But then, I doubt anyone actually reads this blog, so I suppose my lack of usual charm and wit will not be noticed!
NOTE - There will be random pictures throughout this post. :)
I called the professor who hadn't (or so it seemed) posted a grade for me, the grade that is holding up my official graduation. That's being worked out. I hope they don't make me go over there and fill out the grad app again. *sigh*
After much poking around the internet and deciding on specific days for our trip, I am happy to report that we are all set to go.
I can't believe it's been five years since I have been east.
I don't feel old enough to say that I haven't been somewhere in five years, at least five post-high school years.
I broke down and bought a camera. I've needed one for a while, but I am loathe to spend such a chunk of money on a Thing. I did get a great deal on it, so that was nice. Everyone will probably hate me after it arrives, because I'll be snapping away in the heights of New Thingness. When I got my first iPod, I was happy as a duck spotting a june bug and my grandmother said "You would think someone handed her the keys to a new Mercedes!" Obviously, my grandmother is sweet and doesn't realize that I am a nerd.
Right now it seems like almost everyone around me is getting married or having babies. Last Saturday I was with a group of my crazy friends (most of them at least 10 years older than me) and one of the married ones asked me how old I was and said "Don't get married yet." Wise woman.
Sometimes I think I am not the marrying kind.
I am way too fond of my own company.
I like being able to do what I want, when I want.
I like being able to call my aunt and plan a trip without having to consult someone else.
I like being able to go see my crazy friends on the weekend.
So I'm working on the idea of being married.
Children - that idea is floating around in another universe somewhere.
The cat is enough right now.
Sheesh, this is getting way to serious.
Let me try to think of something amusing...
We had our annual birthday dinner for Dad and Pam.
My lamb was loooooovely.
Oh! That reminds me!
Reina and I
went to a fantastic new Middle Eastern joint over on California. Check it out. The owner, Jumana, is a character.
Mujadara, dolmas, hummus...mmmmm.....
I've got to get over this liking food thing at some point.
I went to my Favorite Place for lunch today.
I took several books because I was feeling indecisive. I ended up reading part of Jane.
I'm waiting for that book to come back into widespread academic study. This whole Austen rage has got to end at some point. Anyways, I sat there, grinning like a moron, because I was having musical flashbacks. Guess what I listened to on the drive home. :)
I forget how certain music can bring about such physical pleasure.
But I'll save that post for another night.
I bid thee good night!
(As a parting thought - isn't it hilarious how people quote the "flights of angels" line from Hamlet to wish people good night...CONTEXT, PEOPLE!!!!! Our pal Horatio was speaking to a DEAD man!! Okay, I'll stop. Night)
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