Thursday, July 13, 2006

I love that one!

It's Vermeer time again.

I love Vermeer.
I decided a while ago that if Vermeer had been a composer, he would have been Chopin and that if Chopin had been a painter, he would have been Vermeer.
Yes, I think about things like that.

So, lyrics were in my head and they seemed to fit this particular painting, so there you have it.

I should be in bed.
I was awakened at 1:45 am by a friend who was scared to do death that someone had broken into her house.
An hour and a half later, after I told her to call 911, I was trying to go to sleep again.
To set your mind at ease, the nice officers didn't find anything and everyone is okay.

I gotta go to bed.
Ornament setup tomorrow.

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