Here we are on another Thursday afternoon. Today in Physics, Amanda and I were guinea pigs. Niles hooked us up to a Van de Graff. It's supposed to make your hair stand on end. Bethany said it looked like Amanda had a halo and I had wings. *grins*
We made a kind of rough map for our outing tomorrow. The list keeps getting bigger. I think we're giong to have to downsize.
Our lab this afternoon is about the Speed of Sound. How terribly interesting. *yawn*
Thursday, October 30, 2003
Wednesday, October 29, 2003
La, but someone has to strike a pose and bear the weight of well-tailored clothes!
Oohhhh......I'm feeling a frou-frou mood coming on....
Each species needs a sex that's fated to be highly decorated and that is why the Lord created men!
Oohhhh......I'm feeling a frou-frou mood coming on....
Each species needs a sex that's fated to be highly decorated and that is why the Lord created men!
Choices, choices!!!
I am now undecided on what to wear for our caroling excursion. I need to find out what Bethany and Amanda are wearing. Not sure if my Jane idea will work. *sigh*
However, I did find my Gucci bag to use for candy. *grins* I was looking for my box of old dress up clothes, but alas, I fear it is lost in the abyss known as the garage. I did manage to find my Spanish stuff, so I've been reviewing it.
Mi casa es su casa!
I am now undecided on what to wear for our caroling excursion. I need to find out what Bethany and Amanda are wearing. Not sure if my Jane idea will work. *sigh*
However, I did find my Gucci bag to use for candy. *grins* I was looking for my box of old dress up clothes, but alas, I fear it is lost in the abyss known as the garage. I did manage to find my Spanish stuff, so I've been reviewing it.
Mi casa es su casa!
Do you have little things that bug you?
White pianos.
I don't like white pianos. I'm not sure why.
Any ideas?
White pianos.
I don't like white pianos. I'm not sure why.
Any ideas?
It is so interesting how cultures/people pick up habits that identify them. Take for example the Brits referring to a person as "love." There is a woman in my Poli Sci class with whom I have had dialogue only twice. Each time, she has called me "sweetie." I don't even know this woman.
How did the greeting "howdy" originate? Have you ever heard someone other than an American use that word?
Well, leaving you with those deep deep ponderings ;), I must be off!
My sister is taking me driving today, so if you're in Napa, this is your warning to stay off the roads! *grins*
How did the greeting "howdy" originate? Have you ever heard someone other than an American use that word?
Well, leaving you with those deep deep ponderings ;), I must be off!
My sister is taking me driving today, so if you're in Napa, this is your warning to stay off the roads! *grins*
Tuesday, October 28, 2003
It's been two days since I posted. I told myself I better do it now or who knows when I would finally talk myself into it. :)
Reina came over for dinner, we went to choir practice, and she came back over. I missed her so much. I love that chickie. :) She is priceless. No one else calls me "Gooch!!" the way that she does. She is one in a trillion.
She brought me a blue and white teapot from Holland. How cool is that?
So now, I have dudes from England, Wales and Holland! I think I need to start a collection. *grins*
It looks like our youth choir concert will be next spring, which is fine. Frank, Mr.Perfection, will have more time to beat us into shape. *grins*
I am so blessed to have such wonderful friends. It seems like now I have more female friends than guy friends. It used to be the opposite.
Me and the Bloggies are going to dress up and go caroling on Halloween. *grins*
I'm not sure what I'll wear. I thought about mixing a long formal skirt with toe socks and sandals and some sort of odd shirt and put my hair in pigtails or something.
Yippee for free candy!
I surived the Physics exam today. I feel better about this one when compared to the first one. I was more prepared. Preparation usually helps. *grins*
Bethany and I went into the art building. I walked upstairs and Eric was lecturing in his Art History II class. I realized how much I liked that class and how much I miss it. Eric is such a neat guy. I'm trying to convince Bethany to take it next semester so I can go sit through it with her. I don't think Eric would mind.
I sort of developed a....uuhh.....particular affection, shall we say, for Diego Velazquez in that class. I can't believe I'm admitting this in public. There is just something about his paintings. I love Las Meninas. Maybe it's just the time period, clothing, etc. *sigh*
Breugel the Elder is another one. Netherlandish Proverbs is brilliant. If Garrison Keillor could paint, he probably would have painted that one.
Then there's da Vinci. Don't get me started on da Vinci. *grins*
This getting dark earlier thing really stinks. I like the season, but I don't like that part of it. It's only 10 and if seems like it should be midnight.
Well, I think I'm going to go listen to Christmas music, reminisce over my art history textbook and eat something sweet and full of calories.
Good night.
The rest is silence.
Reina came over for dinner, we went to choir practice, and she came back over. I missed her so much. I love that chickie. :) She is priceless. No one else calls me "Gooch!!" the way that she does. She is one in a trillion.
She brought me a blue and white teapot from Holland. How cool is that?
So now, I have dudes from England, Wales and Holland! I think I need to start a collection. *grins*
It looks like our youth choir concert will be next spring, which is fine. Frank, Mr.Perfection, will have more time to beat us into shape. *grins*
I am so blessed to have such wonderful friends. It seems like now I have more female friends than guy friends. It used to be the opposite.
Me and the Bloggies are going to dress up and go caroling on Halloween. *grins*
I'm not sure what I'll wear. I thought about mixing a long formal skirt with toe socks and sandals and some sort of odd shirt and put my hair in pigtails or something.
Yippee for free candy!
I surived the Physics exam today. I feel better about this one when compared to the first one. I was more prepared. Preparation usually helps. *grins*
Bethany and I went into the art building. I walked upstairs and Eric was lecturing in his Art History II class. I realized how much I liked that class and how much I miss it. Eric is such a neat guy. I'm trying to convince Bethany to take it next semester so I can go sit through it with her. I don't think Eric would mind.
I sort of developed a....uuhh.....particular affection, shall we say, for Diego Velazquez in that class. I can't believe I'm admitting this in public. There is just something about his paintings. I love Las Meninas. Maybe it's just the time period, clothing, etc. *sigh*
Breugel the Elder is another one. Netherlandish Proverbs is brilliant. If Garrison Keillor could paint, he probably would have painted that one.
Then there's da Vinci. Don't get me started on da Vinci. *grins*
This getting dark earlier thing really stinks. I like the season, but I don't like that part of it. It's only 10 and if seems like it should be midnight.
Well, I think I'm going to go listen to Christmas music, reminisce over my art history textbook and eat something sweet and full of calories.
Good night.
The rest is silence.
Sunday, October 26, 2003
You said I'd have no more than I could handle
But everyday it seems to be getting harder to make good
Through You, You said that I could do anything
But sometimes I feel like I can't do it at all
I've been knocked down and dragged around
And now I don't know which way to go
All I need it one small sign to point me to the way where You want me
I'm confused so I'm still calling on You
'Cause I'm, I'm broken
And I'm ready for You to pick up the pieces
Won't You direct me, hold me
Accept me and mold me
Put the fragments of my life back together again
'Cause I'm broken
George Rowe
But everyday it seems to be getting harder to make good
Through You, You said that I could do anything
But sometimes I feel like I can't do it at all
I've been knocked down and dragged around
And now I don't know which way to go
All I need it one small sign to point me to the way where You want me
I'm confused so I'm still calling on You
'Cause I'm, I'm broken
And I'm ready for You to pick up the pieces
Won't You direct me, hold me
Accept me and mold me
Put the fragments of my life back together again
'Cause I'm broken
George Rowe
Another Sunday has gone by.
I'm kinda pooped and I don't really have much to say.
Just that it takes a long time to heal from certain wounds. Just like physical wounds, they hurt even after they're healed. I think the hurt at that point is mostly just sadness. Sadness over the fact that things will never be as they once were. Imagine if there was someone who sold ice cream to you alone. Suddenly, that changes and they no longer sell to you, but to someone else. Kinda makes you wary of people who sell ice cream. It's even harder to have to watch them tell other people how to sell ice cream, when they treated you like they did.
Part of life, I suppose.
I'm kinda pooped and I don't really have much to say.
Just that it takes a long time to heal from certain wounds. Just like physical wounds, they hurt even after they're healed. I think the hurt at that point is mostly just sadness. Sadness over the fact that things will never be as they once were. Imagine if there was someone who sold ice cream to you alone. Suddenly, that changes and they no longer sell to you, but to someone else. Kinda makes you wary of people who sell ice cream. It's even harder to have to watch them tell other people how to sell ice cream, when they treated you like they did.
Part of life, I suppose.
Saturday, October 25, 2003
I have a major decision to make. Geno has offered to sell me his Honda Accord for a very low price. The car is in excellent condition and it's a steal for the price.
Am I ready for this???
Comments welcome. :)
Listening to - Celine Dion, These Are Special Times
Am I ready for this???
Comments welcome. :)
Listening to - Celine Dion, These Are Special Times
I'm so glad I don't live in LA. I have a variety of reasons, but those fires that are going on right now are sort of at the top of my list. It may be outrageously expensive to live in Napa, but thank goodness my parents have stayed here. Bless them. *moment of silence*
I finally cleaned my fish tank yesterday evening. I shouldn't have let it get that bad. I'm such a terrible fish parent. I'm glad to report that Harry and Irene are very happily swimming around in their very clean tank. *grins*
I'm almost out of their food. Can you believe that? How often do people actually have to buy MORE fish food??? Maybe Harry and Irene are taking after their namesakes. I waited until they lived for a while before I told Grandma that I named my fish after her and Grandpa. I didn't have fish for a long time after Fishie perished in the earthquake three years ago. I remember when I finally managed to get out of my room on that night (and I still think an Angel helped me climb over the furniture in the pitch black) I went into Mom and Dad's room and the first thing I said was "I think my fish tank fell over."
That's so typically me. It's 2 am, we just went through an earthquake that caused major damage, my sister is freaking out downstairs because she was in the bathroom when it happened and she saw the walls shaking, we don't know if there is going to be another one, the power is out, and I'm thinking about my poor Fishie.
I found him the next day and buried him outside the front door. So I was traumatized and it took me a while before I wanted fish again.
Then I got Bobby, Hope and Lockstock and they only survived a week. *sigh* But Harry and Irene seem to be doing fine. I've had them since before we moved and that was in April. Maybe they'll set some kind of record.
Listening to - Crystal Lewis, Holiday
I finally cleaned my fish tank yesterday evening. I shouldn't have let it get that bad. I'm such a terrible fish parent. I'm glad to report that Harry and Irene are very happily swimming around in their very clean tank. *grins*
I'm almost out of their food. Can you believe that? How often do people actually have to buy MORE fish food??? Maybe Harry and Irene are taking after their namesakes. I waited until they lived for a while before I told Grandma that I named my fish after her and Grandpa. I didn't have fish for a long time after Fishie perished in the earthquake three years ago. I remember when I finally managed to get out of my room on that night (and I still think an Angel helped me climb over the furniture in the pitch black) I went into Mom and Dad's room and the first thing I said was "I think my fish tank fell over."
That's so typically me. It's 2 am, we just went through an earthquake that caused major damage, my sister is freaking out downstairs because she was in the bathroom when it happened and she saw the walls shaking, we don't know if there is going to be another one, the power is out, and I'm thinking about my poor Fishie.
I found him the next day and buried him outside the front door. So I was traumatized and it took me a while before I wanted fish again.
Then I got Bobby, Hope and Lockstock and they only survived a week. *sigh* But Harry and Irene seem to be doing fine. I've had them since before we moved and that was in April. Maybe they'll set some kind of record.
Listening to - Crystal Lewis, Holiday
Ah, another Saturday morning.
The doughnuts sitting on the kitchen table are calling my name. I think the chocolate one is yelling the loudest. *grins*
I've been gather some stuff for Mother in case she wants to do a Veteran's Day program at church. I have all kinds of ideas of how to involve the kids. Every once in a while, this kind of inspiration strikes me. It isn't a constant thing, so when it happens, I take it and run!! *grins*
I'm gonna try to convince Mother to play Natalie Grant's version of the national anthem or maybe plusONE's American the Beautiful.
Cross your fingers for me.
I can't wait to see Reina tomorrow. Three months is a long stinking time!! She's bringing her neices to church, so they'll be in class with me and Beth and Em. They are cuties.
I need to get out to the college and get the answers to the Physics questions.
Oh joy.
Okay, time for a doughnut!
The doughnuts sitting on the kitchen table are calling my name. I think the chocolate one is yelling the loudest. *grins*
I've been gather some stuff for Mother in case she wants to do a Veteran's Day program at church. I have all kinds of ideas of how to involve the kids. Every once in a while, this kind of inspiration strikes me. It isn't a constant thing, so when it happens, I take it and run!! *grins*
I'm gonna try to convince Mother to play Natalie Grant's version of the national anthem or maybe plusONE's American the Beautiful.
Cross your fingers for me.
I can't wait to see Reina tomorrow. Three months is a long stinking time!! She's bringing her neices to church, so they'll be in class with me and Beth and Em. They are cuties.
I need to get out to the college and get the answers to the Physics questions.
Oh joy.
Okay, time for a doughnut!
Friday, October 24, 2003
*pant, pant*
What in the world could have happened to it?
Well, the privilege of starting the season off with a bang has been granted to Linda Eder. She just sang Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas.
I do so love Christmas music. It's so joyful.
Have I ever mentioned how much I like cheese?
Right now I'm sold on Tillamook. Yum. *rubs tummy*
Last night I made some very tasty burritos. The key is to not overcook the beef. There's your cooking tip for the day. *grins*
I just found out that one of my friends (who is younger than I) wanted to look me when she grew up. She thought I was ladylike.
Fooled her, heh!!!
*pant, pant*
What in the world could have happened to it?
Well, the privilege of starting the season off with a bang has been granted to Linda Eder. She just sang Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas.
I do so love Christmas music. It's so joyful.
Have I ever mentioned how much I like cheese?
Right now I'm sold on Tillamook. Yum. *rubs tummy*
Last night I made some very tasty burritos. The key is to not overcook the beef. There's your cooking tip for the day. *grins*
I just found out that one of my friends (who is younger than I) wanted to look me when she grew up. She thought I was ladylike.
Fooled her, heh!!!
I had to move some things around in my room to find a place for the Christmas cd's.
Still haven't decided on which song to use to open the season. *grins*
I think I might go with Sandy Patti's version of O Holy Night.
But Avalon's Jesus, Born On This Day is a great one.
So many choices!
