Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Three cheers for YouTube.

I picked this video because *gasp* they're singing LIVE and it's the complete version of the song, not the abbreviated one that they usually use now.
And because it's free of any annoying host gabbing on and on about things we already know.

I caved in and made an appointment to see dear old Doc tomorrow.
This is just getting tiresome.
Two weeks is long enough.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I know, I know.
I just haven't felt like saying anything.

I had a birthday.
Been sick.
I think mother will soon be threatening me to get me to go to the doctor.
I didn't take Nyquil last night.
It wasn't pretty.

Got a very cool teapot for my birthday.
Has Elizabeth I and bunch of relevant men from the period.
Very cool design.

It was hot here last week.
We got a new air conditioner.

I trimmed my fingernails.

I feel and have a big bruise on my left knee.

Two of our keyholders at work gave their two weeks notice, so we're somewhat up a creek.

I woke early today because I thought I was taking my father to get his glasses fixed.
My mother decided to take him.

I'm compiling a cd for our Fourth Bash at Pammie and Geno's, which is actually going to be on the Third.

That's about it folks.


I have five words for you -
Daphne Ruben Vega as Fantine.

I leave it at that.
People are DUMB.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Oh! Lookie!

I've been updated.
Let there be great joy throughout the land.