Thursday, December 23, 2004
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
*puts on nerd hat*
I'm being Tudored!
Went to the library today.
Booked up with Henry VIII, Anne Boleyn and her sister Mary.
Also got some terribly nifty books for my Sunday kids.
In other news...
It's downloading right now.
Why don't we just let him sing all of Avalon's stuff and just skip the Avalon issue!!!???
Went to the library today.
Booked up with Henry VIII, Anne Boleyn and her sister Mary.
Also got some terribly nifty books for my Sunday kids.
In other news...
It's downloading right now.
Why don't we just let him sing all of Avalon's stuff and just skip the Avalon issue!!!???
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Maybe I shouldn't be publicizing this...
You are Emily Dickinson when it comes to literature
and poetry! You know everything there is to
know about it and would probably make a fine
writer yourself.
How Much Do You Know About Classic Literature and Poetry?
brought to you by
I know I already plugged his Christmas cd, but I gotta ramble about him for a while.
That Clay Aiken can sang!!!
*does the Jig and runs around in circles*
Bless all those crazy fans of his who bootleg. Bless them forever and always, Amen.
I tell ya.
That boy can sing.
I asked mother if she wanted to go to the Christmas concert in San Jose.
I think she thought I was joking.
All I can say is, after she sees certain visual souvenirs that I have gathered *ahem*, she's gonna wanna go next year.
He did a fantabulous version of the Avalon song, Good News.
And when he hits that note in Don't Save It All For Christmas Day...
Haught dawg.
*Kathey faints*
It's a shame he got stuck with all those cheesy songs on his first cd.
Just let the boy sing Christmas songs for the rest of his life!
He could build his whole career on it!
And he probably wouldn't mind either.
That Clay Aiken can sang!!!
*does the Jig and runs around in circles*
Bless all those crazy fans of his who bootleg. Bless them forever and always, Amen.
I tell ya.
That boy can sing.
I asked mother if she wanted to go to the Christmas concert in San Jose.
I think she thought I was joking.
All I can say is, after she sees certain visual souvenirs that I have gathered *ahem*, she's gonna wanna go next year.
He did a fantabulous version of the Avalon song, Good News.
And when he hits that note in Don't Save It All For Christmas Day...
Haught dawg.
*Kathey faints*
It's a shame he got stuck with all those cheesy songs on his first cd.
Just let the boy sing Christmas songs for the rest of his life!
He could build his whole career on it!
And he probably wouldn't mind either.
Monday, December 20, 2004
From an article titled Twice-Told Tale by Leighton Kerner -
"Certain facts of life can be quite discouraging. Once such fact for operalovers is that no singing voice, no matter how great, can be captured accurately on recordings."
Alrighty, you modern art loving turtle neck pullovered opera snob, you just listen up.
That sentiment does not apply to only opera singers.
I realize you can't get past the singers who are *gasp* mic'd and you consider musical theatre to be beneath you, but I defy you to listen to the Jane OBC and tell me that JB was "captured accurately."
"Certain facts of life can be quite discouraging. Once such fact for operalovers is that no singing voice, no matter how great, can be captured accurately on recordings."
Alrighty, you modern art loving turtle neck pullovered opera snob, you just listen up.
That sentiment does not apply to only opera singers.
I realize you can't get past the singers who are *gasp* mic'd and you consider musical theatre to be beneath you, but I defy you to listen to the Jane OBC and tell me that JB was "captured accurately."
A lovely day
The January issue of Opera News arrived today!
After a stressful 45 minutes trying to download the Pretty Dudes' O Holy Night, a nice lady from the UK sent it to me.
After a stressful 45 minutes trying to download the Pretty Dudes' O Holy Night, a nice lady from the UK sent it to me.
Sunday, December 19, 2004
One of those things...
1. I love Christmas.
2. I hate eyedrops.
3. I sleep with a big stuffed dog named Patrick.
1. Body aches.
2. I like sitting around with a friend in silence.
3. I like Scrabble.
1. I can put furniture together.
2. I still try to understand females.
3. I have no qualms about handling, cutting up, etc. raw meat
1. I like foofy dresses.
2. I wear black a lot.
3. Chocolate DOES help me feel better!
1. Drink more water.
2. More exercise.
3. Write more songs.
1. Kathey
2. Kathryn
3. Gooch
1. mikeyfan1
2. katgoochie
3. .........
1. I work well with children.
2. I can sing.
3. I can cook.
1. I tend to procrastinate.
2. I get irritable if I'm around people too long.
3. I am a compulsive stacker. (but I've worked on that)
1. German.
2. Indian.
3. probably other European
1. People who can justify (at least in their own mind) their actions, no matter the effect it has on those around them.
2. People who refuse to see an issue at 360 degrees.
3. Losing my cat.
1. Food.
2. A computer
3. Communication
1. a purple t shirt
2. silver pj bottoms
3. a smile ;)
1. O Holy Night
2. Carlos' 35 Seconds of Musical Ecstacy!! (don't ask...)
3. I can't choose only three because I've already put waaaaaaay too much thought into this.
1. Upfrontness (if that's a word).
2. The ability to disagree and laugh together.
3. A certain amount of silliness. :)
TWO TRUTHS AND A LIE (You figure them out)
2. I cheated in school.
3. I punched a whole in the wall.
1. Tallness *cough*
2. Dark hair.
3. Gentleness.
1. Draw/paint.
2. Eat watermelon.
3. Sing baritone.
1. Singing.
2. Cooking.
3. Helping people.
1. Travel.
2. Travel.
3. Have some of my girlfriends back.
1. Counselor.
2. Teacher (as a means of living)
3. Marriage to a ridiculously wealthy and handsome man.
1. The United Kingdom.
2. Germany.
3. New York.
1. Olivia
2. Julianna
3. London
1. Travel more.
2. Go to all 50 states.
3. Sell out the Met. (insert maniacal laughter)
1. What did you do in 2004 that you'd never done before?
Screamed and giggled like a 15 year old at a concert.
2.Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I don't really do the resolution thing.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
4. Did anyone close to you die?
5. What countries did you visit?
What a terribly depressing question.
6. What would you like to have in 2005 that you lacked in 2004?
Ticket stubs
7. What dates from 2004 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
Can't 'member the exact day (March I think...), but the day when Lissa, Heidi and I went to LA and back on the same day.
May 1...grinning from ear to ear with Reina on the way to her wedding...*sob* (and the Sunday a couple of weeks before that when I was pulled out of a pit)
August 7...thank goodness we got past security and someone was feeling chatty... *cough*
December 14...I SURVIVED SPANISH 121!!!!
December 18..I had to sing an impromptu version of Little Bo Beep in front of 150 people.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Sheesh. I have no idea.
9. What was your biggest failure?
I'm up for suggestions on this one...
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Bah. Yes.
11. What was the best thing you bought?
Hhmmm....probably a music item.
12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
I can't answer this.
It might get back to the person.
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
14. Where did most of your money go?
Probably postage! Or school books/travel expenses.
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Salt Lake City Trip, Reina's marriage, getting a different room for Sunday School and various music related issues.
16. What song will always remind you of 2004?
Don't Go Looking For
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder?
dunno...maybe happier
b) thinner or fatter?
c) richer or poorer?
Hah. Are we counting assets here???
18. What do you wish you'd done more of?
19. What do you wish you'd done less of?
20. How will you be spending Christmas?
Mostly cash or debit.
21. Did you fall in love in 2004?
Well, I'm kinda liking Sydney Carton at the moment.
But he's rather dead.
Okay, it's almost midnight and I'm pooped.
Maybe I'll post the rest tomorrow.
1. I love Christmas.
2. I hate eyedrops.
3. I sleep with a big stuffed dog named Patrick.
1. Body aches.
2. I like sitting around with a friend in silence.
3. I like Scrabble.
1. I can put furniture together.
2. I still try to understand females.
3. I have no qualms about handling, cutting up, etc. raw meat
1. I like foofy dresses.
2. I wear black a lot.
3. Chocolate DOES help me feel better!
1. Drink more water.
2. More exercise.
3. Write more songs.
1. Kathey
2. Kathryn
3. Gooch
1. mikeyfan1
2. katgoochie
3. .........
1. I work well with children.
2. I can sing.
3. I can cook.
1. I tend to procrastinate.
2. I get irritable if I'm around people too long.
3. I am a compulsive stacker. (but I've worked on that)
1. German.
2. Indian.
3. probably other European
1. People who can justify (at least in their own mind) their actions, no matter the effect it has on those around them.
2. People who refuse to see an issue at 360 degrees.
3. Losing my cat.
1. Food.
2. A computer
3. Communication
1. a purple t shirt
2. silver pj bottoms
3. a smile ;)
1. O Holy Night
2. Carlos' 35 Seconds of Musical Ecstacy!! (don't ask...)
3. I can't choose only three because I've already put waaaaaaay too much thought into this.
1. Upfrontness (if that's a word).
2. The ability to disagree and laugh together.
3. A certain amount of silliness. :)
TWO TRUTHS AND A LIE (You figure them out)
2. I cheated in school.
3. I punched a whole in the wall.
1. Tallness *cough*
2. Dark hair.
3. Gentleness.
1. Draw/paint.
2. Eat watermelon.
3. Sing baritone.
1. Singing.
2. Cooking.
3. Helping people.
1. Travel.
2. Travel.
3. Have some of my girlfriends back.
1. Counselor.
2. Teacher (as a means of living)
3. Marriage to a ridiculously wealthy and handsome man.
1. The United Kingdom.
2. Germany.
3. New York.
1. Olivia
2. Julianna
3. London
1. Travel more.
2. Go to all 50 states.
3. Sell out the Met. (insert maniacal laughter)
1. What did you do in 2004 that you'd never done before?
Screamed and giggled like a 15 year old at a concert.
2.Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I don't really do the resolution thing.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
4. Did anyone close to you die?
5. What countries did you visit?
What a terribly depressing question.
6. What would you like to have in 2005 that you lacked in 2004?
Ticket stubs
7. What dates from 2004 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
Can't 'member the exact day (March I think...), but the day when Lissa, Heidi and I went to LA and back on the same day.