Still haven't decided on which song to use to open the season. *grins*
I think I might go with Sandy Patti's version of O Holy Night.
But Avalon's Jesus, Born On This Day is a great one.
So many choices!
Only two months 'till Christmas!!
I've decided that I am not going to get out all my holiday music. It's been living inside the bottom drawer of my nighttable since we moved.
The Broadway Inspirational Voices new cd looks good. I might have to order it.
I found out that Bebe Winans is releasing a Christmas album on November 25.
I hope it's as good as they make it out to be. Emma was rather pleased, to put it mildly, to know that her favorite Mr.Thomas will be appearing on the cd. That will be interesting.
Michael English's holiday cd will be out on the 28 of this month, as will the Curb compilation album with Jonathan signing O Holy Night. *screams* That's going to be awesome.
Now I just have to decide on the inaugural song.....hhmm.....
I've decided that I am not going to get out all my holiday music. It's been living inside the bottom drawer of my nighttable since we moved.
The Broadway Inspirational Voices new cd looks good. I might have to order it.
I found out that Bebe Winans is releasing a Christmas album on November 25.
I hope it's as good as they make it out to be. Emma was rather pleased, to put it mildly, to know that her favorite Mr.Thomas will be appearing on the cd. That will be interesting.
Michael English's holiday cd will be out on the 28 of this month, as will the Curb compilation album with Jonathan signing O Holy Night. *screams* That's going to be awesome.
Now I just have to decide on the inaugural song.....hhmm.....
Nice wolf. :)
I think I'm a combination of Earth and Air. Check out Emma's blog for Air.

Your element is Earth. I hate to say it but you are
down to earth. Stubborn and loyal. You tend to
want to nurture others and you are the one
person friends always come to for awnsers.
Without people like you others would be flying
over the edge because, whether you know it or
not you keep a steady beat to your life and
will end up where you want to in the end. There
is a sureness about you that is hard to match
that draws people to you. No matter what
happens the Earth keeps turning.
What's your element
brought to you by Quizilla
I think I'm a combination of Earth and Air. Check out Emma's blog for Air.
Your element is Earth. I hate to say it but you are
down to earth. Stubborn and loyal. You tend to
want to nurture others and you are the one
person friends always come to for awnsers.
Without people like you others would be flying
over the edge because, whether you know it or
not you keep a steady beat to your life and
will end up where you want to in the end. There
is a sureness about you that is hard to match
that draws people to you. No matter what
happens the Earth keeps turning.
What's your element
brought to you by Quizilla
Must be all that singing.
*strums harp*

You are Psalms.
Which book of the Bible are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
*strums harp*
You are Psalms.
Which book of the Bible are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Rebecca would be proud.
"If I loved yooouuuu!!!!!!!"

You're Rogers and Hammerstein, how about that?
You're were classic classic, the writers of a
million and one standards, the bane of our
existences and the light of our lives. Your
musicals may feel a little creaky (not to
mention un-PC) to a modern viewer, but damn if
"Bali H'ai" isn't one of the most
amazing earworms ever. (Some of) Your shows:
"Oklahoma!," "The King and
I," "South Pacific," "The
Sound of Music"...
What Broadway Composer (or Composer-Lyricist team) are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
"If I loved yooouuuu!!!!!!!"
You're Rogers and Hammerstein, how about that?
You're were classic classic, the writers of a
million and one standards, the bane of our
existences and the light of our lives. Your
musicals may feel a little creaky (not to
mention un-PC) to a modern viewer, but damn if
"Bali H'ai" isn't one of the most
amazing earworms ever. (Some of) Your shows:
"Oklahoma!," "The King and
I," "South Pacific," "The
Sound of Music"...
What Broadway Composer (or Composer-Lyricist team) are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
I like this one.

?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla
I like this one.
?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla
Thursday, October 23, 2003
I have a Tag Board! I'm so pleased with self! I'm not a total Template Dummy! There is hope!
Okay, time for Physics Lab. More liquid Nitrogen! Woohoo!!!!!!!!!
Okay, time for Physics Lab. More liquid Nitrogen! Woohoo!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, October 22, 2003
Okay, I'm supposed to be doing Physics, but Bethany posted a thingie on her blog to a site called Behind the Name. Look at mine. This is too funny...
Kathryn is the German form of Katherine.
Pronounced: KATH-u-rin, KATH-rin
From the Greek name Aikaterine. The etymology is debated: it could derive from the earlier Greek name Hekaterine, which came from hekateros "each of the two"; it could derive from the name of the goddess HECATE; it could be related to Greek aikia "torture"; or it could be from a Coptic name meaning "my consecration of your name". The Romans falsely derived it from Greek katharos "pure" and changed their spelling from Katerina to Katharina to reflect this. The name belonged to a 4th-century saint and martyr from Alexandria who was tortured on the famous Catherine wheel. This name was also borne by two empresses of Russia, including Catherine the Great, and by three of Henry VIII's wives.
So, now you know that the url of my blog came from Catherine the Great, but the thing that got me was the torture bit.
Can anyone say Tortured Soul White Poofy Shirt???
Puts a pretty different spin on The Syndrome, doesn't it!!!
(I'm assuming that those of you who are reading this will know about The Syndrome....if not email
Okay, back to work.
Kathryn is the German form of Katherine.
Pronounced: KATH-u-rin, KATH-rin
From the Greek name Aikaterine. The etymology is debated: it could derive from the earlier Greek name Hekaterine, which came from hekateros "each of the two"; it could derive from the name of the goddess HECATE; it could be related to Greek aikia "torture"; or it could be from a Coptic name meaning "my consecration of your name". The Romans falsely derived it from Greek katharos "pure" and changed their spelling from Katerina to Katharina to reflect this. The name belonged to a 4th-century saint and martyr from Alexandria who was tortured on the famous Catherine wheel. This name was also borne by two empresses of Russia, including Catherine the Great, and by three of Henry VIII's wives.
So, now you know that the url of my blog came from Catherine the Great, but the thing that got me was the torture bit.
Can anyone say Tortured Soul White Poofy Shirt???
Puts a pretty different spin on The Syndrome, doesn't it!!!
(I'm assuming that those of you who are reading this will know about The Syndrome....if not email
Okay, back to work.
Please pray for my mother. She's been sick and my father just had to take her back to the doctor because her breathing is so bad.
Pray that I don't get it! I'm already having enough trouble! I've got four or five puffers sitting around my room.
When I helped mother out to the car, Dad's big gob of keys fell on my right toes. Yesterday, a book fell on my left toes.
Someone is after my feet!!!
Today I need to finish reading all that stuff for critical thinking and work on the Physics exam questions. Yuck.
So, James has finished his run in Virginia. Wonder what he'll do next. His website is under construction. It's about time. That was kind of a lame site. A ton of stuff that he did wasn't posted in the news section. That is so annoying. ggrrrrrr.....
Last night I had dreams about people shooting other people. Must have come from watching Traffic in class. It's so interesting to figure out dreams. :)
I also had a dream that Reina came home!!!!!!
Pray that I don't get it! I'm already having enough trouble! I've got four or five puffers sitting around my room.
When I helped mother out to the car, Dad's big gob of keys fell on my right toes. Yesterday, a book fell on my left toes.
Someone is after my feet!!!
Today I need to finish reading all that stuff for critical thinking and work on the Physics exam questions. Yuck.
So, James has finished his run in Virginia. Wonder what he'll do next. His website is under construction. It's about time. That was kind of a lame site. A ton of stuff that he did wasn't posted in the news section. That is so annoying. ggrrrrrr.....
Last night I had dreams about people shooting other people. Must have come from watching Traffic in class. It's so interesting to figure out dreams. :)
I also had a dream that Reina came home!!!!!!
Tuesday, October 21, 2003
Here we have Salisbury Cathedral.
It's definitely on my list of things to see for my next trip across the pond.
It's definitely on my list of things to see for my next trip across the pond.
I got my Poli Sci exam back. He still hasn't given the extra credit, so I can't give you the final grade. *grins*
Bethany and I went to the library and I picked up some totally nifty books about medieval architecture and cathedrals.
Boy, that stuff just pushes my buttons and how!
Yeesh! I wonder if I will be able to have a ruined abbey on the grounds of my estate. Maybe I could import one or something. Hhmmm.....
Becca, where in the blazes have you been???? I've been trying to call you since last week!!
Lissa, I'm wearing my Chitty shirt. Hehe!! I'm not sure why they didn't make them white rather than black. It would have been much cooler. Hmph. They should have consulted me about this! ;)
Happy Tuesday to everyone!
Bethany and I went to the library and I picked up some totally nifty books about medieval architecture and cathedrals.
Boy, that stuff just pushes my buttons and how!
Yeesh! I wonder if I will be able to have a ruined abbey on the grounds of my estate. Maybe I could import one or something. Hhmmm.....
Becca, where in the blazes have you been???? I've been trying to call you since last week!!
Lissa, I'm wearing my Chitty shirt. Hehe!! I'm not sure why they didn't make them white rather than black. It would have been much cooler. Hmph. They should have consulted me about this! ;)
Happy Tuesday to everyone!
Monday, October 20, 2003
I do not like Physics.
Just thought I would share that with everyone.
I wish the college offered more art history courses. I find that to be much more interesting. That's a huge shock to you all, I'm sure.
Just thought I would share that with everyone.
I wish the college offered more art history courses. I find that to be much more interesting. That's a huge shock to you all, I'm sure.
This could have definitely been better. It could have used a larger image of Rochester. *grins*
And that idiot woman said that we don't care for the characters as much as we should.
As Lissa so wisely pointed out, she must have a rock for a heart.
He holds his inner child by the hand
Life will take them to the same places tonight
They will return again to the home of their memories
Through the empty seas, through the webs of fear
They will return again to the home of their memories
Through the empty seas, through the webs of fear
They'll stand together and they'll see passing by
The minutes flowing like rivers that never grow old
And the faces that transformed themselves into streets and centuries
And the dreams that dug hideouts through the years
When I was a child, I discovered a garden
And found refuge when I needed to be absent from life
When I was a child, I captured a sun
To light my path
To have a friend in my silence
He takes his inner child by the hand
Like glass, for one instant he'll crack, he'll break
They'll separate and each will go
In a world cut in half, where both do not fit
They'll separate and each will go
In a world cut in half, where both do not fit
When I was a child, I discovered a garden
And found refuge when I needed to be absent from life
When I was a child, I captured a sun
To light my path
To have a friend in my silence.
Music: Marios Frangoulis, Lyrics: Paraskevas Karasoulos
Life will take them to the same places tonight
They will return again to the home of their memories
Through the empty seas, through the webs of fear
They will return again to the home of their memories
Through the empty seas, through the webs of fear
They'll stand together and they'll see passing by
The minutes flowing like rivers that never grow old
And the faces that transformed themselves into streets and centuries
And the dreams that dug hideouts through the years
When I was a child, I discovered a garden
And found refuge when I needed to be absent from life
When I was a child, I captured a sun
To light my path
To have a friend in my silence
He takes his inner child by the hand
Like glass, for one instant he'll crack, he'll break
They'll separate and each will go
In a world cut in half, where both do not fit
They'll separate and each will go
In a world cut in half, where both do not fit
When I was a child, I discovered a garden
And found refuge when I needed to be absent from life
When I was a child, I captured a sun
To light my path
To have a friend in my silence.
Music: Marios Frangoulis, Lyrics: Paraskevas Karasoulos
Greetings, earthlings.
I am attempting to type out some kind of post without feeling like I have much to say. This could end up boring or very boring.
Or maybe scary.
Or it might not be so bad.
There are worse things in life than reading something that is boring.
Being cold and wet is worse. I was sitting at the kitchen table last night with my friend Andrea and her aunt. We discussed being cold and wet and its miseries.
There are some people who may get older and have their problems, but that doesn't change who they are. They may be acting like a complete jerk, but they're still them.
Can a person truly change who they are, or do they simply change their behavior? Are we who we are or are we how we act?
Studying people really is fascinating. I was thinking today about how I would want someone to describe me to another person who doesn't know me. One of the things that came to mind was that I want people to see that I accept them for who they are and that I don't try to change them. You're you because you are You. If you can't understand that, you'll never understand people in the most basic sense of the word. A monkey can take blocks and build something with them, but a human is the one who made the blocks. I can love other people, but God is the one who made them.
Humans tend either to fear what they do now know/undertsand or they are fascinated by it. I hope I'm in the fascinated category. The study of the human mind and emotions is the one thing that will never be completely understood, yet it is the study that continues to be explored. Why is that?
The 50ish crowd is the one that is saying how irresponsible my generation is and how we lack a sense of community, etc.
But is that entirely out of our own choice?
Abraham Lincoln said "The philosophy of the schoolroom in one generation is the philosophy of government in the next."
I say to the 50ish crowd, Perhaps if you had been the example and teacher, this generation wouldn't be so terrible.
You won't find great honey in a hive where the bees only gave half their energy.
I'm thinking about love.
There are so many ideas of what love is. I think it's easier to understand what love is by finding out what love isn't.
I Corinthians 13 is the best example of that.
Well, I'm sitting in front of the air conditioner and I'm rather cold.
Imagine that.
I am attempting to type out some kind of post without feeling like I have much to say. This could end up boring or very boring.
Or maybe scary.
Or it might not be so bad.
There are worse things in life than reading something that is boring.
Being cold and wet is worse. I was sitting at the kitchen table last night with my friend Andrea and her aunt. We discussed being cold and wet and its miseries.
There are some people who may get older and have their problems, but that doesn't change who they are. They may be acting like a complete jerk, but they're still them.
Can a person truly change who they are, or do they simply change their behavior? Are we who we are or are we how we act?
Studying people really is fascinating. I was thinking today about how I would want someone to describe me to another person who doesn't know me. One of the things that came to mind was that I want people to see that I accept them for who they are and that I don't try to change them. You're you because you are You. If you can't understand that, you'll never understand people in the most basic sense of the word. A monkey can take blocks and build something with them, but a human is the one who made the blocks. I can love other people, but God is the one who made them.
Humans tend either to fear what they do now know/undertsand or they are fascinated by it. I hope I'm in the fascinated category. The study of the human mind and emotions is the one thing that will never be completely understood, yet it is the study that continues to be explored. Why is that?
The 50ish crowd is the one that is saying how irresponsible my generation is and how we lack a sense of community, etc.
But is that entirely out of our own choice?
