I survived the Poli Sci exam. Don't think I'll be repeating my previous exam grade of A on this one. *sigh* Which is okay, I'm okay with it.
Turned in my English paper. I'm rather proud of it. *beaming*
Physics was actually almost enjoyable today. I know, I know, you're probably about to faint from shock that those came from me, but it's true! Go ask Niles to tell you about his idea of Greenhouse fashion and see if you don't start laughing hysterically!
Went to choir practice. This is the first time I'm singing at a funeral since Willy's in 1989 when I was 7 years old. I remember we went up there to sing Let The Sun Shine Inand I just started crying and put my hands over my face. I'm glad to say that dealing with death does get a little easier as one gets older. It's easier to deal with the death of a woman who lived a long and happy life than with the death of a 7 year old boy who didn't even get to make it through first grade. But I guess he got a better promotion than we did. *smiles*
Bethany caugher Bloggeritis. Hehe! Check her out at perfectlylamron.blogspot.com
She's a real card, that one.
Today I filled out a ton of labels for a friend and I watched the old BBC Sense & Sensibility. Goodness, that brings back memories. I used to play that when I played dress up. Marianne is just so pathetic. I like to think of myself as a nice balance of Elinor and Marianne. I definitely prefer that Willoughby over Greg Wise. Bleeeech. And actually, that 95 version is rather a travesty. Not sure that Jane Austen would have approved. It's soooooooo Hollywoodized. *sigh* What can ya do.
Now that all that work is completed for school, I dig back into The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. Woohoo!!! Gotta love those Brontes. Passion, betrayal, more passion, questionable deaths, more passion, crazy women in the attic, even more passion, dark and mysteries heroes, more passion, heroines that actually have a brain, romantic moors, more passion, large gothic mansions, more passion and The Syndrome..... TORTURED SOULS IN WHITE POOFY SHIRTS!!!! Yeeeeeeehaw!!! What more could a girl ask? Those Brontes. Quite an interesting family. I still think there was something not quite on the up and up *ahem* about Emily and Branwell. *cough* I wouldn't go as far as those pervs in Becca's class, but there was definitely something more than sisterly and brotherly affection.
Jane is just one of the best novels ever. Rochester is the ultimate example of The Syndrome. And you know what's coming next!!!!!
Does my forehead not please you; I am a fool?
Boy was he good.
Talk about a master of the subtle gesture. Goodness.
HE'S SO TORTURED!! (that was for Bec :))
Okay, I should go before I embarrass myself.
Good night to you all.
Parting is sweet sorrow!
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