May 1...grinning from ear to ear with Reina on the way to her wedding...*sob* (and the Sunday a couple of weeks before that when I was pulled out of a pit)
August 7...thank goodness we got past security and someone was feeling chatty... *cough*
December 14...I SURVIVED SPANISH 121!!!!
December 18..I had to sing an impromptu version of Little Bo Beep in front of 150 people.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Sheesh. I have no idea.
9. What was your biggest failure?
I'm up for suggestions on this one...
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Bah. Yes.
11. What was the best thing you bought?
Hhmmm....probably a music item.
12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
I can't answer this.
It might get back to the person.
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
14. Where did most of your money go?
Probably postage! Or school books/travel expenses.
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Salt Lake City Trip, Reina's marriage, getting a different room for Sunday School and various music related issues.
16. What song will always remind you of 2004?
Don't Go Looking For
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder?
dunno...maybe happier
b) thinner or fatter?
c) richer or poorer?
Hah. Are we counting assets here???
18. What do you wish you'd done more of?
19. What do you wish you'd done less of?
20. How will you be spending Christmas?
Mostly cash or debit.
21. Did you fall in love in 2004?
Well, I'm kinda liking Sydney Carton at the moment.
But he's rather dead.
Okay, it's almost midnight and I'm pooped.
Maybe I'll post the rest tomorrow.
Saturday, December 18, 2004
Top this!
Sophie sent this to me.
I told her that when I'm rich and shameless, I'll be her patronesse. :)
I told her that when I'm rich and shameless, I'll be her patronesse. :)
Oh, the stress!
I put myself through the mild torture of creating a Christmas compilation.
It was somewhat traumatic.
First I had to eliminate tons of songs then I had to figure out how to arrange them.
But I must say, it turned out beautifully.
I've got it on right now.
Tonight is the church Christmas banquet.
The ensemble sounds grrrreat.
We rock.
Mother has to do a little sewing on my dress.
The sleeves were too long.
That's quite a novel thing for me.
Only one week till Christmas.
Always goes too fast.
It was somewhat traumatic.
First I had to eliminate tons of songs then I had to figure out how to arrange them.
But I must say, it turned out beautifully.
I've got it on right now.
Tonight is the church Christmas banquet.
The ensemble sounds grrrreat.
We rock.
Mother has to do a little sewing on my dress.
The sleeves were too long.
That's quite a novel thing for me.
Only one week till Christmas.
Always goes too fast.
Monday, December 13, 2004
Notice to Northerners moving South
The following is a pre-approved posting whose purpose is to offer insight and advice to Northerners moving South.
1. Just because you can drive on snow and ice does not mean Southerners can. Stay home the two days of the year it snows.
2. If you do run your car into a ditch, don't panic. Four men in the cab of a four-wheel pick-up with a 12-pack of beer and a tow chain will be along shortly. Don't try to help them. Just stay out of their way. This is what they live for.
3. You can ask Southerners for directions, but unless you already know the positions of key hills, trees and rocks, you're better off trying to find it yourself.
4. Remember: Y'all is singular. All y'all is plural. All y'all's is plural possessive.
5. Get used to hearing, "You ain't from around here, are you?"
6. Don't be worried that you don't understand anyone. They don't understand you, either.
7. If you hear a Southerner exclaim, "Hey, y'all, watch this!" Stay out of his way. These are likely the last words he will ever say, or worse still, that you will ever hear.
8. Most Southerners do not use turn signals; they ignore those who do. In fact, if you see a signal blinking on a car with a Southern license plate, you may rest assured that it was already turned on when the car was purchased.
9. If there is the prediction of the slightest chance of even the most minuscule accumulation of snow, your presence is required at the local grocery store. It does not matter if you need anything from the store. It is just something you're supposed to do.
10. Satellite dishes are very popular in the South. When you purchase one, it is positioned directly in front of the house. This is logical, bearing in mind that the dish cost considerably more than the house, and should, therefore, be prominently displayed.
11. Be advised that in the South, 'He needed killin!', is a valid defense.
The following is a pre-approved posting whose purpose is to offer insight and advice to Northerners moving South.
1. Just because you can drive on snow and ice does not mean Southerners can. Stay home the two days of the year it snows.
2. If you do run your car into a ditch, don't panic. Four men in the cab of a four-wheel pick-up with a 12-pack of beer and a tow chain will be along shortly. Don't try to help them. Just stay out of their way. This is what they live for.
3. You can ask Southerners for directions, but unless you already know the positions of key hills, trees and rocks, you're better off trying to find it yourself.
4. Remember: Y'all is singular. All y'all is plural. All y'all's is plural possessive.
5. Get used to hearing, "You ain't from around here, are you?"
6. Don't be worried that you don't understand anyone. They don't understand you, either.
7. If you hear a Southerner exclaim, "Hey, y'all, watch this!" Stay out of his way. These are likely the last words he will ever say, or worse still, that you will ever hear.
8. Most Southerners do not use turn signals; they ignore those who do. In fact, if you see a signal blinking on a car with a Southern license plate, you may rest assured that it was already turned on when the car was purchased.
9. If there is the prediction of the slightest chance of even the most minuscule accumulation of snow, your presence is required at the local grocery store. It does not matter if you need anything from the store. It is just something you're supposed to do.
10. Satellite dishes are very popular in the South. When you purchase one, it is positioned directly in front of the house. This is logical, bearing in mind that the dish cost considerably more than the house, and should, therefore, be prominently displayed.
11. Be advised that in the South, 'He needed killin!', is a valid defense.
Saturday, December 11, 2004
*throws self on chaise and commences sobbing*
*throws self on chaise and commences sobbing*
Friday, December 10, 2004
As Long As There's Christmas...
I'm starting to feel more human.
"Human again, we'll be human again, when the girl finally sets us all freeee!!"
Random MT moment.
Anywhoo, I'm starting to feel better.
Wanting to sing, tried it, and decided I better stop.
"Human again, we'll be human again, when the girl finally sets us all freeee!!"
Random MT moment.
Anywhoo, I'm starting to feel better.
Wanting to sing, tried it, and decided I better stop.
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
Chamomile Tea...You are Chamomile Tea.Your an original! Helpful to anyone in need and
always willing to lend a hand, you take action
but not through violence, people listen to you
for you have a knack for giving wonderful
advice! Many look up to you and you try your
best not to let them down. You have many
friends steadfast or no who consider themselves
lucky to be near you. You may have been hurt in
the past but you dont let that stand in your
way! You have a wonderful outlook on life and
try to see the good in people which is an
awesome gift!
What type of Tea are you? {-With Anime Pictures!-}
brought to you by
My painter!!!
How weird is this!
I didn't rig it, I promise!
As you may recall, I've had a coupleof Vermeer themes on the blog...
You have the Vermeer girl look. A Vermeer girl
appealed mostly to the old masters of the Dutch
school, who painted pictures of everyday life
as they knew it. With her fine, fair skin, she
suited a light, natural, dewy make-up. The
Vermeer Girl loved homely things, such as
homemade soaps and candles. The following
artists would have liked to paint you; Pieter
de Hooch and Jan Vermeer.
'Pretty As A Picture' - Which Artist Would Paint You?
brought to you by
How weird is this!
I didn't rig it, I promise!
As you may recall, I've had a coupleof Vermeer themes on the blog...
You have the Vermeer girl look. A Vermeer girl
appealed mostly to the old masters of the Dutch
school, who painted pictures of everyday life
as they knew it. With her fine, fair skin, she
suited a light, natural, dewy make-up. The
Vermeer Girl loved homely things, such as
homemade soaps and candles. The following
artists would have liked to paint you; Pieter
de Hooch and Jan Vermeer.
'Pretty As A Picture' - Which Artist Would Paint You?
brought to you by
I was informed that the blog needed updating.
I'm still sick.
Going to the doctor this afternoon.
Why do people have to mess with a story when they adapt it for a musical?
I was talking with someone about this...
It's possible to change a story (because of time issues, etc.) without making the characters do things out of....character.
People are morons.
They have no respect for literary matters.
I'm still sick.
Going to the doctor this afternoon.
Why do people have to mess with a story when they adapt it for a musical?
I was talking with someone about this...
It's possible to change a story (because of time issues, etc.) without making the characters do things out of....character.
People are morons.
They have no respect for literary matters.
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
Self doesn't feel well today.
Throat hurts, body hurts, etc.
I put the tree up on Monday, but we still have to decorate it.
Percy is already having a great time with it.
I think it's pretty much impossible to keep a cat off a Christmas tree.
We've tried the pepper thing and all that.
Spanish was kind of nuts yesterday.
We had a written project due, an oral project and an exam.
I must say, Bethy and I aced the oral project.
We're quite good at that sort of thing.
And neither of us are talkative!
Figure that one out!
;) ;) ;)
Still don't know what to get mother for Christmas.
The Winter Wonderland in Sunday School turned out just smashingly.
It was lovely.
I didn't get any pictures of it, but I filmed a little.
I need to get whatever cables are necessary to transfer stuff to the computer.
I'll think about that later.
Mother and I are having tea with Gretchen on Saturday.
It'll be great to see her. The last time was in San Francisco with Sal.
Only one month till I head to the wilds of Indiana in the dead of winter!
Won't that be fun.
I hope I don't freeze to death.
Throat hurts, body hurts, etc.
I put the tree up on Monday, but we still have to decorate it.
Percy is already having a great time with it.
I think it's pretty much impossible to keep a cat off a Christmas tree.
We've tried the pepper thing and all that.
Spanish was kind of nuts yesterday.
We had a written project due, an oral project and an exam.
I must say, Bethy and I aced the oral project.
We're quite good at that sort of thing.
And neither of us are talkative!
Figure that one out!
;) ;) ;)
Still don't know what to get mother for Christmas.
The Winter Wonderland in Sunday School turned out just smashingly.
It was lovely.
I didn't get any pictures of it, but I filmed a little.
I need to get whatever cables are necessary to transfer stuff to the computer.
I'll think about that later.
Mother and I are having tea with Gretchen on Saturday.
It'll be great to see her. The last time was in San Francisco with Sal.
Only one month till I head to the wilds of Indiana in the dead of winter!
Won't that be fun.
I hope I don't freeze to death.
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Buy it!
This is what a Christmas album should sound like.
It isn't full of cheesy "Oh, baby, I miss you at Christmas" love songs.
It's lovely.
Buy it.