Abraham Lincoln said "The philosophy of the schoolroom in one generation is the philosophy of government in the next."
I say to the 50ish crowd, Perhaps if you had been the example and teacher, this generation wouldn't be so terrible.
You won't find great honey in a hive where the bees only gave half their energy.
I'm thinking about love.
There are so many ideas of what love is. I think it's easier to understand what love is by finding out what love isn't.
I Corinthians 13 is the best example of that.
Well, I'm sitting in front of the air conditioner and I'm rather cold.
Imagine that.
Saturday, October 18, 2003
My Uncle Steve and cousin Stephanie are here from Texas. They live in Texas, but they're still Sooner fans. *grins*
The youth choir concert is basically in the clear, we just have to go through the Facilities department.
I don't have anything interesting to say right now.
I should go before I lose my reputation.
"One of the most adventurous things left us is to go to bed. For no one can lay a hand on our dreams."
The youth choir concert is basically in the clear, we just have to go through the Facilities department.
I don't have anything interesting to say right now.
I should go before I lose my reputation.
"One of the most adventurous things left us is to go to bed. For no one can lay a hand on our dreams."
Friday, October 17, 2003
Fly, fly little wing
Fly beyond imagining
The softest cloud, the whitest dove
Upon the wind of heaven's love
Past the planets and the stars
Leave this lonely world of ours
Escape the sorrow and the pain
And fly again
Fly, fly precious one
Your endless journey has begun
Take your gentle happiness
Far too beautiful for this
Cross over to the other shore
There is peace forevermore
But hold this mem'ry bittersweet
Until we meet
Fly, fly do not fear
Don't waste a breath, don't shed a tear
Your heart is pure, your soul is free
Be on your way, don't wait for me
Above the universe you'll climb
On beyond the hands of time
The moon will rise, the sun will set
But I won't forget
Fly, fly little wing
Fly where only angels sing
Fly away, the time is right
Go now, find the light
Jean-Jacques Goldman and Phil Galdston
Fly, fly little wing
Fly beyond imagining
The softest cloud, the whitest dove
Upon the wind of heaven's love
Past the planets and the stars
Leave this lonely world of ours
Escape the sorrow and the pain
And fly again
Fly, fly precious one
Your endless journey has begun
Take your gentle happiness
Far too beautiful for this
Cross over to the other shore
There is peace forevermore
But hold this mem'ry bittersweet
Until we meet
Fly, fly do not fear
Don't waste a breath, don't shed a tear
Your heart is pure, your soul is free
Be on your way, don't wait for me
Above the universe you'll climb
On beyond the hands of time
The moon will rise, the sun will set
But I won't forget
Fly, fly little wing
Fly where only angels sing
Fly away, the time is right
Go now, find the light
Jean-Jacques Goldman and Phil Galdston
Today's service for Sis.Price was one of the most beautiful experiences that I have ever had and probably will ever have.
Unless you were there, you won't understand.
I won't even try to decribe it, but it was beautiful. The presence of God was so sweet and people said that they had never heard the choir sound like that. Someone said that we sounded like angels.
I know she would have loved it.
Unless you were there, you won't understand.
I won't even try to decribe it, but it was beautiful. The presence of God was so sweet and people said that they had never heard the choir sound like that. Someone said that we sounded like angels.
I know she would have loved it.
I just read Bethany's blog
and she was practically giddy over the Delirious concert. The lads were fabulous. I remember back when Deeper came out and I was practically the first person I knew who liked them. Now everyone likes them and I couldn't go to the concert. Boohoo. *cries*
I am sooooooooooo glad I went to the viewing. It was so incredible. That church was packed with people and with flowers. Good heavens. Apparently, the florist that the church secretary recommended to people ran out of flowers and had to call in extra staff. I have never in my life seen that many flowers. It was so beautiful. It looked like Sis.Price was in her garden.
I'm glad that went, because Andrea (formerly known as Sally Jo), needed me. So many people just knew her as Sis.Price, but this is Andrea's grandmother.
She got up up from her seat when she saw me and gave me a hug and held my hand and started crying and told me about some things that had happened. Then she took me up to the casket and we talked. She had told me that alll the wrinkles had left Sis.Price's face, but I wasn't expecting what I saw. She (well, at least her body...her soul is in heaven) looks perfectly peaceful. Her face is smooth and even though her eyes are closed, there is a look of rest on her face. It's amazing.
We sang a few songs and then Bro.Price got up and talked about her. We just laughed and laughed. It was so joyful.
Today is the service at First Christian. They say it seats about 600 and I think it will probably be full. I have to be there at 12 for a sound check with the choir. What an honor to get to sing and to know that she asked for us. It's going to be an awesome experience.
This whole situation has been so amazing. I've never felt this way about a death before. I only really cried once and that was because I was so awestruck. I was praying for her and the family the day before she died and I had a picture in my mind of her in heaven, dancing on the streets of gold and I just wanted to laugh. It's amazing how we can see sadness and joy at the same time.
God is good.
Bless the LORD, oh my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name!...And forget not all His benefits...who satisfies you with good as long as you live, so that your youth is renewed like the eagles.
Psalms 103:1,2,5
I just read Bethany's blog
and she was practically giddy over the Delirious concert. The lads were fabulous. I remember back when Deeper came out and I was practically the first person I knew who liked them. Now everyone likes them and I couldn't go to the concert. Boohoo. *cries*
I am sooooooooooo glad I went to the viewing. It was so incredible. That church was packed with people and with flowers. Good heavens. Apparently, the florist that the church secretary recommended to people ran out of flowers and had to call in extra staff. I have never in my life seen that many flowers. It was so beautiful. It looked like Sis.Price was in her garden.
I'm glad that went, because Andrea (formerly known as Sally Jo), needed me. So many people just knew her as Sis.Price, but this is Andrea's grandmother.
She got up up from her seat when she saw me and gave me a hug and held my hand and started crying and told me about some things that had happened. Then she took me up to the casket and we talked. She had told me that alll the wrinkles had left Sis.Price's face, but I wasn't expecting what I saw. She (well, at least her body...her soul is in heaven) looks perfectly peaceful. Her face is smooth and even though her eyes are closed, there is a look of rest on her face. It's amazing.
We sang a few songs and then Bro.Price got up and talked about her. We just laughed and laughed. It was so joyful.
Today is the service at First Christian. They say it seats about 600 and I think it will probably be full. I have to be there at 12 for a sound check with the choir. What an honor to get to sing and to know that she asked for us. It's going to be an awesome experience.
This whole situation has been so amazing. I've never felt this way about a death before. I only really cried once and that was because I was so awestruck. I was praying for her and the family the day before she died and I had a picture in my mind of her in heaven, dancing on the streets of gold and I just wanted to laugh. It's amazing how we can see sadness and joy at the same time.
God is good.
Bless the LORD, oh my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name!...And forget not all His benefits...who satisfies you with good as long as you live, so that your youth is renewed like the eagles.
Psalms 103:1,2,5
Thursday, October 16, 2003
What did I do that made you throw me away?
Was it me?
Or was it you?
The curtain falls on every stage,
But this performance had not run its course.
Will you always walk out before the show is over?
Buying a ticket from you will never be worth the price of admission.
I have decided not to hand you my heart again.
You walked out before and you will do it again.
I will be happy with my memories again.
And you are lonely.
What did I do that made you throw me away?
Was it me?
Or was it you?
The curtain falls on every stage,
But this performance had not run its course.
Will you always walk out before the show is over?
Buying a ticket from you will never be worth the price of admission.
I have decided not to hand you my heart again.
You walked out before and you will do it again.
I will be happy with my memories again.
And you are lonely.
Mark this day on your calendar....
I, Kathryn Gooch, was correct about a problem we had in our Physics lab and Bethany was wrong.
*stifles inner scream of joy*
That will probably never happen again, so I'm enjoying this flash in the pan. *grins*
FYI, the valve was fixed so the theatre is no longer leaking.
News flash courtesy of Emma.
Physics was enjoyable. Niles let us play with Clay while he droned on for an hour or so. I made the cutest little hammer. I was quite proud of it. Then I made handcuffs and Bethany made a length of chain with which to hook them together. It was immensely entertaining. We got to make little boats out of the clay and stick them in water and attempt to stick different amounts of aluminum, etc., in them. It was quite fun. Niles let us mix the colors of clay. Hehe!!
Mother is out in the backyard, weeding. She's wearing her pj's.
We now have a pink and blue house. The blue is pretty, sort of a robin's egg shade. It's very happy looking. The pink was nice, but the blue is nice as well. People are going to drive by and think we had twins!! Hah!
Uhm, it needs to be over *that* way more.
Me, instructing Bethany in Physics
I, Kathryn Gooch, was correct about a problem we had in our Physics lab and Bethany was wrong.
*stifles inner scream of joy*
That will probably never happen again, so I'm enjoying this flash in the pan. *grins*
FYI, the valve was fixed so the theatre is no longer leaking.
News flash courtesy of Emma.
Physics was enjoyable. Niles let us play with Clay while he droned on for an hour or so. I made the cutest little hammer. I was quite proud of it. Then I made handcuffs and Bethany made a length of chain with which to hook them together. It was immensely entertaining. We got to make little boats out of the clay and stick them in water and attempt to stick different amounts of aluminum, etc., in them. It was quite fun. Niles let us mix the colors of clay. Hehe!!
Mother is out in the backyard, weeding. She's wearing her pj's.
We now have a pink and blue house. The blue is pretty, sort of a robin's egg shade. It's very happy looking. The pink was nice, but the blue is nice as well. People are going to drive by and think we had twins!! Hah!
Uhm, it needs to be over *that* way more.
Me, instructing Bethany in Physics
If anyone has any questions about Enron, come to me! I know now what exactly happened, so I'm feeling rather smart. Political Science does have its uses. They just take some finding.
The MESA fair is this afternoon. Niles is supposed to be shooting liquid nitrogen out of a cannon that he whipped up yesterday. I wonder what his IQ is.
Some of the kids are going to a Delirious concert tonight. I'm going to the viewing. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know which one will be fun, but fun isn't always the most important thing.
Bethany and I went into the theatre to see Emma. They were having a little problem in there. Some kind of valve over the stage up in the ceiling was changed and there were leaks everywhere. That's not so great when you have a stage that has water-based paint all over it. *grins*
This morning, I was contemplating why I listen to music and sing. Oddly enough, a song came to mind. :) In Passion, Fosca explains to Georgio why she reads.
I do not read to think. I do not read to learn.
I do not read to search for truth
I know the truth, the truth is hardly what I need.
I read to dream. I read to live. In other people's lives.
I read about the joys, the world
Dispenses to the fortunate,
And listen for the echoes.
I read to live,
To get away from life!
No, captain, I have no illusions.
I recognize the limits of my dreams.
I know how painful dreams can be
Unless you know they're merely dreams.
There is a flower which offers nectar at the top,
Delicious nectar at the top and bitter poison underneath.
The butterfly that stays too long and drinks too deep
Is doomed to die. I read to fly, to skim -
I do not read to swim.
I do not dwell on dreams.
I know how soon a dream becomes an expectation
How can I have expectations?
Look at me.
No, captain, look at me -
Look at me!
I do not hope for what I cannot have!
I do not cling to things I cannot keep!
The more you cling to things, the more you love them,
The more the pain you suffer when they're taken from you ...
Ah, but if you have no expectations,
You can never have a disappointment.
Now, I don't think I'm as way down in the dumps as poor Fosca, but just take her point about reading not to think, but to feel and dream. That's why I listen to music and sing. Along the same thought, that's why I tend to prefer voices over lyrics. Bands tend to be more introspective. You know, the whole Why are we here? thing. Voices are what attracts me. When a voice tells a story, that's even better. Like Mario singing Ton Eafto Tou Paidi. *sigh*
Okay, that's enough for now. Time to powder my nose and get ready for another lovely Physics lab. Oh joy.
The MESA fair is this afternoon. Niles is supposed to be shooting liquid nitrogen out of a cannon that he whipped up yesterday. I wonder what his IQ is.
Some of the kids are going to a Delirious concert tonight. I'm going to the viewing. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know which one will be fun, but fun isn't always the most important thing.
Bethany and I went into the theatre to see Emma. They were having a little problem in there. Some kind of valve over the stage up in the ceiling was changed and there were leaks everywhere. That's not so great when you have a stage that has water-based paint all over it. *grins*
This morning, I was contemplating why I listen to music and sing. Oddly enough, a song came to mind. :) In Passion, Fosca explains to Georgio why she reads.
I do not read to think. I do not read to learn.
I do not read to search for truth
I know the truth, the truth is hardly what I need.
I read to dream. I read to live. In other people's lives.
I read about the joys, the world
Dispenses to the fortunate,
And listen for the echoes.
I read to live,
To get away from life!
No, captain, I have no illusions.
I recognize the limits of my dreams.
I know how painful dreams can be
Unless you know they're merely dreams.
There is a flower which offers nectar at the top,
Delicious nectar at the top and bitter poison underneath.
The butterfly that stays too long and drinks too deep
Is doomed to die. I read to fly, to skim -
I do not read to swim.
I do not dwell on dreams.
I know how soon a dream becomes an expectation
How can I have expectations?
Look at me.
No, captain, look at me -
Look at me!
I do not hope for what I cannot have!
I do not cling to things I cannot keep!
The more you cling to things, the more you love them,
The more the pain you suffer when they're taken from you ...
Ah, but if you have no expectations,
You can never have a disappointment.
Now, I don't think I'm as way down in the dumps as poor Fosca, but just take her point about reading not to think, but to feel and dream. That's why I listen to music and sing. Along the same thought, that's why I tend to prefer voices over lyrics. Bands tend to be more introspective. You know, the whole Why are we here? thing. Voices are what attracts me. When a voice tells a story, that's even better. Like Mario singing Ton Eafto Tou Paidi. *sigh*
Okay, that's enough for now. Time to powder my nose and get ready for another lovely Physics lab. Oh joy.
I feel yucky. I think I must have a sinus infection. Yippee.
Stupid me didn't write down the Physics chapter exercises for homework so I only have three of them. Can't member the other two. *sigh*
Today is lab day. Yippee.
I really did not want to get out of bed this morning.
We're starting Traffic today in Critical Thinking. Never seen it. Sure it will be absolutely fascinating. *cough*
It's cold. It's only 45 degrees. I'm wearing a sweater. I might die of heat later on in the day. Oh well.
