A bad place.
A place you won't see until Act Two.
And then well, let's just say it's filled with symbolism and things like that.
We don't spend much time on hydraulics, do we?
Hydraulics, Little Sally?
Yeah, you know, hydraulics....hydration, irrigation, just plain old laundry.
It seems to me that with all this talk of dry spells and what not, we might spend time on those things too. After all, a dry spell would affect hydraulics.
Well, I'm sure it would Little Sally...but...well, how shall I explain this...
Ya see, sometimes, in musical, it's better to focus on one big thing than a lot of little things. The audience tends to be happier that way. And it's easier to write.
Oh, one big thing, heh?
That's right, Little Sally.
Then why not hydraulics?
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