WalMart has it on sale for less then $10.
It isn't full of cheesy "Oh, baby, I miss you at Christmas" love songs.
It's lovely.
Buy it.
WalMart has it on sale for less then $10.
Screenname update
Derek Merek is full of suggestions.
Most of them included some form of Kat, dame, jedi, Greg (if you don't know who Greg is, don't ask)...
I came up with proud soprano.
:) :) : )
Sal likes that one.
Not sure what to think about that.
I then suggested soprano dame, but Sal says that proud soprano is prettier.
Such a decision I face!
Most of them included some form of Kat, dame, jedi, Greg (if you don't know who Greg is, don't ask)...
I came up with proud soprano.
:) :) : )
Sal likes that one.
Not sure what to think about that.
I then suggested soprano dame, but Sal says that proud soprano is prettier.
Such a decision I face!
My mums and dads
Aren't they cute!
The Starkins and the Gooches
Aren't they cute!
The Starkins and the Gooches
Keeping my mouth shut
I have great news!!!!
But I can't say anything tell next week!!
But I can't say anything tell next week!!
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
For anyone who is wondering....
The Christmas list that was posted a few days ago was kind of a joke.
I mean....yes, I would love to have a jet and a lifetime pass on the Orient Express.
But, as they keep telling me, this is reality.
So thanks to Derek Merek for the thought.
You're a sweetie.
The Christmas list that was posted a few days ago was kind of a joke.
I mean....yes, I would love to have a jet and a lifetime pass on the Orient Express.
But, as they keep telling me, this is reality.
So thanks to Derek Merek for the thought.
You're a sweetie.
Alrighty, peoples!
I want a new AIM screenname!
I want a new AIM screenname!
Follow the link to load my new favorite money note!!
This is a beautiful blog theme.
Give my regards to whoever thought it up.
Give my regards to whoever thought it up.
Monday, November 22, 2004
Just in case you wanted to know...
It's time!
Alright people!
Now that I have a fire lit under me from the last post, it's time for a Jane theme!!!
Now that I have a fire lit under me from the last post, it's time for a Jane theme!!!
A confession
I like to think of myself as a level headed person who has the ability and powers of reasoning that allow me to see all sides of an issue, put myself in the other's shoes, etc. and then make a judgement.
I know this will come a shock to some of you, but there is one subject upon which I find it very difficult to be relatively free of bias.
I know, I know, I can hear the gasps and cries of disbelief.
But really, people...
There is a production of Jane going on in Chicago right now and I saw two video clips from it of The Pledge.
This was basically my reaction...
...and then...
NO Syndrome hit me when Rochester began to sing.
*cleans out ears*
Sorry, ears. I shouldn't have subjected us to that.
First of all, people complained that Marla was too pretty, James was too handsome and that they looked too close in age.
This pair in Chicago?
Jane looks 10 years older than Rochester. She should be playing Madame Giry.
Rochester sings through his nose. He should be playing Enjolras.
They have as much appeal as a pair of limp dishcloths.
I cannot stand it when Rochester is portrayed as a whipped puppy.
Arg, bah, blast and bother!!!
Okay, I'll stop.
I know this will come a shock to some of you, but there is one subject upon which I find it very difficult to be relatively free of bias.
I know, I know, I can hear the gasps and cries of disbelief.
But really, people...
There is a production of Jane going on in Chicago right now and I saw two video clips from it of The Pledge.
This was basically my reaction...
...and then...
NO Syndrome hit me when Rochester began to sing.
*cleans out ears*
Sorry, ears. I shouldn't have subjected us to that.
First of all, people complained that Marla was too pretty, James was too handsome and that they looked too close in age.
This pair in Chicago?
Jane looks 10 years older than Rochester. She should be playing Madame Giry.
Rochester sings through his nose. He should be playing Enjolras.
They have as much appeal as a pair of limp dishcloths.
I cannot stand it when Rochester is portrayed as a whipped puppy.
Arg, bah, blast and bother!!!
Okay, I'll stop.
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
La la laaa!!!
I wrapped Christmas presents today!!!!
If anyone needs suggestions on what to get me, here's a list: :)
1. A jet
2. A lifetime pass for the Orient Express
3. Any piece of furniture from Toscano
4. A mini disc recorder
5. An iPod
6. A DVD burner
If you need more, simply ask. :)
If anyone needs suggestions on what to get me, here's a list: :)
1. A jet
2. A lifetime pass for the Orient Express
3. Any piece of furniture from Toscano
4. A mini disc recorder
5. An iPod
6. A DVD burner
If you need more, simply ask. :)
So, last night was ensemble practice.
We sound great.
*pats self on back*
We're definitely going to have to work on the skit, but hopefully my fellow cast members will be struck with improv greatness.
Paul asked me if I would be involved with planning College & Career functions for the section.
We'll see what happens with that.
For anyone who cares - other news from Paul-
Eddie and Angela are getting married in May!!!
It's about time!
*cues Wedding March*
We sound great.
*pats self on back*
We're definitely going to have to work on the skit, but hopefully my fellow cast members will be struck with improv greatness.
Paul asked me if I would be involved with planning College & Career functions for the section.
We'll see what happens with that.
For anyone who cares - other news from Paul-
Eddie and Angela are getting married in May!!!
It's about time!
*cues Wedding March*
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Thursday, November 04, 2004
AARRRRGGGGG!!!Sometimes I wish something would just HAPPEN so I can get on with stuff.
I gotta do something about this blog.
Force, if necessary.
So, Bush is President.For all of you people who think that this is the end of the world, go have a cup of tea.
My parents are gone for a week.
NO SCHOOL NEXT THURSDAY!!!*evil laughter*
We had our Second Annual Carolling outing on Halloween.
We were a smashing success.
Ever eaten take out Chinese food in a car in the dark?
Rebecca got a job!!
Sometimes I feel like I'm manic.
Maybe it's just my "artistic tempermant?"
I gotta do something about this blog.
Force, if necessary.
So, Bush is President.For all of you people who think that this is the end of the world, go have a cup of tea.
My parents are gone for a week.
NO SCHOOL NEXT THURSDAY!!!*evil laughter*
We had our Second Annual Carolling outing on Halloween.
We were a smashing success.
Ever eaten take out Chinese food in a car in the dark?
Rebecca got a job!!
Sometimes I feel like I'm manic.
Maybe it's just my "artistic tempermant?"
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
I fail to understand how people can think that by simply replacing one man in one office, the world would suddenly have become a perfect place.
I fail to understand how people can think that by simply retaining one man in one office, the world is suddenly coming to an end.
Both ideas are illogical.
Either you believe in the Word of God, or you don't.
Wrong is wrong.
Is the war in Iraq WRONG, according to the Word of God?
That's debatable.
Is abortion WRONG, according to the Word of God?
Is homosexuality/gay marriage WRONG, according to the Word of God?
(I could go on, but you get the point)
Did I vote for Bush?
For everyone who thinks this is the end of the world, go live in Laos or North Korea for a while.
They are two of five countries that are still under Communist regimes.
Or try Calcutta.
I think the political affiliation of the US President will then be a minor issue.
I am the first to admit that President Bush isn't the brightest crayon in the box.
So be it.
I would rather have a semi-bright crayon in my box then one who constantly changes color to fit with popular opinion.
I fail to understand how people can think that by simply retaining one man in one office, the world is suddenly coming to an end.
Both ideas are illogical.
Either you believe in the Word of God, or you don't.
Wrong is wrong.
Is the war in Iraq WRONG, according to the Word of God?
That's debatable.
Is abortion WRONG, according to the Word of God?
Is homosexuality/gay marriage WRONG, according to the Word of God?
(I could go on, but you get the point)
Did I vote for Bush?
For everyone who thinks this is the end of the world, go live in Laos or North Korea for a while.
They are two of five countries that are still under Communist regimes.
Or try Calcutta.
I think the political affiliation of the US President will then be a minor issue.
I am the first to admit that President Bush isn't the brightest crayon in the box.
So be it.
I would rather have a semi-bright crayon in my box then one who constantly changes color to fit with popular opinion.
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
For anyone who cares...
Robert Merrill died.
I liked him. He seemed like a down to earth kind of guy who just happened to be one of opera's most familiar faces, but maybe that's because he was a baritone and not a tenor. ;)
He sang the National Anthem on opening day at Yankee Stadium for 3o years.
Here's a quote from the CNN article:
He took the job seriously and once said he didn't appreciate when singers tried to ad lib with "distortions."
"When you do the anthem, there's a legitimacy to it," Merrill told Newsday in 2000. "I'm bothered by these different interpretations of it."
Thank you, Mr.Merrill.
Too bad most people didn't listen to you.
Robert Merrill died.
I liked him. He seemed like a down to earth kind of guy who just happened to be one of opera's most familiar faces, but maybe that's because he was a baritone and not a tenor. ;)
He sang the National Anthem on opening day at Yankee Stadium for 3o years.
Here's a quote from the CNN article:
He took the job seriously and once said he didn't appreciate when singers tried to ad lib with "distortions."
"When you do the anthem, there's a legitimacy to it," Merrill told Newsday in 2000. "I'm bothered by these different interpretations of it."
Thank you, Mr.Merrill.
Too bad most people didn't listen to you.
Saturday, October 23, 2004
Oooooohhhh boy
You Know You're Addicted to AIM When... |
Three words: Carpal tunnel syndrome
You no longer type with proper punctuation, capitalization, or complete sentences... You're pissed off your buddy list can only hold 200 screen names You begin to say hehehe instead of laughing You can now type over 70 wpm You type messages to people who are right next to you or on the phone with you. You won't work at a company that blocks AIM You sign on and immediately get 10 messages from other people You have a few screen names, some of them secret. You type in random screen names, just to see if anyone has them. Your screenname has the year 2002 or earlier in it. You know what %n means You don't break for the bathroom - even though you've got to go real bad - until you think of a witty away message. You check the away messages of your buddies, every day, to make sure they haven't changed. You have a few people on your buddy list just to spy on them. You've had a meaningful conversation with a bot. You learned Photoshop to make a super cool buddy icon You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends who are addicted to AIM. |
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
You're an Autum. You're much more laid back then
most and you're very comfortable in new
situations. You rather let things go with the
flow than try to change them. You have a lot of
close friends who love you because you can help
them with their problems. You're a very patient
person and it take a lot to get you rattled.