Engineering, this is the Bridge. I need that warp speed, Mr.Laforge. I have to get through 4 1/2 hours of Physics today.
Stupid me didn't write down the Physics chapter exercises for homework so I only have three of them. Can't member the other two. *sigh*
Today is lab day. Yippee.
I really did not want to get out of bed this morning.
We're starting Traffic today in Critical Thinking. Never seen it. Sure it will be absolutely fascinating. *cough*
It's cold. It's only 45 degrees. I'm wearing a sweater. I might die of heat later on in the day. Oh well.
Engineering, this is the Bridge. I need that warp speed, Mr.Laforge. I have to get through 4 1/2 hours of Physics today.
Wednesday, October 15, 2003
Have I ever mentioned my list of Great Songwriters Who Should Let Other People Sing Their Songs?
Michael W. Smith
Rich Mullins (RIP)
Elton John
Billy Joel
Don McLean
There's more, I just can't remember them right now. Some are definitely more annoying than others, but the general idea is the same.
You have been gifted with a songwriting talent. That's fine. Share you gift. You (most of you) have not been gifted with a singing talent. Let other people sing your songs!!
Well, Rebecca has said that my blog is "smashingly entertaining."
Hah! *beaming proudly*
How about that!!
A knight without a lady is like a body without a soul.
Man of La Mancha
Michael W. Smith
Rich Mullins (RIP)
Elton John
Billy Joel
Don McLean
There's more, I just can't remember them right now. Some are definitely more annoying than others, but the general idea is the same.
You have been gifted with a songwriting talent. That's fine. Share you gift. You (most of you) have not been gifted with a singing talent. Let other people sing your songs!!
Well, Rebecca has said that my blog is "smashingly entertaining."
Hah! *beaming proudly*
How about that!!
A knight without a lady is like a body without a soul.
Man of La Mancha
If you had to choose between Star Wars or Star Trek, which one would you pick?
I know Bethany and Emma are probably astounded that I would ask that question in the first place, but hear me out before you start hurling tomatoes at me. :)
We all know that Star Wars is cool. Lots of nifty aliens, lots of action, great characters (Han....*sigh*). It has everything a good story needs.
It seems to me that the Star Wars seems to be missing any sort of moral question. Of course there is the good vs. evil thing going on, but it doesn't seem to be much deeper than that.
Star Trek has a different type of purpose. The whole seeking out new life and new civilizations. Most of us would agree that life outside of Earth does not exist, but that's not an issue in this argument. This is another kind of logic. *grins*
Star Trek respects life, whether it is viewed as good or bad. Taking a next step in the direction, even the life that is seen as bad has a twist. Like Q. Is he really bad? Sure he can be a big pain in the rear, but he's almost a moral mirror for the crew.
And what about The Borg? They may cause destruction, but their purpose is to gather information and to continue to expand their knowledge. Is that wrong?
I suppose I'm thinking about these types of things because we're gearing up to discuss drug control in my critical thinking class. This is an interesting topic. There's a moral standpoint and a non-moral standpoint. The more I see of the world, the more evident it becomes to me that when you eliminate the Bible as the standard for right and wrong, there is no other standard. Everything is gray. What a confusing way to live.
Well, I've mandated to peel potatoes. This calls for my Discman. :)
Ciao cookies!
I know Bethany and Emma are probably astounded that I would ask that question in the first place, but hear me out before you start hurling tomatoes at me. :)
We all know that Star Wars is cool. Lots of nifty aliens, lots of action, great characters (Han....*sigh*). It has everything a good story needs.
It seems to me that the Star Wars seems to be missing any sort of moral question. Of course there is the good vs. evil thing going on, but it doesn't seem to be much deeper than that.
Star Trek has a different type of purpose. The whole seeking out new life and new civilizations. Most of us would agree that life outside of Earth does not exist, but that's not an issue in this argument. This is another kind of logic. *grins*
Star Trek respects life, whether it is viewed as good or bad. Taking a next step in the direction, even the life that is seen as bad has a twist. Like Q. Is he really bad? Sure he can be a big pain in the rear, but he's almost a moral mirror for the crew.
And what about The Borg? They may cause destruction, but their purpose is to gather information and to continue to expand their knowledge. Is that wrong?
I suppose I'm thinking about these types of things because we're gearing up to discuss drug control in my critical thinking class. This is an interesting topic. There's a moral standpoint and a non-moral standpoint. The more I see of the world, the more evident it becomes to me that when you eliminate the Bible as the standard for right and wrong, there is no other standard. Everything is gray. What a confusing way to live.
Well, I've mandated to peel potatoes. This calls for my Discman. :)
Ciao cookies!
Okay, I don't know whether to laugh or cry over this.....
I swiped it from Bethany's blog. I got her hooked onto the musical. *grins*
This is from a conversation she had with a friend at school.
Me: Here. Listen to this. It's Jane Eyre.
Friend: Jane Eyre? What kind of music do they play?
Me: It's not a band. It's a book made into a musical.
Friend (after listening to .3 seconds worth): Ah. It's opera.
Me: *groan*
We're surrounded by heathens!
What's to become of us??
We're dooooooooomed!!!!!
I had to go out to the district offices to drop off my time sheet and I ran into Priscilla, a lady I used to work with in the SELPA office. I introduced her to Michael Ball and she's a music fan in general. She used to sing in choirs when she was younger. She said there isn't a time she doesn't think of me when she plays music.
That's one of the sweetest things anyone has ever told me.
~Music is love in search of a word~
Sidney Lanier
I swiped it from Bethany's blog. I got her hooked onto the musical. *grins*
This is from a conversation she had with a friend at school.
Me: Here. Listen to this. It's Jane Eyre.
Friend: Jane Eyre? What kind of music do they play?
Me: It's not a band. It's a book made into a musical.
Friend (after listening to .3 seconds worth): Ah. It's opera.
Me: *groan*
We're surrounded by heathens!
What's to become of us??
We're dooooooooomed!!!!!
I had to go out to the district offices to drop off my time sheet and I ran into Priscilla, a lady I used to work with in the SELPA office. I introduced her to Michael Ball and she's a music fan in general. She used to sing in choirs when she was younger. She said there isn't a time she doesn't think of me when she plays music.
That's one of the sweetest things anyone has ever told me.
~Music is love in search of a word~
Sidney Lanier
To my surprise
And my delight
I saw a sunrise
I saw a sunlight.
I am nothing
In the dark
And the clouds burst
To show the daylight
Oooh and the sun will shine
Yeah on this heart of mine
Ooooh and I realise
Who cannot live without
Ooooh come apart without
On a hilltop
On a sky-rise
Like a firstborn
And at full tilt
And in full flight
Defeat darkness
Breaking daylight
Oooh and the sun will shine
Yeah on this heart of mine
Ooooh and I realise
Who cannot live without
Ooooh and come apart without
Slowly breaking through the daylight
Daylight, Coldplay
And my delight
I saw a sunrise
I saw a sunlight.
I am nothing
In the dark
And the clouds burst
To show the daylight
Oooh and the sun will shine
Yeah on this heart of mine
Ooooh and I realise
Who cannot live without
Ooooh come apart without
On a hilltop
On a sky-rise
Like a firstborn
And at full tilt
And in full flight
Defeat darkness
Breaking daylight
Oooh and the sun will shine
Yeah on this heart of mine
Ooooh and I realise
Who cannot live without
Ooooh and come apart without
Slowly breaking through the daylight
Daylight, Coldplay
The trim on our house is now looking extremely white and bright. It's amazing to see the difference between white and white. *grins* It's like black. Black is never really black. There are a million different shades. I'm sure this discussion could go on forever, but I'll leave it where it is. :)
I didn't realize this, but Clay Aiken is wearing a WWJD bracelet on the Rolling Stone cover picture from a couple of months ago. That was a first and will probably never be repeated. He seems like a genuinely nice guy. Too bad he's stuck with those cheesy songs. Alas, that is the price one pays when one signs over one's life to a record label. He's been very adamant about not singing songs with questionable material. He said something one time about not recording anything that he wouldn't want his own children to hear.
You go, Clay!!
Apparently, a lot of stores are already out of stock of his cd and the thing just came out yesterday. Barnes and Noble is out and I think it's on back order at Amazon. My advice? WALMART!!! *grins*
It's almost 10:30 and it's only 50 degrees! This is supposed to be California!
I remember a couple of years ago when we had a bbq for Christmas dinner.
Becca was quite shocked at that. They don't seem to do that in Connecticut. Hehe!! But she got me back when I was squealing over the snow when I was there in January, so we're even.
Today is my sister's 25th birthday. I suppose I should get her a gift. I hear that's the usual practice on these types of occassions. Please don't tell anyone, but I'm thinking about buying her the new Michael W. Smith cd. (aka, He Who Does Not Sing, But Simply Talks Or Whines On Pitch)
It is the most aggrevating thing when one can't remember song lyrics.
Sooooo frustrating.
Can't they make some kind of chip for that?
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in posession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.
Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen
I didn't realize this, but Clay Aiken is wearing a WWJD bracelet on the Rolling Stone cover picture from a couple of months ago. That was a first and will probably never be repeated. He seems like a genuinely nice guy. Too bad he's stuck with those cheesy songs. Alas, that is the price one pays when one signs over one's life to a record label. He's been very adamant about not singing songs with questionable material. He said something one time about not recording anything that he wouldn't want his own children to hear.
You go, Clay!!
Apparently, a lot of stores are already out of stock of his cd and the thing just came out yesterday. Barnes and Noble is out and I think it's on back order at Amazon. My advice? WALMART!!! *grins*
It's almost 10:30 and it's only 50 degrees! This is supposed to be California!
I remember a couple of years ago when we had a bbq for Christmas dinner.
Becca was quite shocked at that. They don't seem to do that in Connecticut. Hehe!! But she got me back when I was squealing over the snow when I was there in January, so we're even.
Today is my sister's 25th birthday. I suppose I should get her a gift. I hear that's the usual practice on these types of occassions. Please don't tell anyone, but I'm thinking about buying her the new Michael W. Smith cd. (aka, He Who Does Not Sing, But Simply Talks Or Whines On Pitch)
It is the most aggrevating thing when one can't remember song lyrics.
Sooooo frustrating.
Can't they make some kind of chip for that?
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in posession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.
Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen
Tuesday, October 14, 2003
Sooooo, here we are on another Tuesday evening.
I survived the Poli Sci exam. Don't think I'll be repeating my previous exam grade of A on this one. *sigh* Which is okay, I'm okay with it.
Turned in my English paper. I'm rather proud of it. *beaming*
Physics was actually almost enjoyable today. I know, I know, you're probably about to faint from shock that those came from me, but it's true! Go ask Niles to tell you about his idea of Greenhouse fashion and see if you don't start laughing hysterically!
Went to choir practice. This is the first time I'm singing at a funeral since Willy's in 1989 when I was 7 years old. I remember we went up there to sing Let The Sun Shine Inand I just started crying and put my hands over my face. I'm glad to say that dealing with death does get a little easier as one gets older. It's easier to deal with the death of a woman who lived a long and happy life than with the death of a 7 year old boy who didn't even get to make it through first grade. But I guess he got a better promotion than we did. *smiles*
Bethany caugher Bloggeritis. Hehe! Check her out at
She's a real card, that one.
Today I filled out a ton of labels for a friend and I watched the old BBC Sense & Sensibility. Goodness, that brings back memories. I used to play that when I played dress up. Marianne is just so pathetic. I like to think of myself as a nice balance of Elinor and Marianne. I definitely prefer that Willoughby over Greg Wise. Bleeeech. And actually, that 95 version is rather a travesty. Not sure that Jane Austen would have approved. It's soooooooo Hollywoodized. *sigh* What can ya do.
Now that all that work is completed for school, I dig back into The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. Woohoo!!! Gotta love those Brontes. Passion, betrayal, more passion, questionable deaths, more passion, crazy women in the attic, even more passion, dark and mysteries heroes, more passion, heroines that actually have a brain, romantic moors, more passion, large gothic mansions, more passion and The Syndrome..... TORTURED SOULS IN WHITE POOFY SHIRTS!!!! Yeeeeeeehaw!!! What more could a girl ask? Those Brontes. Quite an interesting family. I still think there was something not quite on the up and up *ahem* about Emily and Branwell. *cough* I wouldn't go as far as those pervs in Becca's class, but there was definitely something more than sisterly and brotherly affection.
Jane is just one of the best novels ever. Rochester is the ultimate example of The Syndrome. And you know what's coming next!!!!!
Does my forehead not please you; I am a fool?
Boy was he good.
Talk about a master of the subtle gesture. Goodness.
HE'S SO TORTURED!! (that was for Bec :))
Okay, I should go before I embarrass myself.
Good night to you all.
Parting is sweet sorrow!
I survived the Poli Sci exam. Don't think I'll be repeating my previous exam grade of A on this one. *sigh* Which is okay, I'm okay with it.
Turned in my English paper. I'm rather proud of it. *beaming*
Physics was actually almost enjoyable today. I know, I know, you're probably about to faint from shock that those came from me, but it's true! Go ask Niles to tell you about his idea of Greenhouse fashion and see if you don't start laughing hysterically!
Went to choir practice. This is the first time I'm singing at a funeral since Willy's in 1989 when I was 7 years old. I remember we went up there to sing Let The Sun Shine Inand I just started crying and put my hands over my face. I'm glad to say that dealing with death does get a little easier as one gets older. It's easier to deal with the death of a woman who lived a long and happy life than with the death of a 7 year old boy who didn't even get to make it through first grade. But I guess he got a better promotion than we did. *smiles*
Bethany caugher Bloggeritis. Hehe! Check her out at
She's a real card, that one.
Today I filled out a ton of labels for a friend and I watched the old BBC Sense & Sensibility. Goodness, that brings back memories. I used to play that when I played dress up. Marianne is just so pathetic. I like to think of myself as a nice balance of Elinor and Marianne. I definitely prefer that Willoughby over Greg Wise. Bleeeech. And actually, that 95 version is rather a travesty. Not sure that Jane Austen would have approved. It's soooooooo Hollywoodized. *sigh* What can ya do.
Now that all that work is completed for school, I dig back into The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. Woohoo!!! Gotta love those Brontes. Passion, betrayal, more passion, questionable deaths, more passion, crazy women in the attic, even more passion, dark and mysteries heroes, more passion, heroines that actually have a brain, romantic moors, more passion, large gothic mansions, more passion and The Syndrome..... TORTURED SOULS IN WHITE POOFY SHIRTS!!!! Yeeeeeeehaw!!! What more could a girl ask? Those Brontes. Quite an interesting family. I still think there was something not quite on the up and up *ahem* about Emily and Branwell. *cough* I wouldn't go as far as those pervs in Becca's class, but there was definitely something more than sisterly and brotherly affection.
