Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I know, I know.
I just haven't felt like saying anything.

I had a birthday.
Been sick.
I think mother will soon be threatening me to get me to go to the doctor.
I didn't take Nyquil last night.
It wasn't pretty.

Got a very cool teapot for my birthday.
Has Elizabeth I and bunch of relevant men from the period.
Very cool design.

It was hot here last week.
We got a new air conditioner.

I trimmed my fingernails.

I feel and have a big bruise on my left knee.

Two of our keyholders at work gave their two weeks notice, so we're somewhat up a creek.

I woke early today because I thought I was taking my father to get his glasses fixed.
My mother decided to take him.

I'm compiling a cd for our Fourth Bash at Pammie and Geno's, which is actually going to be on the Third.

That's about it folks.


I have five words for you -
Daphne Ruben Vega as Fantine.

I leave it at that.
People are DUMB.

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