You're deffinately a lover not a hater. (If you
can't see tje pics, go to my homepage and look
near the bottom and find your result)
What season are you? (pics)
brought to you by
most and you're very comfortable in new
situations. You rather let things go with the
flow than try to change them. You have a lot of
close friends who love you because you can help
them with their problems. You're a very patient
person and it take a lot to get you rattled.
You're deffinately a lover not a hater. (If you
can't see tje pics, go to my homepage and look
near the bottom and find your result)
What season are you? (pics)
brought to you by
How very interesting
What kind of love are you?
(from Quizilla)
You are heartbroken love. You were in love so deep,
and now you are completely shattered. Hang in
there, you will find someone much better.
(from Quizilla)
You are heartbroken love. You were in love so deep,
and now you are completely shattered. Hang in
there, you will find someone much better.
Good old Byron
My Soul is dark
My soul is dark - Oh! quickly string
The harp I yet can brook to hear;
And let thy gentle fingers fling
Its melting murmurs o'er mine ear.
If in this heart a hope be dear,
That sound shall charm it forth again:
If in these eyes there lurk a tear,
'Twill flow, and cease to burn my brain.
But bid the strain be wild and deep,
Nor let thy notes of joy be first:
I tell thee, minstrel, I must weep,
Or else this heavy heart will burst;
For it hath been by sorrow nursed,
And ached in sleepless silence, long;
And now 'tis doomed to know the worst,
And break at once - or yield to song.
My soul is dark - Oh! quickly string
The harp I yet can brook to hear;
And let thy gentle fingers fling
Its melting murmurs o'er mine ear.
If in this heart a hope be dear,
That sound shall charm it forth again:
If in these eyes there lurk a tear,
'Twill flow, and cease to burn my brain.
But bid the strain be wild and deep,
Nor let thy notes of joy be first:
I tell thee, minstrel, I must weep,
Or else this heavy heart will burst;
For it hath been by sorrow nursed,
And ached in sleepless silence, long;
And now 'tis doomed to know the worst,
And break at once - or yield to song.
Today wasn't so great.
I was feeling really crummy yesterday and went to bed around 7, then got up for a while and then went back to bed.
Still feeling rather crummy.
My cat was throwing up this morning.
I walked into my room this afternoon and discovered a dead Bruno.
So I was sitting in the living room crying when my father got home.
He cracks me up.
He took Bruno and buried him in the front of the house and made a little cross and everything.
I thought perhaps something was wrong with Bruno when I cleaned the tank yesterday.
I was feeling really crummy yesterday and went to bed around 7, then got up for a while and then went back to bed.
Still feeling rather crummy.
My cat was throwing up this morning.
I walked into my room this afternoon and discovered a dead Bruno.
So I was sitting in the living room crying when my father got home.
He cracks me up.
He took Bruno and buried him in the front of the house and made a little cross and everything.
I thought perhaps something was wrong with Bruno when I cleaned the tank yesterday.
Thursday, October 14, 2004
A person who is drowning does not need me to comment on how dirty the water is.
They need me to offer them a lifesaver.
They need me to offer them a lifesaver.
Friday, October 08, 2004
Ooooh boy
I am such a shmuch.
I have a picture on my desktop at work of a stained glass window from a cathedral in Prague.
Chris commented on it and I told her that one of my favorite things from our UK trip was going to the minsters and abbeys.
So I'm telling her about it and....
I think I'm having a Feel Sorry For Yourself Day.
Anyone care to join me?
I have a picture on my desktop at work of a stained glass window from a cathedral in Prague.
Chris commented on it and I told her that one of my favorite things from our UK trip was going to the minsters and abbeys.
So I'm telling her about it and....
I think I'm having a Feel Sorry For Yourself Day.
Anyone care to join me?
*insert drawn out wail*
Well, poor Mrs.Shea has an uncle who isn't expected to live very long.
She's going to be gone for two weeks and we get stuck with a sub.
Very stinky.
I made myself a really cool choir mix cd.
*rocks out*
:) :) :) :)
I'm work.
Guess that means I should be working, heh?
I just gotta say that I am so glad I'm a soprano.
No disrespect to the altos out there, but it just sounds so boring to sing that part.
Is it?
And really, many an alto is just a lazy soprano.
There you have it.
I'm hungry.
Time for some cinnamon toast.
Oh, and one more thing -
People bug the British for their fussy was of making tea.....
Well, folks, I tend to agree that the water needs tot boil for 30 seconds.
Simply running water through a coffee maker to heat it just doesn't cut it.
It does not taste the same.
'Nuff said.
See ya.
She's going to be gone for two weeks and we get stuck with a sub.
Very stinky.
I made myself a really cool choir mix cd.
*rocks out*
:) :) :) :)
I'm work.
Guess that means I should be working, heh?
I just gotta say that I am so glad I'm a soprano.
No disrespect to the altos out there, but it just sounds so boring to sing that part.
Is it?
And really, many an alto is just a lazy soprano.
There you have it.
I'm hungry.
Time for some cinnamon toast.
Oh, and one more thing -
People bug the British for their fussy was of making tea.....
Well, folks, I tend to agree that the water needs tot boil for 30 seconds.
Simply running water through a coffee maker to heat it just doesn't cut it.
It does not taste the same.
'Nuff said.
See ya.
Monday, October 04, 2004
Here I am approaching the one year anniversary of the blog and I have no interest in it right now.
Not sure why.
Hang in there, folks.
Not sure why.
Hang in there, folks.
Saturday, September 25, 2004
Dead Man Walking
If you want to hear Bro.Stoneking's story, go to, click on the banner for General Conference, scroll down and choose the video from Ladies Day and go about 2 hours and 45 minutes into it.
He's doing pretty good for a man who was dead for 30 minutes.
He's doing pretty good for a man who was dead for 30 minutes.
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
It's been a long road...
I have a so many thoughts flying around in my head right now.
Let's see...gotta pull some out at random.
I really don't like the song From A Distance.
Jaci Velasquez says "man" a lot.
I love Christmas music.
I had a dream last night that I changed the blog. Alas, to wake up to reality. *sigh*
I'm hungry.
I love my cat.
Bethany and I wrote the cutest little story in Spanish yesterday. It involved a big furry pink beast who was a Fairy Tale Major at Hansel & Gretel University and a blue haired Princess name Jane.
I miss New York.
I miss my friends who live far away.
Some people are just crazy.
I think I need a Vermeer theme on the blog again.
I have a so many thoughts flying around in my head right now.
Let's see...gotta pull some out at random.
I really don't like the song From A Distance.
Jaci Velasquez says "man" a lot.
I love Christmas music.
I had a dream last night that I changed the blog. Alas, to wake up to reality. *sigh*
I'm hungry.
I love my cat.
Bethany and I wrote the cutest little story in Spanish yesterday. It involved a big furry pink beast who was a Fairy Tale Major at Hansel & Gretel University and a blue haired Princess name Jane.
I miss New York.
I miss my friends who live far away.
Some people are just crazy.
I think I need a Vermeer theme on the blog again.
Saturday, September 18, 2004
Fa la laaaa!!!
It's that time of year!!!!
Time to break out the Christmas tunes!!!
The honor of the Very First Christmas Song of the Year was given to Jonathan's version of
O Holy Night.
The honor of the Second Very First Christmas Song of the Year was given to Michael's (the British one) version of
O Holy Night.
The honor of the Third Very First Christmas Song of the Year was given to Bruno's version of
Minuit chretiens (French version of O Holy Night).
Yes, I like this song!
I think it is practically a crime to record a Christmas album and not include O Holy Night.
It's just wrong.
So, after listening to Jonathan, Michael and Bruno, I had a gorgeous idea.
This year will be the first annual "Kathey's O Holy Night-off."
If you would like to submit an entry, feel free. I am especially looking for female artists, since males make up the majority of my collection. And no comments are needed on that account!
Awards will be given out for various categories, i.e. Best BGV's, Best Orchestration, Best Non-English version, Best Money Note, etc.
Also, if enough people are interested, I would open this up to the public and make an actual cd of the entries and have people vote for the categories. Might be fun. :)
I'll post more info tomorrow.
Gotta get to bed!
Time to break out the Christmas tunes!!!
The honor of the Very First Christmas Song of the Year was given to Jonathan's version of
O Holy Night.
The honor of the Second Very First Christmas Song of the Year was given to Michael's (the British one) version of
O Holy Night.
The honor of the Third Very First Christmas Song of the Year was given to Bruno's version of
Minuit chretiens (French version of O Holy Night).
Yes, I like this song!
I think it is practically a crime to record a Christmas album and not include O Holy Night.
It's just wrong.
So, after listening to Jonathan, Michael and Bruno, I had a gorgeous idea.
This year will be the first annual "Kathey's O Holy Night-off."
If you would like to submit an entry, feel free. I am especially looking for female artists, since males make up the majority of my collection. And no comments are needed on that account!
Awards will be given out for various categories, i.e. Best BGV's, Best Orchestration, Best Non-English version, Best Money Note, etc.
Also, if enough people are interested, I would open this up to the public and make an actual cd of the entries and have people vote for the categories. Might be fun. :)
I'll post more info tomorrow.
Gotta get to bed!
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Oh, woe is me!
I went to see Dr.Miles this morning.
He told me to get reading glasses.
If that doesn't help the headaches, we have to do something else.
They aren't that bad, I supose.
I got the frameless kind cause everything else just looked too heavy to me.
And that's one thing I don't need.
He told me to get reading glasses.
If that doesn't help the headaches, we have to do something else.
They aren't that bad, I supose.
I got the frameless kind cause everything else just looked too heavy to me.
And that's one thing I don't need.
Sunday, September 12, 2004
How true
I think I've posted this before, but it's so funny, I gotta post it again.
Book a Minute - Classics
~The Collected Works of Jane Austen~
Female Lead - I secretly love Male Lead. He must never know.
Male Lead - I secretely love Female Lead. She must never know.
(They find out.)
The end.
Book a Minute - Classics
~The Collected Works of Jane Austen~
Female Lead - I secretly love Male Lead. He must never know.
Male Lead - I secretely love Female Lead. She must never know.
(They find out.)