Jane is just one of the best novels ever. Rochester is the ultimate example of The Syndrome. And you know what's coming next!!!!!
Does my forehead not please you; I am a fool?
Boy was he good.
Talk about a master of the subtle gesture. Goodness.
HE'S SO TORTURED!! (that was for Bec :))
Okay, I should go before I embarrass myself.
Good night to you all.
Parting is sweet sorrow!
Monday, October 13, 2003
By my grandmother's bed
My mother is reading
Psalm 62 - God is our refuge
My grandmother stirs
Could it be she is awaking
One final time - she has something to say
Oh, if you only knew what lies awaiting
If you could only see what I can see
If you could only hear the music playing
The angels singing, sweet victory
Oh, if you only knew
If you only knew
How much He loves you
By my grandmother's bed
My momma is broken
Psalm 17 - O God I call on You
She does not want to hear
Any words about leaving
My grandmother says "Fear not"
This is my time and into His presence I'll fly
Oh, if you only knew what lies awaiting
If you could only see what I can see
If you could only hear the music playing
The angels singing, sweet victory
Oh, if you only knew
If you only knew
How much He loves you
Phil Naish, Rob Mathes
~For a Great Lady~~She sees Him~
My mother is reading
Psalm 62 - God is our refuge
My grandmother stirs
Could it be she is awaking
One final time - she has something to say
Oh, if you only knew what lies awaiting
If you could only see what I can see
If you could only hear the music playing
The angels singing, sweet victory
Oh, if you only knew
If you only knew
How much He loves you
By my grandmother's bed
My momma is broken
Psalm 17 - O God I call on You
She does not want to hear
Any words about leaving
My grandmother says "Fear not"
This is my time and into His presence I'll fly
Oh, if you only knew what lies awaiting
If you could only see what I can see
If you could only hear the music playing
The angels singing, sweet victory
Oh, if you only knew
If you only knew
How much He loves you
Phil Naish, Rob Mathes
~For a Great Lady~~She sees Him~
I've decided that I like the background with Tintern. Makes my blog feel special. *beams* And who doesn't want to feel special?
I think David is doing an excellent job. *applauds loudly*
He's going to get me a tag board, too! Woohoo!! Comment time!
Yesterday I got to spend the afternoon with my best friend. Her alias on the blog is Sally Jo. *winks*
We watched the video of her wedding and that was so weird! It was a beautiful wedding and so much like her. *sigh*
This was taken at the rehearsal dinner...
Unfortunatey, the only reason she was in town is because her grandmother isn't expected to live for more than a few days.
I'll probably spend some time with her today again.
True friends are priceless. :)
Vicki decided to get the house repainted. The white parts will stay white but the rose colored parts will soon be blue. Mother is quite happy about that. She has this thing for blue. Just walk into the house and you'll pick up on that. *laughs*
I have a Poli Sci test tomorrow and I have to finish my paper. Somehow, I'm not really worried about this test. The paper will take a little more doing, but that's okay. There's nothing like imminent death to make you disinterested in a poli sci grade.
I'm all out of sausage. *frowns* Now I don't have anything to eat with my eggs. I might have to make chocolate chip pancakes. Isn't that terrible. *snickers*
I had a dream last night that I was in a little shop in England, looking at the tea and complaining to the girl behind the counter that Fortnum and Mason's had stopped exporting their tea to the US.
I woke up a couple of times last night because Baby was making noise and everytime, I was laying there, flat on my back, with my hands together on my chest, just like Sleeping Beauty. It was odd. I wonder what that means? I should ask a psychologist. Maybe I have a cursed Princess complex. *grins*
Joys are flowing like a river since the Comforter has come
He abides with us forever, makes the loving heart His home
Blessed quietness, holy quietness, what assurance in my soul
On the stormy sea, He speaks peace to me
How the billows cease to roll
I think David is doing an excellent job. *applauds loudly*
He's going to get me a tag board, too! Woohoo!! Comment time!
Yesterday I got to spend the afternoon with my best friend. Her alias on the blog is Sally Jo. *winks*
We watched the video of her wedding and that was so weird! It was a beautiful wedding and so much like her. *sigh*
This was taken at the rehearsal dinner...
Unfortunatey, the only reason she was in town is because her grandmother isn't expected to live for more than a few days.
I'll probably spend some time with her today again.
True friends are priceless. :)
Vicki decided to get the house repainted. The white parts will stay white but the rose colored parts will soon be blue. Mother is quite happy about that. She has this thing for blue. Just walk into the house and you'll pick up on that. *laughs*
I have a Poli Sci test tomorrow and I have to finish my paper. Somehow, I'm not really worried about this test. The paper will take a little more doing, but that's okay. There's nothing like imminent death to make you disinterested in a poli sci grade.
I'm all out of sausage. *frowns* Now I don't have anything to eat with my eggs. I might have to make chocolate chip pancakes. Isn't that terrible. *snickers*
I had a dream last night that I was in a little shop in England, looking at the tea and complaining to the girl behind the counter that Fortnum and Mason's had stopped exporting their tea to the US.
I woke up a couple of times last night because Baby was making noise and everytime, I was laying there, flat on my back, with my hands together on my chest, just like Sleeping Beauty. It was odd. I wonder what that means? I should ask a psychologist. Maybe I have a cursed Princess complex. *grins*
Joys are flowing like a river since the Comforter has come
He abides with us forever, makes the loving heart His home
Blessed quietness, holy quietness, what assurance in my soul
On the stormy sea, He speaks peace to me
How the billows cease to roll
Saturday, October 11, 2003
Wales is one of my favorite places we visited on our trip. We were only there for one day, but we managed to get to Chepstow Castle, Raglan Castle, and Tintern Abbey.
Tintern is a Cistercian abbey that was founded on May 11, 1131 by Walter de Clare, lord of Chepstow. The remains left standing today are believed to be an amalgam of several phases of building over a span of 400 years.
It's so peaceful and serene. You feel like you should whisper, that too loud a noise might cause the walls to crumble. Thanks to Henry VIII and his Dissolution of the Monasteries between 1536 and 1540, the grounds today are basically in ruins. The odd thing is that when you're standing inside on the grass, it seems like it's in its natural state, that it should be exactly the way it is today, even without a roof or stained glass in the windows
I found out that the Church of England won't allow you to be married in it because there is no roof. You can take a minister and the wedding party and have a blessing of the marriage, but not the ceremony and vows.
It's so incredibly beautiful, I cried. It's the kind place that you should be floating up on a cloud somewhere.
How man could build something of this magnitude over 1,000 years ago is amazing to me.
Of course, the company made it that much better. :)
Tintern is a Cistercian abbey that was founded on May 11, 1131 by Walter de Clare, lord of Chepstow. The remains left standing today are believed to be an amalgam of several phases of building over a span of 400 years.
It's so peaceful and serene. You feel like you should whisper, that too loud a noise might cause the walls to crumble. Thanks to Henry VIII and his Dissolution of the Monasteries between 1536 and 1540, the grounds today are basically in ruins. The odd thing is that when you're standing inside on the grass, it seems like it's in its natural state, that it should be exactly the way it is today, even without a roof or stained glass in the windows
I found out that the Church of England won't allow you to be married in it because there is no roof. You can take a minister and the wedding party and have a blessing of the marriage, but not the ceremony and vows.
It's so incredibly beautiful, I cried. It's the kind place that you should be floating up on a cloud somewhere.
How man could build something of this magnitude over 1,000 years ago is amazing to me.
Of course, the company made it that much better. :)
Waaaahhhhh!!! My head hurts!! I need some chocolate!!!
Oh, speaking of which, my fairy godmother is making another trip to England and she's offered to secure certain goods on my behalf. *grins* I've already asked for some tea. Stupid Fortnum and Mason's aren't exported their tea anymore, so I'm very deprived. *makes pitiful face* I need to remember to ask her for some Cadbury bars. Boy those things are lovely. I'm telling you, those ones they make in the states over at the Hershey plant *glaring in that general direction* DO NOT taste the same as the ones made in the UK. There's no way it's the same recipe. Hmph!!! If only we had one of those little Cadbury shops like the one in Bath. Good heavens, the iced drink I had from there was so wonderful, I can't imagine how anything in life could ever be better. *sigh*
So, Aaron Benward went country. And not just country, but cheesy country. What kind of name is Blue County???
To quote Garrison, "My, how you have fallen!"
I mean, come on, people.....their debut single is "Good Little Girls," with the theme being good little girls make some wild, wild women.
I am embarrassed for the guy. He starts out singing "I Go To The Rock" and ends up with "Good Little Girls."
It's very depressing.
At some point, I need to go out in the garage and brave the mountains of boxes to find my old Spanish PACE's and vocab cards. I have to take it next semester, so I might as well get a head start. If you hear a loud crash and a scream, that would be me. Just call for help and they can come unearth me.
I wish my stereo would play dvd's. Maybe I need to upgrade. The problem is that I still use and record cassettes, so I need a double and those are getting harder to find. One time I saw the fancier version of my stereo and I'm almost positive that it played dvd's. Hhhmmm.
I also need to do some homework on mini-dics recorders. I want one.
I think the travel bug is trying to bite me.
The problem with Becca coming here is that I'm not going there.
I need my East Coast fix.
If she gets that scholarship, she'll be in England!! That's a great excuse to go visit her. I really need to start using the piggy bank that Leon made me!! lol
And was Mr. Rochester now ugly in my eyes? No, reader. Gratitude, and many associations, all pleasurable and genial, made his face the object I best liked to see; his presence in a room was more cheering than the brightest fire.
Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte
The Moors behind the Bronte Parsonage
Oh, speaking of which, my fairy godmother is making another trip to England and she's offered to secure certain goods on my behalf. *grins* I've already asked for some tea. Stupid Fortnum and Mason's aren't exported their tea anymore, so I'm very deprived. *makes pitiful face* I need to remember to ask her for some Cadbury bars. Boy those things are lovely. I'm telling you, those ones they make in the states over at the Hershey plant *glaring in that general direction* DO NOT taste the same as the ones made in the UK. There's no way it's the same recipe. Hmph!!! If only we had one of those little Cadbury shops like the one in Bath. Good heavens, the iced drink I had from there was so wonderful, I can't imagine how anything in life could ever be better. *sigh*
So, Aaron Benward went country. And not just country, but cheesy country. What kind of name is Blue County???
To quote Garrison, "My, how you have fallen!"
I mean, come on, people.....their debut single is "Good Little Girls," with the theme being good little girls make some wild, wild women.
I am embarrassed for the guy. He starts out singing "I Go To The Rock" and ends up with "Good Little Girls."
It's very depressing.
At some point, I need to go out in the garage and brave the mountains of boxes to find my old Spanish PACE's and vocab cards. I have to take it next semester, so I might as well get a head start. If you hear a loud crash and a scream, that would be me. Just call for help and they can come unearth me.
I wish my stereo would play dvd's. Maybe I need to upgrade. The problem is that I still use and record cassettes, so I need a double and those are getting harder to find. One time I saw the fancier version of my stereo and I'm almost positive that it played dvd's. Hhhmmm.
I also need to do some homework on mini-dics recorders. I want one.
I think the travel bug is trying to bite me.
The problem with Becca coming here is that I'm not going there.
I need my East Coast fix.
If she gets that scholarship, she'll be in England!! That's a great excuse to go visit her. I really need to start using the piggy bank that Leon made me!! lol
And was Mr. Rochester now ugly in my eyes? No, reader. Gratitude, and many associations, all pleasurable and genial, made his face the object I best liked to see; his presence in a room was more cheering than the brightest fire.
Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte
The Moors behind the Bronte Parsonage
My grandparents are coming this afternoon to spend the night and go to church with us tomorrow morning.
Their visits are always interesting. :)
My loaf of Wonderbread is still sitting on the table in the kitchen. I need to make a date with Bethany so we can play the bread. Maybe we can convince Niles that it's an extra credit project! Hah!
I need to go prepare myself to be seen in public. The parents and I are going to go eat and then head over to the church to do the rest of the clean-up from last night. Sometimes I wish those little faeries from Sleeping Beauty were real. *sigh*
Vincero, Perdero
la mia vita vivro,
io da solo dovro camminare.
Vincero, Perdero
la mia strada faro,
giochero la partita della vita.
Branduardi, Mario Frangoulis
Their visits are always interesting. :)
My loaf of Wonderbread is still sitting on the table in the kitchen. I need to make a date with Bethany so we can play the bread. Maybe we can convince Niles that it's an extra credit project! Hah!
I need to go prepare myself to be seen in public. The parents and I are going to go eat and then head over to the church to do the rest of the clean-up from last night. Sometimes I wish those little faeries from Sleeping Beauty were real. *sigh*
Vincero, Perdero
la mia vita vivro,
io da solo dovro camminare.
Vincero, Perdero
la mia strada faro,
giochero la partita della vita.
Branduardi, Mario Frangoulis
Good morning, chickies!!!!
For some reason, I woke up before 9 o'clock this morning and couldn't go back to sleep. Hmph. And on Saturday, no less. Murphy's law again!
Okay, this duet with Michael and Antonio Banderas is just too cheesy. It's cute, but cheesy. No wonder Michael was a giggling mess over it.
I'm listening to the interview on Jonathan Ross' show from this morning. Michael is talking about how he was in Times Square when the blackout happened. They recorded the song the day after. Maybe that's what happened. They were still running on adrenaline.
I must admit that Antonio has improved his singing abilities. I certainly wouldn't run out and buy a cd of his, but he isn't as bad as he was on the ALW thingie.
"The PhaaaaaaaMtoN of the Opera is there.....!!!!"
Hehe!! *evil laughter*
I was thinking last night...
If Jesus was on earth today, what cd's would you find his stereo? Let's say he has a 5 disc changer and it's full of classical music.
1. Vivaldi - The Four Seasons
2. Handel - The Messiah *winks*
3. Chopin - probably nocturnes
4. Mozart - The Marriage of Figaro
5. Prokofiev - Romeo&Juliet, the ballet
Feel free to email me if you want to discuss the list.
