Monday, March 08, 2004


How I love my state.
Ladies and you other people, the date is March 8, the time is 10:18 am and the temperature is 74 degrees.

*dances around*

Anyone want to come visit?

This heat wave *wink* is actually kind of weird, because last night I was listening to Urinetown and I had this sudden remembrance of summer '02 with my East Coast family....listening to Utown about 4 times on the drive to and from Newport, the smell of the water and the grass, the breezes, the sunshine, the rain...
I wrote this morning in the journal that Rebecca got me about memories and photographs. In Rebecca the "I" character says that she wishes she could put her memories in perfume bottles on a shelf and whenever she wanted to, she could just take down a bottle and relive the memory.

Well, I should go eat and work on my Spanish some more.

Hasta la vista, chicos!

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