The end.
Saturday, September 11, 2004
A great mystery
This, my friends, is brilliant.
How this novel came out of the mind of a curate's daughter who lived in the boonies of Yorkshire, I'll never know.
But it's brilliant.
Thursday, September 09, 2004
A realization
I think they are some things that we go through in life that will always be painful to recall.
They are brought to mind, most of the time without our permission, by the words of others, a phrase, a song...
Does time heal all wounds????
They are brought to mind, most of the time without our permission, by the words of others, a phrase, a song...
Does time heal all wounds????
An Honorable Mention
Just wanted to applaud Emma for getting Ben into a WPS.
Okay, so it wasn't exactly was more like cream...
But anyways, I admire her efforts.
If guys wore WPS frequently, the world would be a happier place.
Okay, so it wasn't exactly was more like cream...
But anyways, I admire her efforts.
If guys wore WPS frequently, the world would be a happier place.
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
Well, Spanish wasn't too bad today. The quiz was fairly easy and we got out about half an hour early. Woohoo!
Monday, September 06, 2004
I'm being perky!
A mocha frappucino with a shot of mint!
A Leighton print!
No school!
Sleeping late!
More cookies!
Chocolate chip pancakes!
Garrison Keillor!
A bathroom after a long car ride and too much Pepsi!
Hot showers!
Medievally stuff!
White poofy shirts!
A massage from Bethany!
Swimming! (as long as the pool is open)
Alright, You Know that perky enough for you?
A mocha frappucino with a shot of mint!
A Leighton print!
No school!
Sleeping late!
More cookies!
Chocolate chip pancakes!
Garrison Keillor!
A bathroom after a long car ride and too much Pepsi!
Hot showers!
Medievally stuff!
White poofy shirts!
A massage from Bethany!
Swimming! (as long as the pool is open)
Alright, You Know that perky enough for you?
Sunday, September 05, 2004
Bethany mentioned that she was going through the archives of this blog so I decided that I wanted to.
This actually used to be an amusing and interesting blog.
Social commentary, music commentary...
Sorry, people.
Life has changed me.
Here's something that I found in the archives.
I didn't realize that I had written stuff so much.
Lock me out
Toss the key over your shoulder
You do not consider-
The day may come when that key
Will be needed to open a door
Snuff out the flame
Of a friendship long burning
You do not consider-
The wick may not light anew
If you find yourself in a cold tomorrow
Bury the memories
In the graveyard of your mind
You do not consider-
The memories could bring you comfort
When you are one day alone
This actually used to be an amusing and interesting blog.
Social commentary, music commentary...
Sorry, people.
Life has changed me.
Here's something that I found in the archives.
I didn't realize that I had written stuff so much.
Lock me out
Toss the key over your shoulder
You do not consider-
The day may come when that key
Will be needed to open a door
Snuff out the flame
Of a friendship long burning
You do not consider-
The wick may not light anew
If you find yourself in a cold tomorrow
Bury the memories
In the graveyard of your mind
You do not consider-
The memories could bring you comfort
When you are one day alone
Thursday, September 02, 2004
Sorry for the lack of posting lately.
These headaches are killing me.
This is for me and for anyone who cares...
I'm having a Jane relapse.
It isn't pretty.
These headaches are killing me.
This is for me and for anyone who cares...
I'm having a Jane relapse.
It isn't pretty.
Monday, August 30, 2004
Busy little bee
I had quite a weekend.
Went to Stockton with Mother on Saturday.
Met Tim and Andrea for dinner and then went back to Riverbank with them and spent the night.
Goodness, I sure miss hearing Tim preach.
I know we're spoiled with Bro.Brown (and Bro.Price) and I'm not complaining.
It's just nice to hear Tim again.
Andrea and I cackled most of the way home last night.
Not sure how Tim managed to sleep through it.
Andrea was telling me stories about Camp Meeting. For example, the time she smashed nachos in some kid's face because he kept saying that she smelled like Bumble Bee tuna.
Of course, just because I have a Spanish exam, I also have a deadline at work.
Blast that Murphy.
Who let him write that law anyways!!???
I think I need a snack.
Went to Stockton with Mother on Saturday.
Met Tim and Andrea for dinner and then went back to Riverbank with them and spent the night.
Goodness, I sure miss hearing Tim preach.
I know we're spoiled with Bro.Brown (and Bro.Price) and I'm not complaining.
It's just nice to hear Tim again.
Andrea and I cackled most of the way home last night.
Not sure how Tim managed to sleep through it.
Andrea was telling me stories about Camp Meeting. For example, the time she smashed nachos in some kid's face because he kept saying that she smelled like Bumble Bee tuna.
Of course, just because I have a Spanish exam, I also have a deadline at work.
Blast that Murphy.
Who let him write that law anyways!!???
I think I need a snack.
Friday, August 27, 2004
My fella
Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm in love.
Here's the lucky guy.
Actually, I've known him for quite some time.
I just love the way he makes all the Seasons *cough* come together.
*big grin*
Back to the salt mines...
Here's the lucky guy.
Actually, I've known him for quite some time.
I just love the way he makes all the Seasons *cough* come together.
*big grin*
Back to the salt mines...
Sunday, August 22, 2004
Two armed robbers went into the Munch Museum in Oslo today and ran off with The Scream!!!!!
I gotta call Bethany!!!
I gotta call Bethany!!!
Friday, August 20, 2004
Don't Go Looking
Cry sad tears
Then dry your eyes
And mend your heart
Life's too short to waste
Sweet Time
Love is gone
Now you must start
Deep blue eyes
Smile at you
Across the room
You say that his were brown
And he
Is not the guy that you once knew
Don't go looking for
That heart you loved before
You can't replace him
With the same kind of face
Don't dream that sweet old dream
It's not the final scene
Be open to somebody else
Someone new
Change brings fear
As clouds will always bring the rain
But when it finally clears
The sun
Will sine to make it bright again
Let love in
You might feel it deeper still
But if you hide away
I swear that you will never
Don't go looking for
That heart you loved before
You can't replace him
With the same kind of face
Don't dream that sweet old dream
It's not the final scene
Be open to somebody else
Someone new
Then dry your eyes
And mend your heart
Life's too short to waste
Sweet Time
Love is gone
Now you must start
Deep blue eyes
Smile at you
Across the room
You say that his were brown
And he
Is not the guy that you once knew
Don't go looking for
That heart you loved before
You can't replace him
With the same kind of face
Don't dream that sweet old dream
It's not the final scene
Be open to somebody else
Someone new
Change brings fear
As clouds will always bring the rain
But when it finally clears
The sun
Will sine to make it bright again
Let love in
You might feel it deeper still
But if you hide away
I swear that you will never
Don't go looking for
That heart you loved before
You can't replace him
With the same kind of face
Don't dream that sweet old dream
It's not the final scene
Be open to somebody else
Someone new
Monday, August 16, 2004
No Title
The US Mens gymnastics team won a silver medal in the team competition!!!
I'm still mad that they chose Steve McCain as an alternate rather than putting him on the team, but this medal does redeem them just a smidgin.
However, I am shocked beyond belief that Russia didn't win a medal.
That's just unbelievable.
That's like Cal Ripkin missing a game.
I'm wearing a bright orange tshirt.
Just wanted everyone to be aware of that fact.
So tomorrow I start classes again.
If I can't get into the Speech class, I might try for the Bible as Lit English class...
But Seymour is the professor and I don't know if I can stomach an entire fall semester of watching her re-apply her lipstick and flip her hair back while she's talking about Old Testament prophets.
I am definitely going to need a crash refresher course of Spanish I.
I'm still ticked that Villagomez isn't teaching it.
*shakes fist at the NVC*
I did have a great summer, filled with [mostly] lovely people and places.
My list of states to be visited has been cut down by one.
I know that Parke County, Indiana has the most covered bridges of any county in the country.
I know where the In&Out is in San Francisco.
I know that riding a carousel at 22 years of age is more fun than riding a carousel as a child.
So now that fall is approaching and I'm back to school, I'll most likely be posting daily, perhaps multiple times.
While I'm thinking of it, I just have to say how wonderful it will be to have a fall semester without that evil thing called Physics.
*cues the Hallelujah Chorus*
And in honor of that thought, I leave you with a photo from my summer travels.
If you have to ask, you must have stumbled across this blog accidentally.
I'm still mad that they chose Steve McCain as an alternate rather than putting him on the team, but this medal does redeem them just a smidgin.
However, I am shocked beyond belief that Russia didn't win a medal.
That's just unbelievable.
That's like Cal Ripkin missing a game.
I'm wearing a bright orange tshirt.
Just wanted everyone to be aware of that fact.
So tomorrow I start classes again.
If I can't get into the Speech class, I might try for the Bible as Lit English class...
But Seymour is the professor and I don't know if I can stomach an entire fall semester of watching her re-apply her lipstick and flip her hair back while she's talking about Old Testament prophets.
I am definitely going to need a crash refresher course of Spanish I.
I'm still ticked that Villagomez isn't teaching it.
*shakes fist at the NVC*
I did have a great summer, filled with [mostly] lovely people and places.
My list of states to be visited has been cut down by one.
I know that Parke County, Indiana has the most covered bridges of any county in the country.
I know where the In&Out is in San Francisco.
I know that riding a carousel at 22 years of age is more fun than riding a carousel as a child.
So now that fall is approaching and I'm back to school, I'll most likely be posting daily, perhaps multiple times.
While I'm thinking of it, I just have to say how wonderful it will be to have a fall semester without that evil thing called Physics.
*cues the Hallelujah Chorus*
And in honor of that thought, I leave you with a photo from my summer travels.
If you have to ask, you must have stumbled across this blog accidentally.
Monday, August 09, 2004
Well that was weird...
Somehow a redirect link snuck into my template.
But I took it out.
Blasted thing.
But I took it out.
Blasted thing.
Sunday, August 08, 2004
Home on the range!!
I'm back from beautiful Indiana!
Let me see...did anything spectacular happen...
Well, the concert Thursday night was kind of crummy.
Friday night was awesome.
Uhm...oh yeah, we went backstage (actually it was more like understage) and gabbed with one of the performers....some guy...what was his name, Sal?
He was very sweet and chatty and made sure we had a nice background for the pictures...
Am I missing anything?