This picture is for Bethany, as she was singing The Pledge last night. *sigh*
For some reason, I woke up before 9 o'clock this morning and couldn't go back to sleep. Hmph. And on Saturday, no less. Murphy's law again!
Okay, this duet with Michael and Antonio Banderas is just too cheesy. It's cute, but cheesy. No wonder Michael was a giggling mess over it.
I'm listening to the interview on Jonathan Ross' show from this morning. Michael is talking about how he was in Times Square when the blackout happened. They recorded the song the day after. Maybe that's what happened. They were still running on adrenaline.
I must admit that Antonio has improved his singing abilities. I certainly wouldn't run out and buy a cd of his, but he isn't as bad as he was on the ALW thingie.
"The PhaaaaaaaMtoN of the Opera is there.....!!!!"
Hehe!! *evil laughter*
I was thinking last night...
If Jesus was on earth today, what cd's would you find his stereo? Let's say he has a 5 disc changer and it's full of classical music.
1. Vivaldi - The Four Seasons
2. Handel - The Messiah *winks*
3. Chopin - probably nocturnes
4. Mozart - The Marriage of Figaro
5. Prokofiev - Romeo&Juliet, the ballet
Feel free to email me if you want to discuss the list.
This picture is for Bethany, as she was singing The Pledge last night. *sigh*
Friday, October 10, 2003
I am pooped. My feet hurt.
The Festival was a great success. The kids had a wonderful time. I have discovered that having a Jump House is basically the key to keeping kids entertained for any period of time. :)
Bethany and I, along with Jason, were chosen to be the judges for the chocolate chip cookie contest. *grins*
The winning cookie was wonderful. I found out that the dough is half flour, half oates, so it had a really cool texture. Yummy. The lovely lady who made them also makes these lemon cookies that are just heavenly.
Some of the rejects were nasty. *gags* According to me, cookies should not be crunchy. As Mark Lowry says it, Doritos are supposed to crunch!
And excuse me, but raisins do not belong in cookies. That should be against the law. Geez.
I've probably said this before, but Jeremy Brett as Sherlock Holmes is probably one of the most brilliant literary characterizations that has ever graced the screen.
The man is incredible. I think the greatest actors aren't acting at all. And sometime when I'm not so braindead, I'll elaborate on that statement. :)
I am pooped. My feet hurt.
The Festival was a great success. The kids had a wonderful time. I have discovered that having a Jump House is basically the key to keeping kids entertained for any period of time. :)
Bethany and I, along with Jason, were chosen to be the judges for the chocolate chip cookie contest. *grins*
The winning cookie was wonderful. I found out that the dough is half flour, half oates, so it had a really cool texture. Yummy. The lovely lady who made them also makes these lemon cookies that are just heavenly.
Some of the rejects were nasty. *gags* According to me, cookies should not be crunchy. As Mark Lowry says it, Doritos are supposed to crunch!
And excuse me, but raisins do not belong in cookies. That should be against the law. Geez.
I've probably said this before, but Jeremy Brett as Sherlock Holmes is probably one of the most brilliant literary characterizations that has ever graced the screen.
The man is incredible. I think the greatest actors aren't acting at all. And sometime when I'm not so braindead, I'll elaborate on that statement. :)
I'm after Sal to be my Picture Shrinker in Residence.
I think this blog needs an aide, don't you?
I think this blog needs an aide, don't you?
Me and The Bride.
Isn't she beautiful? He doesn't deserve her and he knows it. Hehe!!!!
Isn't she beautiful? He doesn't deserve her and he knows it. Hehe!!!!
Courtesy of the Good Lady Sal...
Me (in my zombie-like state), Michael and Becca.
Isn't he too cute?
Me (in my zombie-like state), Michael and Becca.
Isn't he too cute?
Me and Auntie Lissa. I feel sorry for everyone who doesn't have an Auntie Lissa or the equivalent.
We get along just smashingly. I supply her with hot guys who can sing and then she takes me to see them. We have it all worked out. *winks*
We get along just smashingly. I supply her with hot guys who can sing and then she takes me to see them. We have it all worked out. *winks*
Me and Becca, the first time we saw Jane.
I remember showing the pictures to Andrea and she said "You're glowing!"
I remember showing the pictures to Andrea and she said "You're glowing!"
Ladies and you other people, prepare to be image overloaded!!!!
:) I do love pictures. Just come look at my room. :)
This is me and Bec at the Palladium.
Yes, I know I look like a zombie. Of course, I had the worst cold of my life while we were in the UK. Murphy's Law again. *sigh*
:) I do love pictures. Just come look at my room. :)
This is me and Bec at the Palladium.
Yes, I know I look like a zombie. Of course, I had the worst cold of my life while we were in the UK. Murphy's Law again. *sigh*
It worked!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's my baby, Sir Percival Cesario Gooch.
Now, you may ask, "Why didn't you name him Rochester?"
Well, there is a simple answer. One cannot name an orange tabby Rochester. Only a black cat, or at least a very dark brown cat should be named Rochester. That would be like naming a black cat Percy. *grins*
Quote of the moment...
It is ridiculous that we have to break ourselves of the habit of doing something we can't do!
Lucia, on her dilemma concering the arrival of the Italian Contessa
It is ridiculous that we have to break ourselves of the habit of doing something we can't do!
Lucia, on her dilemma concering the arrival of the Italian Contessa
This is such a wacky country. The President of the United States can commit adultery in the Oval Office and nothing happens to him.
Rush Limbaugh gets addicted to prescription pain killers and people have a coniption.
Best of luck to Rush on his recovery.
I would have voted for him over Arnold.
I love being American. :)
Rush Limbaugh gets addicted to prescription pain killers and people have a coniption.
Best of luck to Rush on his recovery.
I would have voted for him over Arnold.
I love being American. :)
Woohoo! Dad went with Mother to Costco, so I'm staying home and making signs for the Festival. They turned out rather nicely. *grins* I'm such a budding artist!
I'm also a starving budding artist. I need some lunch.
I do so enjoy food. I could definitely stand to lose a stone or two, but hey, if I did that I would lose my status as a procrastinator. That's a tough gig to get into! Almost as tough as getting elected governor! *snicker*
Quote of the moment...
All actors have is their image.
James Barbour
I'm also a starving budding artist. I need some lunch.
I do so enjoy food. I could definitely stand to lose a stone or two, but hey, if I did that I would lose my status as a procrastinator. That's a tough gig to get into! Almost as tough as getting elected governor! *snicker*
Quote of the moment...
All actors have is their image.
James Barbour
I had a dream last night that I lived in this HUUUUUGE house. We moved into it and it was completely furnished. It looked like my grandparents had lived there, because there were all those odd dining room chairs around the place and tons of clutter. For some reason, it also had a really cool gift shop on the ground floor. Not sure why, because the house was kind of out in the woods. Anyways, our church choir came out to gift shop. It was very odd. :)
I suppose dreams like that come from my love of visiting old homes that have gift shops, like The Breakers in Newport and Castle Howard in Yorkshire. It's like a living piece of history.
I should go get in the shower. It's almost 10:30 and we have to go shopping and be at the church by around 4ish. *sigh* It's going to be a long day.
Has anyone heard any news about poor Roy? I think I read that he is communicating with doctors.
I'm telling ya, if I was a big bad tiger and some funny looking guy in tight pants was trying to boss me around on stage.......
Well, I don't think I would take it lying down.
Apparently, the staging of the new French Gone With The Wind musical is an absolute travesty. People are saying that the cd isn't bad. Unfortunately, so far the only place I've found it online is at Dress Circle and I am not willing to pay 30 bucks for it.
OH! All the info is up about the production of Jane in Jersey.
It's so nice to know that she's still alive.
Quote of the moment...
Wow! Impressive!
Bethany commenting on Stanley's bag opening skills
I suppose dreams like that come from my love of visiting old homes that have gift shops, like The Breakers in Newport and Castle Howard in Yorkshire. It's like a living piece of history.
I should go get in the shower. It's almost 10:30 and we have to go shopping and be at the church by around 4ish. *sigh* It's going to be a long day.
Has anyone heard any news about poor Roy? I think I read that he is communicating with doctors.
I'm telling ya, if I was a big bad tiger and some funny looking guy in tight pants was trying to boss me around on stage.......
Well, I don't think I would take it lying down.
Apparently, the staging of the new French Gone With The Wind musical is an absolute travesty. People are saying that the cd isn't bad. Unfortunately, so far the only place I've found it online is at Dress Circle and I am not willing to pay 30 bucks for it.
OH! All the info is up about the production of Jane in Jersey.
It's so nice to know that she's still alive.
Quote of the moment...
Wow! Impressive!
Bethany commenting on Stanley's bag opening skills
Thursday, October 09, 2003
I just listened to a Chopin concerto.
Chopin makes me cry. They say that George Gershwin cried when he played Chopin.
There is something about his music that is almost ethereal. Take his nocturnes, for example. He had the most uncanny ability to combine the greatest heights of happiness and sorrow in one composition. He could put his soul, all of his fears and hopes, into a piece of music. He wrote It is dreadful when something weighs on your mind, not to have a soul to unburden yourself to. You know what I mean. I tell my piano the things I used to tell you.
Oscar Wilde wrote After playing Chopin, I feel as if I had been weeping over sins that I had never committed, and mourning over tragedies that were not my own. Music always seems to me to produce that effect. It creates for one a past of which one has been ignorant, and fills one with a sense of sorrows that have been hidden from one's tears. I can fancy a man who had led a perfectly commonplace life, hearing by chance some curious piece of music, and suddenly discovering that his soul, without his being conscious of it, had passed through terrible experiences, and known fearful joys, or wild romantic loves, or great renunciations.
Chopin was born in 1810 and lived only 39 years. He was a great improviser and often composed while he was playing the piano. How one man could so devote himself to a single instrument and breathe life into it like he did is just absolutely amazing to me. I do not understand how something as fragile as the human mind can create like that. I suppose that's one thing that proves that we are made in the image of God - He gave us the ability to be original, to be individual, and above all, to create.
When Chopin was in Majorca, awaiting the arrival of a piano, he wrote I dream music but I cannot make any-because here there are not any pianos.
George Sand was Chopin's companion for nearly a decade. She was perhaps the person who knew him best. She painted a vivid picture of Chopin the man and Chopin the composer with these words:
His creation was spontaneous, miraculous. He found it without searching for it, without foreseeing it. It came to his piano suddenly, complete, sublime, or it sang in his head during a walk, and he would hasten to hear it again by, tossing it off on his instrument. But then would begin the most heartbreaking labor I have ever witnessed. It was a series of efforts, indecision, and impatience to recapture certain details of the theme he had heard: what had come to him all of a piece, he now over-analyzed in his desire to write it down, and his regret at not finding it again "neat," as he said, would throw him into a kind of despair. He would shut himself up in his room for days at a time, weeping, pacing, breaking his pens, repeating and changing a single measure a hundred times, writing it and effacing it with equal frequency, and beginning again the next day with a meticulous and desperate perseverance. He would spend six weeks on one page, only to end up writing it just as he had traced it in his first outpouring.
Good night.
I'm going to go listen to Chopin.
Chopin makes me cry. They say that George Gershwin cried when he played Chopin.
There is something about his music that is almost ethereal. Take his nocturnes, for example. He had the most uncanny ability to combine the greatest heights of happiness and sorrow in one composition. He could put his soul, all of his fears and hopes, into a piece of music. He wrote It is dreadful when something weighs on your mind, not to have a soul to unburden yourself to. You know what I mean. I tell my piano the things I used to tell you.
Oscar Wilde wrote After playing Chopin, I feel as if I had been weeping over sins that I had never committed, and mourning over tragedies that were not my own. Music always seems to me to produce that effect. It creates for one a past of which one has been ignorant, and fills one with a sense of sorrows that have been hidden from one's tears. I can fancy a man who had led a perfectly commonplace life, hearing by chance some curious piece of music, and suddenly discovering that his soul, without his being conscious of it, had passed through terrible experiences, and known fearful joys, or wild romantic loves, or great renunciations.
Chopin was born in 1810 and lived only 39 years. He was a great improviser and often composed while he was playing the piano. How one man could so devote himself to a single instrument and breathe life into it like he did is just absolutely amazing to me. I do not understand how something as fragile as the human mind can create like that. I suppose that's one thing that proves that we are made in the image of God - He gave us the ability to be original, to be individual, and above all, to create.
When Chopin was in Majorca, awaiting the arrival of a piano, he wrote I dream music but I cannot make any-because here there are not any pianos.
George Sand was Chopin's companion for nearly a decade. She was perhaps the person who knew him best. She painted a vivid picture of Chopin the man and Chopin the composer with these words:
His creation was spontaneous, miraculous. He found it without searching for it, without foreseeing it. It came to his piano suddenly, complete, sublime, or it sang in his head during a walk, and he would hasten to hear it again by, tossing it off on his instrument. But then would begin the most heartbreaking labor I have ever witnessed. It was a series of efforts, indecision, and impatience to recapture certain details of the theme he had heard: what had come to him all of a piece, he now over-analyzed in his desire to write it down, and his regret at not finding it again "neat," as he said, would throw him into a kind of despair. He would shut himself up in his room for days at a time, weeping, pacing, breaking his pens, repeating and changing a single measure a hundred times, writing it and effacing it with equal frequency, and beginning again the next day with a meticulous and desperate perseverance. He would spend six weeks on one page, only to end up writing it just as he had traced it in his first outpouring.
Good night.
I'm going to go listen to Chopin.
I sat through 5 hours of Physics today. Shouldn't that deserve some kind of humanitarian award? Or least the Purple Heart!
Our lab today was about Young's Modulus. And don't ask me what that is, because I won't be able to answer you. :)
I suppose when compared to previous labs, this one wasn't that terrible. Bethany made a good point - our group always tends to be the one that gets started last but usually finishes first. Interesting, heh? I think it's because the other groups just jump in without really knowing what they are doing. We may take more time to prepare, but once we start, we've got it down. I'm sure you're all reeling from the deep nature of that statement. :)
Oh, and just as a little sidenote, that Really Annoying Kid Whose Name I Do Not Know almost drove me crazy today. He was playing with a measuring tape almost the entire hour that Niles used to explain the experiment. Do you know how aggrevating that sound is? *pulls hair out*
But now it's all over.
At least until next week.
I think I've calmed down a little bit about the Arnold issue. I suppose it could be worse. We could have been stuck with Bustamante or that porn star.
I'm trying to look on the bright side here.
