Monday, November 17, 2003


I suppose I should write something.

I think I'm having a Jane relapse.
After I saw the show, I stopped trying to explain it to people.

Person - "Did you have a nice time? How was it?"

Me - "Yes, I did. It was great."

I realized that 99% of the population wouldn't understand, so I stopped trying.
And that's okay.
I don't blame them.

I remember Rebecca holding my hand and squeezing it right as James rolled out onto the stage.
Talk about surreal.
It took me a while to get used to the idea that I was actually watching him, that he was actually *right there* on the stage.
I remember Lissa looking at me when the houselights came on at intermission. She looked like someone had just told her that she was the Queen of England.
I'm happy to say that Lissa and Rebecca were thoroughly convinced by intermission.
I remember that woman sitting right next to me who claimed to be an English teacher and had never read the novel.
I remember bawling when Helen came out on stage and I didn't stop until the end of the show.
I remember those poor little Kleenexes that I shredded.
I said about two words on the drive home.
I become mute when I experience something like that.

A flood of memory washes over me
A little girl, betrayed and battered
Retrieves the pieces of a life that's torn apart
And tries in vain to mend the tattered pages of her heart

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