Let me see...did anything spectacular happen...
Well, the concert Thursday night was kind of crummy.
Friday night was awesome.
Uhm...oh yeah, we went backstage (actually it was more like understage) and gabbed with one of the performers....some guy...what was his name, Sal?
He was very sweet and chatty and made sure we had a nice background for the pictures...
Am I missing anything?
Thursday, July 29, 2004
4 am
So, I'm getting up tomorrow at 4:15 am.
I hate that feeling that comes with packing and getting on a plane.
I have mother's packing list and I still feel like I could be missing something.
Sorry for not posting since Saturday.
Yeesh, that's a long time.
Shame on me.
I'll probably post while I'm vacation, so be prepared to be envious of all the fabulous things I'll be doing over in that party state of Indiana.
In other news, it has actually been confirmed that a certain tall baritone will be where he's supposed to be.
And even an extra date on the 5th.
Bless him.
All I gotta say is, it's a good thing Assassins closed when it did.
So, I gotta take a shower and do some stuff and then get it bed.
4 am.
I hate that feeling that comes with packing and getting on a plane.
I have mother's packing list and I still feel like I could be missing something.
Sorry for not posting since Saturday.
Yeesh, that's a long time.
Shame on me.
I'll probably post while I'm vacation, so be prepared to be envious of all the fabulous things I'll be doing over in that party state of Indiana.
In other news, it has actually been confirmed that a certain tall baritone will be where he's supposed to be.
And even an extra date on the 5th.
Bless him.
All I gotta say is, it's a good thing Assassins closed when it did.
So, I gotta take a shower and do some stuff and then get it bed.
4 am.
Saturday, July 24, 2004
Choices, choices...
Okay, people....
As much as I like the theme, it just isn't suiting my mood lately.
It's too dark.
I'm feeling the need for a castle or something...
As much as I like the theme, it just isn't suiting my mood lately.
It's too dark.
I'm feeling the need for a castle or something...
Friday, July 23, 2004
This is highly amusing and I am sure that one for Bush would be just as funny.
7 mansions, including Washington DC, worth multi-millions
Law Enforcement:
I voted to cut every law enforcement, CIA and defense bill in my
career as a US Senator. I ordered Boston to remove a fire hydrant
in front of my mansion, thereby endangering my neighbors in the
event of fire.
I used three minor injuries to get an early discharge from the
military and service in Vietnam. I then returned to the US, joined
Jane Fonda in protesting the war, and insulted returning Vietnam
vets, claiming they committed atrocities and were baby killers. I
threw my medals, ribbons, or something away in protest. Or did I?
My book "Vietnam Veterans Against the War: The New Soldier" shows
how I truly feel about the military.
I graduated from Yale University with a low C average. Unlike my
counterpart George Bush, I have no higher education and did not get
admitted to Harvard nor graduate with an M.B.A
I ran for U.S. Congress and have been there ever since. I have no
real world experience except marrying rich women and running HJ
Heinz vicariously through my wife Teresa.
I set the record for the most liberal voting record, exceeding even
Ted Kennedy and Hillary Clinton. I have consistently failed to
support our military and CIA by voting against budgets, thus
gutting our country's ability to defend itself. Although I voted
for the Iraq War,
now I am against it and refuse to admit that I voted for it.
I voted for every liberal piece of legislation. I have no plan to
help this country but I intend to raise taxes significantly if I am
My wealth so far exceeds that of my counterpart, George Bush, that
he will never catch up. I make no or little charitable
contributions and have never agreed to pay any voluntary excess
taxes in MA, despite family wealth in excess of $700 million.
Although I claim to be in favor of alternative energy sources, Ted
Kennedy and I oppose windmills off Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard
as it might spoil our view of the ocean as we cruise on our yachts.
I ride a Serotta Bike.
My Gulfstream V Jet I call "The Flying Squirrel"
I call my $ 850,000 42 foot Hinckley twin diesel yacht the
I am fascinated by rap and hip-hop and you had better listen to it
as it reflects our real culture.
I own several SUVs including one parked at my Nantucket summer
mansion, though I am against large polluting inefficient vehicles
and blame George Bush for the energy problems.
7 mansions, including Washington DC, worth multi-millions
Law Enforcement:
I voted to cut every law enforcement, CIA and defense bill in my
career as a US Senator. I ordered Boston to remove a fire hydrant
in front of my mansion, thereby endangering my neighbors in the
event of fire.
I used three minor injuries to get an early discharge from the
military and service in Vietnam. I then returned to the US, joined
Jane Fonda in protesting the war, and insulted returning Vietnam
vets, claiming they committed atrocities and were baby killers. I
threw my medals, ribbons, or something away in protest. Or did I?
My book "Vietnam Veterans Against the War: The New Soldier" shows
how I truly feel about the military.
I graduated from Yale University with a low C average. Unlike my
counterpart George Bush, I have no higher education and did not get
admitted to Harvard nor graduate with an M.B.A
I ran for U.S. Congress and have been there ever since. I have no
real world experience except marrying rich women and running HJ
Heinz vicariously through my wife Teresa.
I set the record for the most liberal voting record, exceeding even
Ted Kennedy and Hillary Clinton. I have consistently failed to
support our military and CIA by voting against budgets, thus
gutting our country's ability to defend itself. Although I voted
for the Iraq War,
now I am against it and refuse to admit that I voted for it.
I voted for every liberal piece of legislation. I have no plan to
help this country but I intend to raise taxes significantly if I am
My wealth so far exceeds that of my counterpart, George Bush, that
he will never catch up. I make no or little charitable
contributions and have never agreed to pay any voluntary excess
taxes in MA, despite family wealth in excess of $700 million.
Although I claim to be in favor of alternative energy sources, Ted
Kennedy and I oppose windmills off Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard
as it might spoil our view of the ocean as we cruise on our yachts.
I ride a Serotta Bike.
My Gulfstream V Jet I call "The Flying Squirrel"
I call my $ 850,000 42 foot Hinckley twin diesel yacht the
I am fascinated by rap and hip-hop and you had better listen to it
as it reflects our real culture.
I own several SUVs including one parked at my Nantucket summer
mansion, though I am against large polluting inefficient vehicles
and blame George Bush for the energy problems.
Thursday, July 22, 2004
What flavor lip gloss are you...
You’re Perfectly Peppermint!You believe in the understated chic of simplicity. Not one to hide behind lots of makeup or flashy clothes, you prefer to let your natural beauty shine through. For a down-to-earth sister like you, the fresh-n-feisty flavor of peppermint is your obvious lip-gloss partner. Not only will this cool, comforting essence help calm your mind and elevate your mood, the addition of fresh mint in your gloss will give your lips a naturally rosy glow.
Hah!!!!! I used to LOVE that Bonnie Bell Peppermint stuff.
Now I use Burt's Beeswax Lip Balm and it is very pepperminty.
You’re Perfectly Peppermint!You believe in the understated chic of simplicity. Not one to hide behind lots of makeup or flashy clothes, you prefer to let your natural beauty shine through. For a down-to-earth sister like you, the fresh-n-feisty flavor of peppermint is your obvious lip-gloss partner. Not only will this cool, comforting essence help calm your mind and elevate your mood, the addition of fresh mint in your gloss will give your lips a naturally rosy glow.
Hah!!!!! I used to LOVE that Bonnie Bell Peppermint stuff.
Now I use Burt's Beeswax Lip Balm and it is very pepperminty.
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Looking around blogs...
All I can say is that I'm glad I'm at the place where I am now...or something like that...
I've been thinking.
This summer has been great.
I have been able to spend a lot of time by myself.
I suppose some people view me as anti-social.
I need my alone time. It gives me energy to be around people.
God has helped me and shown me how to deal with some things in life and it has made a huge difference.
April 03-May04 was a tough period for me, for reasons which most of you probably know.
But things are different now.
I feel like I have been walking downhill for a long time and now the road is straight and smooth.
Not necessarily on a day to day basis, but on a larger scale.
I have seen that is it possible to remain someone's friend even when they make decisions that you disagree with.
I have seen that people only change when they want to change.
I have seen that a relationship cannot fail as long as two people continue to communicate openly.
I have learned that God trusts me.
All I can say is that I'm glad I'm at the place where I am now...or something like that...
I've been thinking.
This summer has been great.
I have been able to spend a lot of time by myself.
I suppose some people view me as anti-social.
I need my alone time. It gives me energy to be around people.
God has helped me and shown me how to deal with some things in life and it has made a huge difference.
April 03-May04 was a tough period for me, for reasons which most of you probably know.
But things are different now.
I feel like I have been walking downhill for a long time and now the road is straight and smooth.
Not necessarily on a day to day basis, but on a larger scale.
I have seen that is it possible to remain someone's friend even when they make decisions that you disagree with.
I have seen that people only change when they want to change.
I have seen that a relationship cannot fail as long as two people continue to communicate openly.
I have learned that God trusts me.
Another ope'nin, another show...
So, here we are again my friends.
I finally managed to find some tracks from The Woman In White demo.
Not terribly impressed, but one of them isn't bad.
Walter sings it.
The lyrics aren't exactly earth shattering, but I suppose that's to be expected.
I have important news....
She'll be here August 10-16.
My goodness.
Sal one week and Becca the next.
Then school.
Might need a Prozac or something.
I finally managed to find some tracks from The Woman In White demo.
Not terribly impressed, but one of them isn't bad.
Walter sings it.
The lyrics aren't exactly earth shattering, but I suppose that's to be expected.
I have important news....
She'll be here August 10-16.
My goodness.
Sal one week and Becca the next.
Then school.
Might need a Prozac or something.
Saturday, July 17, 2004
Turkey sandwiches
I seem to be developing a fondness for restaurant turkey sandwiches.
Not sure why.
I got the Les Miz soundboard with Carlos again.
I seem to have accidentally thrown away the files.
But Joyce the Magnificent helped me out.
A certain baritone is appearing with the Indianapolis Symphony.
This means that a certain happy vegetable will finally be able to see him.
There will be great suffering in Guilder if he does not show up!!!
*makes threatening face*
Bro.Plemons has developed a fan club.
It's so cute.
The little girls surround him after church.
I never did that. I was too shy.
I know, I know, I know...some of you probably don't believe that. But it's true.