The girlies and I went to In&Out this afternoon to tell Bethany's brother "Happy Birthday." Of course I had to get a double double animal style while I was there. *grins*
Hey, I need a lot of brain food to prepare for that blasted 3 hour lab!! Cut me some slack, people!!
Bethany is one of those kinetic people who is always writing or touching something or someone. Today she was on a kick of writing out Jane lyrics. I am sad to say that I couldn't remember the ending of Secret Soul from the OBC. That's the problem when you change the lyrics so often. There must be at least 4 different versions of that song. I kept getting stuck with the final lyrics that were used in the show on Broadway, rather than the ones from the cast album. And they were even changed in between there!! Yeesh!!
I think I may be in danger of becoming hooked on Coldplay. I loooooooooove Yellow.
Something really odd happened today. Bethany had a one dollar bill sitting on the table in Physics and I saw that it had writing it. To make a long story short, I am almost positive that it's the dollar bill that "Billy Bob" wrote on when "Sally Jo and" I were with him at Denny' October of last year... *makes astonished face*
How totally weird is that? It looks like his printing and who else would write "Read Acts 2:38!" and the like on a dollar bill? I'm gonna save it and give it back to him.
Tomorrow is the Fall Festival. Mother and I have to go to Costco to get all the grub.
I think it will be a lot of fun for the munchkins. It's practically a mini carnival, just without all the weirdos and beer, etc.
Quote of the moment...
"Beauty is truth, truth beauty,' -- that is all
Ye know on Earth, and all ye need to know.
-John Keats, Ode On A Grecian Urn
Our lab today was about Young's Modulus. And don't ask me what that is, because I won't be able to answer you. :)
I suppose when compared to previous labs, this one wasn't that terrible. Bethany made a good point - our group always tends to be the one that gets started last but usually finishes first. Interesting, heh? I think it's because the other groups just jump in without really knowing what they are doing. We may take more time to prepare, but once we start, we've got it down. I'm sure you're all reeling from the deep nature of that statement. :)
Oh, and just as a little sidenote, that Really Annoying Kid Whose Name I Do Not Know almost drove me crazy today. He was playing with a measuring tape almost the entire hour that Niles used to explain the experiment. Do you know how aggrevating that sound is? *pulls hair out*
But now it's all over.
At least until next week.
I think I've calmed down a little bit about the Arnold issue. I suppose it could be worse. We could have been stuck with Bustamante or that porn star.
I'm trying to look on the bright side here.
The girlies and I went to In&Out this afternoon to tell Bethany's brother "Happy Birthday." Of course I had to get a double double animal style while I was there. *grins*
Hey, I need a lot of brain food to prepare for that blasted 3 hour lab!! Cut me some slack, people!!
Bethany is one of those kinetic people who is always writing or touching something or someone. Today she was on a kick of writing out Jane lyrics. I am sad to say that I couldn't remember the ending of Secret Soul from the OBC. That's the problem when you change the lyrics so often. There must be at least 4 different versions of that song. I kept getting stuck with the final lyrics that were used in the show on Broadway, rather than the ones from the cast album. And they were even changed in between there!! Yeesh!!
I think I may be in danger of becoming hooked on Coldplay. I loooooooooove Yellow.
Something really odd happened today. Bethany had a one dollar bill sitting on the table in Physics and I saw that it had writing it. To make a long story short, I am almost positive that it's the dollar bill that "Billy Bob" wrote on when "Sally Jo and" I were with him at Denny' October of last year... *makes astonished face*
How totally weird is that? It looks like his printing and who else would write "Read Acts 2:38!" and the like on a dollar bill? I'm gonna save it and give it back to him.
Tomorrow is the Fall Festival. Mother and I have to go to Costco to get all the grub.
I think it will be a lot of fun for the munchkins. It's practically a mini carnival, just without all the weirdos and beer, etc.
Quote of the moment...
"Beauty is truth, truth beauty,' -- that is all
Ye know on Earth, and all ye need to know.
-John Keats, Ode On A Grecian Urn
Wednesday, October 08, 2003
This is very interesting......a whole bunch of posts are now in Italics. I think my blog has a ghost....
I wonder sometimes what a California accent sounds like. Does someone from Scotland know they have an accent? It's great fun to try to figure out where someone is from by the way they talk.
I remember Jonathan (follow The Tenor link) telling a story about the first time he heard himself give a radio interview. He turned it off because he realized that he sounded like a hick. Then he found out that the girls thought it was sexy that he sounded like a Southern boy. And he liked that. :)
Professor Higgins claims that there's a living, quite a fat one, in fact, in the science of phonetics.
There's something that's smoother about that upper crust British English as opposed to American English. Take for example the way the Brits pronounce secretary. I won't even try to explain it, but it's like they pronounce it as a single syllable. It flows and sounds like music. American English doesn't generally sound like music.
I think my favorite accent comes from Yorkshire. Not sure what it is, but that one sounds very homey. I remember our guide from the Ghost Walk we went on in York. He scared poor Rebecca out of her wits (hehe!), but he was cool. I had a fun time talking with him. He referred to the U.S. as "the colonies."
There's something about particular voices that draws me in. Garrison Keillor is a great example. The man is definitely the greatest living American storyteller, but there is something about his voice. I've listened to him tell the same story countless times. I could probably quote some of them. His voice is like a cup of hot chocolate or that feeling of being little and sick in bed and your mother coming in and giving you some cough medicine and rubbing that smelly stuff on your chest.
Seeing him for the first time was just as cool as seeing John Williams or Michael Ball or -fill in the blank-.
Doris Day is another one. I love to listen to her talk. I think it's the way she pronounces her consonants.
I think that might be why American English isn't exactly pleasant on the ear. There is too much emphasis on consonants. That's why it's so much easier to sing in Italian or French rather than English. Go listen to La Traviata or Carmen. The emphasis is on the vowels, making it much easier to sustain a note. Languages likes French and Russian have that shushy quality to them. It's almost slurred. American English is so harsh. Perhaps that explains why American women will go into a swoon over a British accent. It sounds like music. :)
Quote of the moment...
Tell me why the stars do shine~Tell me why the ivy twines~Tell me why the sky's so blue~And I will tell you just why I love you~~~~~Because God made the stars to shine~Because God made the ivy twine~Because God made the sky so blue~Because God made you, that's why I love you
Garrison Keillor's signature song
I remember Jonathan (follow The Tenor link) telling a story about the first time he heard himself give a radio interview. He turned it off because he realized that he sounded like a hick. Then he found out that the girls thought it was sexy that he sounded like a Southern boy. And he liked that. :)
Professor Higgins claims that there's a living, quite a fat one, in fact, in the science of phonetics.
There's something that's smoother about that upper crust British English as opposed to American English. Take for example the way the Brits pronounce secretary. I won't even try to explain it, but it's like they pronounce it as a single syllable. It flows and sounds like music. American English doesn't generally sound like music.
I think my favorite accent comes from Yorkshire. Not sure what it is, but that one sounds very homey. I remember our guide from the Ghost Walk we went on in York. He scared poor Rebecca out of her wits (hehe!), but he was cool. I had a fun time talking with him. He referred to the U.S. as "the colonies."
There's something about particular voices that draws me in. Garrison Keillor is a great example. The man is definitely the greatest living American storyteller, but there is something about his voice. I've listened to him tell the same story countless times. I could probably quote some of them. His voice is like a cup of hot chocolate or that feeling of being little and sick in bed and your mother coming in and giving you some cough medicine and rubbing that smelly stuff on your chest.
Seeing him for the first time was just as cool as seeing John Williams or Michael Ball or -fill in the blank-.
Doris Day is another one. I love to listen to her talk. I think it's the way she pronounces her consonants.
I think that might be why American English isn't exactly pleasant on the ear. There is too much emphasis on consonants. That's why it's so much easier to sing in Italian or French rather than English. Go listen to La Traviata or Carmen. The emphasis is on the vowels, making it much easier to sustain a note. Languages likes French and Russian have that shushy quality to them. It's almost slurred. American English is so harsh. Perhaps that explains why American women will go into a swoon over a British accent. It sounds like music. :)
Quote of the moment...
Tell me why the stars do shine~Tell me why the ivy twines~Tell me why the sky's so blue~And I will tell you just why I love you~~~~~Because God made the stars to shine~Because God made the ivy twine~Because God made the sky so blue~Because God made you, that's why I love you
Garrison Keillor's signature song
Well, here's one for the record books!
This is courtesy of Rebecca, checking in from her cave over there at ***** ******* College. :)
Somehow, love, you sound about five times as hyper whilst blogging than you usually do! Heeheee!
I suppose I am hyper in thought, but not in action.
When one considers the sometimes tense or unsavory situations in which action hyper people often find themselves, it is probably better to be a thought hyper person.
I should perhaps come up with a more scientific sounding term than thought hyper, but just give me some time. :)
As I mentioned before, I do have plenty to say. However, I do not talk for the sake of talking. People who constantly talk tend to get on my nerves. If I have something to say, I say it. It doesn't follow that I use my mouth as a sort of watering hose to spew forth every idea that enters my head. They say that women in general use twice as many words a day than men do. Some say that's because men don't listen and so women have to explain themselves twice. I'm not sure if I agree with that. I can go for hours without saying anything and I'm perfectly happy. Are people who chatter on all the time happy? Hhmmm........
Quote for the moment...
Forgiveness is the mightiest sword~Forgiveness of those you fear will be your highest reward
Jane Eyre, the musical
This is courtesy of Rebecca, checking in from her cave over there at ***** ******* College. :)
Somehow, love, you sound about five times as hyper whilst blogging than you usually do! Heeheee!
I suppose I am hyper in thought, but not in action.
When one considers the sometimes tense or unsavory situations in which action hyper people often find themselves, it is probably better to be a thought hyper person.
I should perhaps come up with a more scientific sounding term than thought hyper, but just give me some time. :)
As I mentioned before, I do have plenty to say. However, I do not talk for the sake of talking. People who constantly talk tend to get on my nerves. If I have something to say, I say it. It doesn't follow that I use my mouth as a sort of watering hose to spew forth every idea that enters my head. They say that women in general use twice as many words a day than men do. Some say that's because men don't listen and so women have to explain themselves twice. I'm not sure if I agree with that. I can go for hours without saying anything and I'm perfectly happy. Are people who chatter on all the time happy? Hhmmm........
Quote for the moment...
Forgiveness is the mightiest sword~Forgiveness of those you fear will be your highest reward
Jane Eyre, the musical
My cat is so cute. He tends to follow me around the house. I'm sitting here at the computer, and he just walked in, dragging his Mr.Froggie in his mouth. He plopped down on his sheet by the sliding glass doors and proceeded to take a bath. That's one of the nice things about cats; their grooming habits.
There's something about a sleeping cat that is very peaceful.
Cats are so regal and stuck up. Percy just oozes personality. He can be unpredictable. He can also be a real pill. But nothing can compare to having him curled up by my head at night, with his motor going full throttle. It's very comforting.
He cries when I close the door to the loo.
It's nice to be loved.
Quote of the moment...
There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats.
Albert Schweitzer
There's something about a sleeping cat that is very peaceful.
Cats are so regal and stuck up. Percy just oozes personality. He can be unpredictable. He can also be a real pill. But nothing can compare to having him curled up by my head at night, with his motor going full throttle. It's very comforting.
He cries when I close the door to the loo.
It's nice to be loved.
Quote of the moment...
There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats.
Albert Schweitzer
Ladies and you other people, this is indeed a solemn day. I am embarrassed to use his name, but California now has a new governor.
My fellow Americans, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!?
You kick out Gray Davis and choose HIM? The man wouldn't even show up for a debate if he didn't know the questions beforehand!!! Can we say CLUELESS? Can we say UNINFORMED? Any speech professor with two brain cells will tell you to know your topic. Mr.Terminator obviously thinks that he will be able to act this part from a script. Hello, sweetie, you are no longer on a movie set, you are in real life.
And we thought things couldn't get worse.
Well, I hope that he is smarter than he appears. He certainly has time to prove it.
Quote for the moment...
And then the skies opened and God said "I hate you, Alfalfa!"
The Little Rascals
My fellow Americans, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!?
You kick out Gray Davis and choose HIM? The man wouldn't even show up for a debate if he didn't know the questions beforehand!!! Can we say CLUELESS? Can we say UNINFORMED? Any speech professor with two brain cells will tell you to know your topic. Mr.Terminator obviously thinks that he will be able to act this part from a script. Hello, sweetie, you are no longer on a movie set, you are in real life.
And we thought things couldn't get worse.
Well, I hope that he is smarter than he appears. He certainly has time to prove it.
Quote for the moment...
And then the skies opened and God said "I hate you, Alfalfa!"
The Little Rascals
Tuesday, October 07, 2003
I get in a mood every once in a while where I change the decor around in my room. I put Richmond's portrait of Charlotte on the right side of my window. She's in company with da Vinci's Virgin and Child with St.Anne, so I'm sure she's happy.
As a little side note, I was privileged to behold the aforementioned drawing whilst I was on holiday over in Blighty and it is one of the most beautiful things that I ever seen. I had to go back after the first look just to stare at it for a while.
Anywhoo, the window wall looks quite nice, very coordinated. :)
I ended up picking out about 20 cds for the sale. I suppose that's pretty good for someone who tends to keep everything, including cookie favors from her best friend's wedding that were being taken over by some interesting looking mold. *raises eyebrows*
Memories, memories.
I also found the little collage that Becca had Michael sign for me. :) I discovered it one of my Special shoeboxes, where I keep treasures of that sort. Becca is such a good correspondent. But then, she's a writer and I am not. She always seems to know how to word things in the most correct form. She writes me letters and I play her songs. So as you can imagine, we are quite PERFECT for one another. ;)
I'm another dilemma. Should I sell back my gazillion dollar art history textbook at the end of the semester? It would be nice to have the moolah, but it's a really cool book. Such choices have I! *strikes dramatic pose*
I called Pammie and got her apple pie recipe. The last and only time I made a pie was about 10 years ago. My aunt Virginia helped me. The pie actually won a couple of prizes at the Sunday School Picnic, but I think my family was in Stockton or someplace at the time. I didn't even get to bask in the glory of it!! One of the prizes was a little miniature rose bush. Those things don't exactly live long and prosper if you know what I mean. *sigh*
I wonder how the recall will turn out. What are we going to talk about in college now? We need another scandal! Or at least another recall. :) Now we're being spoiled.
Quote of the moment...
