sing O, Come All Ye Faithful in Latin.