I need to make a list of all the songs that the choir doesn't sing and give it to Frank.
Cause there are a lot of good ones that we never sing.
Alrighty, I should go do......something...
Not sure why.
I got the Les Miz soundboard with Carlos again.
I seem to have accidentally thrown away the files.
But Joyce the Magnificent helped me out.
A certain baritone is appearing with the Indianapolis Symphony.
This means that a certain happy vegetable will finally be able to see him.
There will be great suffering in Guilder if he does not show up!!!
*makes threatening face*
Bro.Plemons has developed a fan club.
It's so cute.
The little girls surround him after church.
I never did that. I was too shy.
I know, I know, I know...some of you probably don't believe that. But it's true.
I need to make a list of all the songs that the choir doesn't sing and give it to Frank.
Cause there are a lot of good ones that we never sing.
Alrighty, I should go do......something...
Wednesday, July 14, 2004
Some people!!!
My mother was going to put the teapot that Reina brought me from Holland INTO THE DISHWASHER!!!!!
Raising parents is a hard job.
Raising parents is a hard job.
The beauty of a good grapefruit soda
My friends, there is nothing on earth that can equal a good grapefruit soda.
Grapefruit soda is an extremely delicate matter, right up there with Jane Eyre and peanut butter ice cream.
What these three things have in common is that if they are not done just right, they stink to high heaven.
I'm sure I need not elaborate on the Jane issue, but peanut butter ice cream...have you ever had nasty peanut butter ice cream?
Grapefruit soda is an extremely delicate matter, right up there with Jane Eyre and peanut butter ice cream.
What these three things have in common is that if they are not done just right, they stink to high heaven.
I'm sure I need not elaborate on the Jane issue, but peanut butter ice cream...have you ever had nasty peanut butter ice cream?
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Today was a good day.
I think I am still happy from last night. :)
On Tuesday, Sis.Brown goes in for her surgery.
Everything is going to be okay, so don't worry.
Carly called today and asked me to watch Gabby and Madelaine overnight on Saturday.
I said "Yes," cause I like those two and because I didn't really have a reason to say "No."
I read a very interesting article today titled God Is Not A Republican
Check it out if you're interested.
I am so amused by the whole idea that the world will suddenly be perfect if Kerry is elected president.
If only it were true.
The guy from the Frugal Gourmet died.
I remember my grandmother watching that show when I was little.
Do people ever actually cook the stuff that is done on those kind of shows????
I got another Jane musical today.
What an absolute travesty.
Thank goodness Charlotte is dead and therefore eternally spared of ever hearing what those people did to her beautiful words.
My goodness.
I was quite indignant over the whole issue and Sal is a witness of that. She's the one who got yelled at. :)
When Jane is leaving, the music is HAPPY!! For the love of doughnuts, people!! Really!!!
The people playing Jane and Rochester....what a pair of passionless cold fish. Notice I did not refer to them as "actors." Using that term would imply that they were acting.
Paul Gordon, if you ever read this, YOU ARE A GENIUS!!!
And your writing partner....that John Caird fellow...he isn't so bad either.
I suppose I should head to bed.
I like my bed.
It's my friend.
I think I am still happy from last night. :)
On Tuesday, Sis.Brown goes in for her surgery.
Everything is going to be okay, so don't worry.
Carly called today and asked me to watch Gabby and Madelaine overnight on Saturday.
I said "Yes," cause I like those two and because I didn't really have a reason to say "No."
I read a very interesting article today titled God Is Not A Republican
Check it out if you're interested.
I am so amused by the whole idea that the world will suddenly be perfect if Kerry is elected president.
If only it were true.
The guy from the Frugal Gourmet died.
I remember my grandmother watching that show when I was little.
Do people ever actually cook the stuff that is done on those kind of shows????
I got another Jane musical today.
What an absolute travesty.
Thank goodness Charlotte is dead and therefore eternally spared of ever hearing what those people did to her beautiful words.
My goodness.
I was quite indignant over the whole issue and Sal is a witness of that. She's the one who got yelled at. :)
When Jane is leaving, the music is HAPPY!! For the love of doughnuts, people!! Really!!!
The people playing Jane and Rochester....what a pair of passionless cold fish. Notice I did not refer to them as "actors." Using that term would imply that they were acting.
Paul Gordon, if you ever read this, YOU ARE A GENIUS!!!
And your writing partner....that John Caird fellow...he isn't so bad either.
I suppose I should head to bed.
I like my bed.
It's my friend.
Sunday, July 11, 2004
Sundays sure poop me out.
This morning was kind of a madhouse with the class room switching and whatnot.
The kids were higher than kites.
Not sure why.
Just summer, I guess.
There were a ton of church people at Don Perico's.
I tried the vegetarian burrito and it wasn't anything spectacular. But I wanted the rice and beans rather than tons of bell pepper. Not a bell pepper fan.
It's warming up, people!
It's 86 right now.
I wish I was usually cold instead of usually hot.
I remember back in the Family days when Andrea and Linda would be freezing and I would be burning up. lol
Those two and their sweaters.
It did used to get rather toasty back in my Cave.
I miss my Cave.
I had a dream last night that I missed choir practice because I was in the restroom, changing my clothes.
I told Frank about it and he laughed. :)
For some reason, we got two different invitations to Baby Ella's shower.
How very odd.
Mother bought a very nifty book about London.
So I looked through the thing and by the time I got to the Underground Map at the end, I was thoroughly depressed.
If anyone is reading this who can help me get a nice office job in London, please let me know!!!!
This morning was kind of a madhouse with the class room switching and whatnot.
The kids were higher than kites.
Not sure why.
Just summer, I guess.
There were a ton of church people at Don Perico's.
I tried the vegetarian burrito and it wasn't anything spectacular. But I wanted the rice and beans rather than tons of bell pepper. Not a bell pepper fan.
It's warming up, people!
It's 86 right now.
I wish I was usually cold instead of usually hot.
I remember back in the Family days when Andrea and Linda would be freezing and I would be burning up. lol
Those two and their sweaters.
It did used to get rather toasty back in my Cave.
I miss my Cave.
I had a dream last night that I missed choir practice because I was in the restroom, changing my clothes.
I told Frank about it and he laughed. :)
For some reason, we got two different invitations to Baby Ella's shower.
How very odd.
Mother bought a very nifty book about London.
So I looked through the thing and by the time I got to the Underground Map at the end, I was thoroughly depressed.
If anyone is reading this who can help me get a nice office job in London, please let me know!!!!
Saturday, July 10, 2004
Friday, July 09, 2004
I am seeing that if a person already has an unfavorable opinion about another person, they are so easily convinced of that person doing wrong. Without even really thinking about the situation or having a knowledge of the facts, they just assume that they are being lied to,cheated, deceived, etc.
I realize that I am guilty of this just like everyone else, but I am going to try to do better.
And why are people automatically willing to believe anything negative about politicians????
Why is the general public automatically willing to believe that Farenheit 9/11 is absolute truth?
Why was the general public automatically willing to believe anything negative about Bill Clinton?
I'm beginning to feel like Charlie Brown.
I realize that I am guilty of this just like everyone else, but I am going to try to do better.
And why are people automatically willing to believe anything negative about politicians????
Why is the general public automatically willing to believe that Farenheit 9/11 is absolute truth?
Why was the general public automatically willing to believe anything negative about Bill Clinton?
I'm beginning to feel like Charlie Brown.
Wednesday, July 07, 2004
I love voices.
Not all of them, of course.
I love to listen to some people talk/sing.
My Garrison Keillor collection is proof of this.
He has such a unique voice. It's like a lullaby.
I'm glad God gave us a voice as a means of communication and expression.
I feel that some people abuse the gift of language.
People who talk all the time tend to get on my nerves.
Unfortunately, my father tends to talk all the time.
It's interesting how different voices can be.
I was trying to describe the difference between Mario and Josh to someone.
I was searching for an adjective and told the person that Mario's voice is more earthy. And it was like a lightbulb went on in her head. :)
Anyways, I suppose I should get back to work.
I'm still resisting the doughnut, btw.
Not all of them, of course.
I love to listen to some people talk/sing.
My Garrison Keillor collection is proof of this.
He has such a unique voice. It's like a lullaby.
I'm glad God gave us a voice as a means of communication and expression.
I feel that some people abuse the gift of language.
People who talk all the time tend to get on my nerves.
Unfortunately, my father tends to talk all the time.
It's interesting how different voices can be.
I was trying to describe the difference between Mario and Josh to someone.
I was searching for an adjective and told the person that Mario's voice is more earthy. And it was like a lightbulb went on in her head. :)
Anyways, I suppose I should get back to work.
I'm still resisting the doughnut, btw.
Doesn't it figure
I wear my new sandals.
It's 10:30 am and only 60 degrees.
I love California.
It's 10:30 am and only 60 degrees.
I love California.
It's 8:45 am
I'm feeling terribly coordinated today.
It's a rather odd feeling.
I think that picking Edwards as his VP was not a very smart move on Kerry's part.
Edwards is rather green, but he sure brings the Kennedys to mind as far as the appearance department and that is probably in his favor.
Unless Kerry does something really dumb (or at least gets blamed for something dumb) and Dubya does something really good (or at least gets the credit for something really good), I'm thinking that Kerry is going to win.
Last night I decided that I need to start getting some exercise. I sit in front of the computer too much.
I went for a 3/4 mile walk.
It was nice.
Had R&J playing, there was a nice breeze, I was wearing my Jane sweatshirt... :)
I tell myself that I need to start doing that at least a couple of times a week.
Burn some calories, ya know.
So what does mother buy this morning??????
Yes, the Dreaded Pink Box of Death.
Did I eat one?
I sat here and ate my two eggs, like a good little girl.
I suppose I should get to work.
For some reason, I have to work to get paid.
Don't you think that's un-American?
It's a rather odd feeling.
I think that picking Edwards as his VP was not a very smart move on Kerry's part.
Edwards is rather green, but he sure brings the Kennedys to mind as far as the appearance department and that is probably in his favor.
Unless Kerry does something really dumb (or at least gets blamed for something dumb) and Dubya does something really good (or at least gets the credit for something really good), I'm thinking that Kerry is going to win.
Last night I decided that I need to start getting some exercise. I sit in front of the computer too much.