Mr.Davis said it was as useful to educate a woman as to educate a female cat.
Amy March, L.M.Alcott's Little Women
As a little side note, I was privileged to behold the aforementioned drawing whilst I was on holiday over in Blighty and it is one of the most beautiful things that I ever seen. I had to go back after the first look just to stare at it for a while.
Anywhoo, the window wall looks quite nice, very coordinated. :)
I ended up picking out about 20 cds for the sale. I suppose that's pretty good for someone who tends to keep everything, including cookie favors from her best friend's wedding that were being taken over by some interesting looking mold. *raises eyebrows*
Memories, memories.
I also found the little collage that Becca had Michael sign for me. :) I discovered it one of my Special shoeboxes, where I keep treasures of that sort. Becca is such a good correspondent. But then, she's a writer and I am not. She always seems to know how to word things in the most correct form. She writes me letters and I play her songs. So as you can imagine, we are quite PERFECT for one another. ;)
I'm another dilemma. Should I sell back my gazillion dollar art history textbook at the end of the semester? It would be nice to have the moolah, but it's a really cool book. Such choices have I! *strikes dramatic pose*
I called Pammie and got her apple pie recipe. The last and only time I made a pie was about 10 years ago. My aunt Virginia helped me. The pie actually won a couple of prizes at the Sunday School Picnic, but I think my family was in Stockton or someplace at the time. I didn't even get to bask in the glory of it!! One of the prizes was a little miniature rose bush. Those things don't exactly live long and prosper if you know what I mean. *sigh*
I wonder how the recall will turn out. What are we going to talk about in college now? We need another scandal! Or at least another recall. :) Now we're being spoiled.
Quote of the moment...
Mr.Davis said it was as useful to educate a woman as to educate a female cat.
Amy March, L.M.Alcott's Little Women
Just thought of something else I need to do...
It's time to go through my piles of cd's and pick some out to donate to the sale for the Fall Festival this Friday. I don't listen to at least 60 or 70% of them. It's time they moved to a better home. *sniff*
Quote of the moment...
A flood of memory washes over me~A little girl, betrayed and battered~Retrieves the pieces of a life that's torn apart~And tries in vain to mend the tattered pages of her heart
Jane Eyre, the Musical
It's time to go through my piles of cd's and pick some out to donate to the sale for the Fall Festival this Friday. I don't listen to at least 60 or 70% of them. It's time they moved to a better home. *sniff*
Quote of the moment...
A flood of memory washes over me~A little girl, betrayed and battered~Retrieves the pieces of a life that's torn apart~And tries in vain to mend the tattered pages of her heart
Jane Eyre, the Musical
Proof of Muphy's Law -
I'm not in school today and Niles decides to inhale helium. I missed the funniest class of the semester! AAAHHHHH!!!
Thanks to Beth for calling me. Ladies and you other people, miracles are real. I, the non-science major, got a perfect 10 on a recent Physics homework assignment. I know you're probably all weak with shock, but it's true!!!! :)
I should go take care of my laundry. I should also do some maintenance in my room. I need to find a place for the cool books I got at the library sale. Using those old books really adds something to a room. It makes me feel very intelligent to have Noel Coward and Eugene O'Neill on my bookshelf. Maybe part of their genius will seep into my brain over time.
Quote of the moment...
Caroline, dear, hasn't anyone ever told you that drinking a chap's champagne without asking is tantamount to kissing him without his permission?
Noel Coward, Relative Values
I'm not in school today and Niles decides to inhale helium. I missed the funniest class of the semester! AAAHHHHH!!!
Thanks to Beth for calling me. Ladies and you other people, miracles are real. I, the non-science major, got a perfect 10 on a recent Physics homework assignment. I know you're probably all weak with shock, but it's true!!!! :)
I should go take care of my laundry. I should also do some maintenance in my room. I need to find a place for the cool books I got at the library sale. Using those old books really adds something to a room. It makes me feel very intelligent to have Noel Coward and Eugene O'Neill on my bookshelf. Maybe part of their genius will seep into my brain over time.
Quote of the moment...
Caroline, dear, hasn't anyone ever told you that drinking a chap's champagne without asking is tantamount to kissing him without his permission?
Noel Coward, Relative Values
Follow "The Tenor" link on the right to read a rave review of Jonathan's new album For You.
Then listen to the mp3 clip of For You. As Caractacus says "Observe and be amazed!"
I still remember the night that we heard Jonathan sing Close Every Door. Yeesh. I remember telling myself to close my mouth because it was hanging open in awe. That's right up there with Farewell, Good Angel.
The Broadway revival of Wonderful Town is coming soon. I don't know if I can handle anyone but Betty Garrett as Ruth. That's like saying that Michael Ball isn't Marius. Hmph.
I should eat something and take some pills. Anyone want to join me?
Quote for the moment...
Is it not strange that sheep's guts should hale souls out of men's bodies?
William Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing
Then listen to the mp3 clip of For You. As Caractacus says "Observe and be amazed!"
I still remember the night that we heard Jonathan sing Close Every Door. Yeesh. I remember telling myself to close my mouth because it was hanging open in awe. That's right up there with Farewell, Good Angel.
The Broadway revival of Wonderful Town is coming soon. I don't know if I can handle anyone but Betty Garrett as Ruth. That's like saying that Michael Ball isn't Marius. Hmph.
I should eat something and take some pills. Anyone want to join me?
Quote for the moment...
Is it not strange that sheep's guts should hale souls out of men's bodies?
William Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing
Quote for the moment....
As a rule, man is a fool. When it's hot, he wants it cool. When it's cool, he wants it hot. Always wanting what is not. Never wanting what he's got.
As a rule, man is a fool. When it's hot, he wants it cool. When it's cool, he wants it hot. Always wanting what is not. Never wanting what he's got.
Good morning, chickies! *cough*
Thought for the day - If you have a bottle of that Gatorade type stuff on your night table, make sure that the top is closed before you go sleep. I don't know what happened last night, but I now have a nice blue stain on my white sheet and a near empty bottle. *sigh* Sudafed is a great invention. So is that Nyquil stuff. As humans, we've made excellent progress. We have plasma screens, jets, computers that process faster than we ever will... We even put men on the moon. Yet we still haven't discovered how to make cough syrup taste halfway decent. *shaking head* It's quite baffling.
Have you ever noticed that someone with a great voice who is singing out of tune sounds immensely better than someone with a crummy voice who is singing in tune? Take for example James Barbour's appearance at that recent O's game where he sang the National Anthem. Sure he was out of tune, but he sounded fabulous. I would rather him sing it a little off than hear someone like Britney Spears sing it spot on(and even the idea that she could sing something spot on could be debated). *shakes head* It's quite baffling.
I read an article this morning in the Pentecostal Herald about angels. In Hebrews 1:14, the Bible calls them "ministering spirits."
The Apostle Paul wrote that "We are made a spectacle unto the world, and to angels, and to men" (I Corinthians 4:9). THe word "spectacle" is used only this one time in the Bible. It is translated from the Greek word theatron and can be translated as "theatre," as it is in Acts 19:29-31.
"Take heed that ye despise not one of these little heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father" (Matthew 18:10). We all may have guardian angels (Psalm 34:7), but the angels which watch our children may have a special closeness to God. While the angels are watching our children they are also watching the face of God!
copyright Ron Schoolcraft
So, according to I Corinthians 4:9, we are the theatre for the angels! Pretty nifty, heh! :)
*shakes head* It's quite baffling!
Thought for the day - If you have a bottle of that Gatorade type stuff on your night table, make sure that the top is closed before you go sleep. I don't know what happened last night, but I now have a nice blue stain on my white sheet and a near empty bottle. *sigh* Sudafed is a great invention. So is that Nyquil stuff. As humans, we've made excellent progress. We have plasma screens, jets, computers that process faster than we ever will... We even put men on the moon. Yet we still haven't discovered how to make cough syrup taste halfway decent. *shaking head* It's quite baffling.
Have you ever noticed that someone with a great voice who is singing out of tune sounds immensely better than someone with a crummy voice who is singing in tune? Take for example James Barbour's appearance at that recent O's game where he sang the National Anthem. Sure he was out of tune, but he sounded fabulous. I would rather him sing it a little off than hear someone like Britney Spears sing it spot on(and even the idea that she could sing something spot on could be debated). *shakes head* It's quite baffling.
I read an article this morning in the Pentecostal Herald about angels. In Hebrews 1:14, the Bible calls them "ministering spirits."
The Apostle Paul wrote that "We are made a spectacle unto the world, and to angels, and to men" (I Corinthians 4:9). THe word "spectacle" is used only this one time in the Bible. It is translated from the Greek word theatron and can be translated as "theatre," as it is in Acts 19:29-31.
"Take heed that ye despise not one of these little heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father" (Matthew 18:10). We all may have guardian angels (Psalm 34:7), but the angels which watch our children may have a special closeness to God. While the angels are watching our children they are also watching the face of God!
copyright Ron Schoolcraft
So, according to I Corinthians 4:9, we are the theatre for the angels! Pretty nifty, heh! :)
*shakes head* It's quite baffling!
Monday, October 06, 2003
I'm in a dilemma. I can't decide if I want to call Bethany to work on Physics homework. I'm not going to class tomorrow. That means I need to let Amanda know somehow. Have I mentioned that I really don't like Physics? Why should I care how high a ball bounces? It bounces. Let it bounce. I'm happy. *sigh*
To physics or not to physics, that is the question.
Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of Niles' lecturing....
I'll stop there so as not to drive anyone to desperate measures.
"If I were very beautiful and had nut brown hair, would you keep me?" Anne Shirley
To physics or not to physics, that is the question.
Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of Niles' lecturing....
I'll stop there so as not to drive anyone to desperate measures.
"If I were very beautiful and had nut brown hair, would you keep me?" Anne Shirley
Heeeey, check out my nifty links. I think they are quite nice. :)
Poor Roy. He was attacked by a tiger. But really, that was an occupational hazard. He and his pal Siegfried had a lifetime contract with the Mirage. Wonder how that will work out. They need a good lawyer! Hey, about that guy Fred that Ed passed up? Now there's a good lawyer!! ;)
"Just this once is once too much 'cause once they've onced they'll wanna once once more! I run the only toilet in this part of town ya see! So if you've got to go, you've got to go through me. It's a privilege to pee!" Miss Pennywise, from Urinetown, the Musical
Poor Roy. He was attacked by a tiger. But really, that was an occupational hazard. He and his pal Siegfried had a lifetime contract with the Mirage. Wonder how that will work out. They need a good lawyer! Hey, about that guy Fred that Ed passed up? Now there's a good lawyer!! ;)
"Just this once is once too much 'cause once they've onced they'll wanna once once more! I run the only toilet in this part of town ya see! So if you've got to go, you've got to go through me. It's a privilege to pee!" Miss Pennywise, from Urinetown, the Musical
Attention, ladies and you other people! My first quinea pig has passed her approval of my blog! She is having an issue with the word "blog." I have permission to quote her...."I need to see Dr.Smith. I have a blog." :) Maybe she needs one of her own! Ahah, that's the ticket! Free blogs for everyone!
"There's something vaguely depressing about drinking with you." The Playwright
"There's something vaguely depressing about drinking with you." The Playwright
Well, peel my scalp and call me Baldy! This Blogger Dummy managed to go into something called a tembowl (or was that a template?) and change the links! I think I'm gonna ditch that Google one. I am a staunch Gogglite, but there must be something more exciting to link. I think I"m ready to tell Emma about my blog. It was finally going to hers that made me bite the proverbial bullet. :) Three cheers for Emma!
Quote of the moment - "Never go in against a Cicilian when death is on the line!" The Princess Bride
Quote of the moment - "Never go in against a Cicilian when death is on the line!" The Princess Bride
Hhhmmm....the last post didn't show up on the actual site, but it's here where I write them. This is too confusing. Why don't they offer a blogging course at the Napa Valley College? Oh wait!! It's the Napa Valley College! Duh, what was I thinking! For Pete's sake, we're lucky that they still don't have a card catalog in the library! But I'm not bitter. I just like to make fun of them. And since I go to the blasted school, making fun of it is my right. Boy, my throat hurts. I need a pot of tea. One thing is for certain - this blog is keeping one person amused. I'll give you three guesses as to who that person is. *grins* Ciao!
Now I'm trying to change those links over there on the right. I fear that I need the Blogging for Dummies v2003. Is there a light at the end of this tunnel?
~I will drink the cup, poison overflowing - I will lift you up, watch over where you're going~ Jonathan Pierce, For You
~I will drink the cup, poison overflowing - I will lift you up, watch over where you're going~ Jonathan Pierce, For You
I don't consider myself to be a writer, but I have plenty to say. I am merely selective about what I say and to whom I say it. I am sure that Joe Blow across the street probably doesn't give two straws for my opinion of the recall. However, my mother would care. :) And just for the sake of clearing the water, I am voting for McClintock. Ya know how Alec Baldwin said that he would leave the country if Dubya was elected? Well, I won't bash on anyone, but that furiner who happens to be married into one of the most politically famous and infamous families of the last 100 years can just go back to Hollywood and keep making millions off of his astounding acting talent. *cough* VOTE MCCLINTOCK!
Quote of the moment - "D'Artagnan....don't lose your head!!!!"
Quote of the moment - "D'Artagnan....don't lose your head!!!!"
So, now that I have finally figured out how to get back to the screen in which I an actually post, I will now allow myself the privilege of screaming........AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! Whose idea was this, anyways!? *sigh* I just got off the phone with my friend. Since her husband might not want her name published, I'll call her Sally Jo. :) Ya know, she's living proof that you never know what God has up His sleeve. I'm sure He got a big laugh out of the whole situation. It must be fun to be God sometimes. Imagine the endless funny stories that He will have to tell us when we get to Heaven. :) Okay, I've got to figure out how to make this thing look aesthetically pleasing. Wish me luck.
I can tell this is going to take a while. And since it's free, I'm sure it's gonna look boring. Do I so crave sensory stimulation that I would pay simply to add a little picture somewhere or maybe a background image? This is definitely going to require some thought. Blast!
Quote for the moment - "Well this is all I need; folk dancing!!"
Quote for the moment - "Well this is all I need; folk dancing!!"
Alright world, I have finally entered the vast galaxy of The Blog! Do I know what I'm doing? Of course not! But hey, Einstein couldn't do basic mathematics. Who knows where this could lead! World domination, here I come! *mwah*
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