Oh, speaking of which, my fairy godmother is making another trip to England and she's offered to secure certain goods on my behalf. *grins* I've already asked for some tea. Stupid Fortnum and Mason's aren't exported their tea anymore, so I'm very deprived. *makes pitiful face* I need to remember to ask her for some Cadbury bars. Boy those things are lovely. I'm telling you, those ones they make in the states over at the Hershey plant *glaring in that general direction* DO NOT taste the same as the ones made in the UK. There's no way it's the same recipe. Hmph!!! If only we had one of those little Cadbury shops like the one in Bath. Good heavens, the iced drink I had from there was so wonderful, I can't imagine how anything in life could ever be better. *sigh*
So, Aaron Benward went country. And not just country, but cheesy country. What kind of name is Blue County???
To quote Garrison, "My, how you have fallen!"
I mean, come on, people.....their debut single is "Good Little Girls," with the theme being good little girls make some wild, wild women.
I am embarrassed for the guy. He starts out singing "I Go To The Rock" and ends up with "Good Little Girls."
It's very depressing.
At some point, I need to go out in the garage and brave the mountains of boxes to find my old Spanish PACE's and vocab cards. I have to take it next semester, so I might as well get a head start. If you hear a loud crash and a scream, that would be me. Just call for help and they can come unearth me.
I wish my stereo would play dvd's. Maybe I need to upgrade. The problem is that I still use and record cassettes, so I need a double and those are getting harder to find. One time I saw the fancier version of my stereo and I'm almost positive that it played dvd's. Hhhmmm.
I also need to do some homework on mini-dics recorders. I want one.
I think the travel bug is trying to bite me.
The problem with Becca coming here is that I'm not going there.
I need my East Coast fix.
If she gets that scholarship, she'll be in England!! That's a great excuse to go visit her. I really need to start using the piggy bank that Leon made me!! lol
And was Mr. Rochester now ugly in my eyes? No, reader. Gratitude, and many associations, all pleasurable and genial, made his face the object I best liked to see; his presence in a room was more cheering than the brightest fire.
Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte
The Moors behind the Bronte Parsonage
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