I'm so glad I don't live in LA. I have a variety of reasons, but those fires that are going on right now are sort of at the top of my list. It may be outrageously expensive to live in Napa, but thank goodness my parents have stayed here. Bless them. *moment of silence*
I finally cleaned my fish tank yesterday evening. I shouldn't have let it get that bad. I'm such a terrible fish parent. I'm glad to report that Harry and Irene are very happily swimming around in their very clean tank. *grins*
I'm almost out of their food. Can you believe that? How often do people actually have to buy MORE fish food??? Maybe Harry and Irene are taking after their namesakes. I waited until they lived for a while before I told Grandma that I named my fish after her and Grandpa. I didn't have fish for a long time after Fishie perished in the earthquake three years ago. I remember when I finally managed to get out of my room on that night (and I still think an Angel helped me climb over the furniture in the pitch black) I went into Mom and Dad's room and the first thing I said was "I think my fish tank fell over."
That's so typically me. It's 2 am, we just went through an earthquake that caused major damage, my sister is freaking out downstairs because she was in the bathroom when it happened and she saw the walls shaking, we don't know if there is going to be another one, the power is out, and I'm thinking about my poor Fishie.
I found him the next day and buried him outside the front door. So I was traumatized and it took me a while before I wanted fish again.
Then I got Bobby, Hope and Lockstock and they only survived a week. *sigh* But Harry and Irene seem to be doing fine. I've had them since before we moved and that was in April. Maybe they'll set some kind of record.
Listening to - Crystal Lewis, Holiday
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