I went for a 3/4 mile walk.
It was nice.
Had R&J playing, there was a nice breeze, I was wearing my Jane sweatshirt... :)
I tell myself that I need to start doing that at least a couple of times a week.
Burn some calories, ya know.
So what does mother buy this morning??????
Yes, the Dreaded Pink Box of Death.
Did I eat one?
I sat here and ate my two eggs, like a good little girl.
I suppose I should get to work.
For some reason, I have to work to get paid.
Don't you think that's un-American?
Monday, July 05, 2004
La La Laaaa...
Thirteen random things you like:
01. the peach thingie from Jamba Juice
02. Garrison Keillor
03. people watching
04. analyzing music
05. tea
06. walking around Manhattan
07. the Datebook of the San Francisco Chronicle
08. getting a massage from Bethany
09. bugging Sal about the "He belongs in a boy band" comment
10. hearing Reina call me "Gooch"
11. Cadbury chocolate
12. roadtrips
13. redesigning my blog
Twelve songs you like:
01. Flying Without Wings
02. Any Dream Will Do
03. Verone
04. Vous Dites
05. Mentir
06. To Him Who Sits On The Throne
07. Amazing Grace
08. O Holy Night
09. The Star Spangled Banner
10. More Than Wonderful
11. Pendant Que Mes Cheveux Poussent
12. Vivo Per Lei
Eleven things in your room:
01. lots of pictures
02. a poster of Richmond's portrait of Charlotte Bronte
03. The Accolade and Godspeed by EB Leighton
04. a bed
05. Bruno (as in the fish)
06. a tiara
07. my flowers from Andrea and Tim's wedding
08. lots of cds
09. lots of books
10. a stereo
11. a box full of theatre stuff
Ten things about you:
01. I sing
02. I like music
03. I trim Percy's nails
04. I skipped third grade
05. I was born on the same day (May 24) as Queen Victoria
06. I know the difference between an axel, a salchow, a flip, a lutz, a toe loop and a loop
07. I like to travel
08. I am a good cook
09. I can't eat melon
10. I can pick things up with my toes
Nine good friends:
01. my parents
02. Andrea
03. Reina
04. Sal
05. Rebecca
06. Lissa
07. Bethany
08. Emma
09. Tim
Eight favorite foods/drinks:
01. peaches
02. In&Out
03. tea (hot and iced)
04. Pepsi
05. sea food
06. pizza
07. potatoes
08. eggs and toast (cause those have to go together)
Seven things you wear daily:
01. underwear
02. deoderant
03. a hair clip
04. a skirt
05. a shirt
06. shoes
07. lotion
Six things that annoy you:
01. injustice
02. drivers who think they own the road
03. rude people
04. songwriters who should let other people with better voices sing their songs
05. people who are afraid of their emotions
06. people who are afraid to think
Five things you touch everyday:
01. my cat
02. my computer
03. dishes
04. Bruno's food
05. the couch
Four books you read as a child:
01. James and the Giant Peach
02. Brighty of the Grand Canyon
03. the one with Grover and the monster at the end of the book
04. Mr.Popper's Penguins
Three favorite musical instruments:
01. cello
02. piano
03. violin
Two favorite authors:
01. Charlotte Bronte
02. Byron
One person you could spend the rest of your life with:
01. Poor guy is out there somewhere...
01. the peach thingie from Jamba Juice
02. Garrison Keillor
03. people watching
04. analyzing music
05. tea
06. walking around Manhattan
07. the Datebook of the San Francisco Chronicle
08. getting a massage from Bethany
09. bugging Sal about the "He belongs in a boy band" comment
10. hearing Reina call me "Gooch"
11. Cadbury chocolate
12. roadtrips
13. redesigning my blog
Twelve songs you like:
01. Flying Without Wings
02. Any Dream Will Do
03. Verone
04. Vous Dites
05. Mentir
06. To Him Who Sits On The Throne
07. Amazing Grace
08. O Holy Night
09. The Star Spangled Banner
10. More Than Wonderful
11. Pendant Que Mes Cheveux Poussent
12. Vivo Per Lei
Eleven things in your room:
01. lots of pictures
02. a poster of Richmond's portrait of Charlotte Bronte
03. The Accolade and Godspeed by EB Leighton
04. a bed
05. Bruno (as in the fish)
06. a tiara
07. my flowers from Andrea and Tim's wedding
08. lots of cds
09. lots of books
10. a stereo
11. a box full of theatre stuff
Ten things about you:
01. I sing
02. I like music
03. I trim Percy's nails
04. I skipped third grade
05. I was born on the same day (May 24) as Queen Victoria
06. I know the difference between an axel, a salchow, a flip, a lutz, a toe loop and a loop
07. I like to travel
08. I am a good cook
09. I can't eat melon
10. I can pick things up with my toes
Nine good friends:
01. my parents
02. Andrea
03. Reina
04. Sal
05. Rebecca
06. Lissa
07. Bethany
08. Emma
09. Tim
Eight favorite foods/drinks:
01. peaches
02. In&Out
03. tea (hot and iced)
04. Pepsi
05. sea food
06. pizza
07. potatoes
08. eggs and toast (cause those have to go together)
Seven things you wear daily:
01. underwear
02. deoderant
03. a hair clip
04. a skirt
05. a shirt
06. shoes
07. lotion
Six things that annoy you:
01. injustice
02. drivers who think they own the road
03. rude people
04. songwriters who should let other people with better voices sing their songs
05. people who are afraid of their emotions
06. people who are afraid to think
Five things you touch everyday:
01. my cat
02. my computer
03. dishes
04. Bruno's food
05. the couch
Four books you read as a child:
01. James and the Giant Peach
02. Brighty of the Grand Canyon
03. the one with Grover and the monster at the end of the book
04. Mr.Popper's Penguins
Three favorite musical instruments:
01. cello
02. piano
03. violin
Two favorite authors:
01. Charlotte Bronte
02. Byron
One person you could spend the rest of your life with:
01. Poor guy is out there somewhere...
Saturday, July 03, 2004
Chopin by Emma Lazarus
A dream of interlinking hands, of feet
Tireless to spin the unseen, fairy woof
Of the entangling waltz. Bright eyebeams meet,
Gay laughter echoes from the vaulted roof.
Warm perfumes rise; the soft unflickering glow
Of branching lights sets off the changeful charms
Of glancing gems, rich stuffs, the dazzling snow
Of necks unkerchieft, and bare, clinging arms.
Hark to the music! How beneath the strain
Of reckless revelry, vibrates and sobs
One fundamental chord of constant pain,
The pulse-beat of the poet's heart that throbs.
So yearns, though all the dancing waves rejoice,
The troubled sea's disconsolate, deep voice.
Who shall proclaim the golden fable false
Of Orpheus' miracles? This subtle strain
Above our prose-world's sordid loss and gain
Lightly uplifts us. With the rhythmic waltz,
The lyric prelude, the nocturnal song
Of love and languor, varied visions rise,
That melt and blend to our enchanted eyes.
The Polish poet who sleeps silenced long,
The seraph-souled musician, breathes again
Eternal eloquence, immortal pain.
Revived the exalted face we know so well,
The illuminated eyes, the fragile frame,
Slowly consuming with its inward flame,
We stir not, speak not, lest we break the spell.
A voice was needed, sweet and true and fine
As the sad spirit of the evening breeze,
Throbbing with human passion, yet devine
As the wild bird's untutored melodies.
A voice for him 'neath twilight heavens dim,
Who mourneth for his dead, while round him fall
The wan and noiseless leaves. A voice for him
Who sees the first green sprout, who hears the call
Of the first robin on the first spring day.
A voice for all whom Fate hath set apart,
Who, still misprized, must perish by the way,
Longing with love, for that they lack the art
Of their own soul's expression. For all these
Sing the unspoken hope, the vague, sad reveries.
Then Nature shaped a poet's heart--a lyre
From out whose chords the lightest breeze that blows
Drew trembling music, wakening sweet desire.
How shall she cherish him? Behold! she throws
This precious, fragile treasure in the whirl
Of seething passions; he is scourged and stung,
Must dive in storm-vext seas, if but one pearl
Of art or beauty therefrom may be wrung.
No pure-browed pensive nymph his Muse shall be,
An amazon of thought with sovereign eyes,
Whose kiss was poison, man-brained, worldy-wise,
Inspired that elfin, delicate harmony.
Rich gain for us! But with him is it well?
The poet who must sound earth, heaven, and hell!
A dream of interlinking hands, of feet
Tireless to spin the unseen, fairy woof
Of the entangling waltz. Bright eyebeams meet,
Gay laughter echoes from the vaulted roof.
Warm perfumes rise; the soft unflickering glow
Of branching lights sets off the changeful charms
Of glancing gems, rich stuffs, the dazzling snow
Of necks unkerchieft, and bare, clinging arms.
Hark to the music! How beneath the strain
Of reckless revelry, vibrates and sobs
One fundamental chord of constant pain,
The pulse-beat of the poet's heart that throbs.
So yearns, though all the dancing waves rejoice,
The troubled sea's disconsolate, deep voice.
Who shall proclaim the golden fable false
Of Orpheus' miracles? This subtle strain
Above our prose-world's sordid loss and gain
Lightly uplifts us. With the rhythmic waltz,
The lyric prelude, the nocturnal song
Of love and languor, varied visions rise,
That melt and blend to our enchanted eyes.
The Polish poet who sleeps silenced long,
The seraph-souled musician, breathes again
Eternal eloquence, immortal pain.
Revived the exalted face we know so well,
The illuminated eyes, the fragile frame,
Slowly consuming with its inward flame,
We stir not, speak not, lest we break the spell.
A voice was needed, sweet and true and fine
As the sad spirit of the evening breeze,
Throbbing with human passion, yet devine
As the wild bird's untutored melodies.
A voice for him 'neath twilight heavens dim,
Who mourneth for his dead, while round him fall
The wan and noiseless leaves. A voice for him
Who sees the first green sprout, who hears the call
Of the first robin on the first spring day.
A voice for all whom Fate hath set apart,
Who, still misprized, must perish by the way,
Longing with love, for that they lack the art
Of their own soul's expression. For all these
Sing the unspoken hope, the vague, sad reveries.
Then Nature shaped a poet's heart--a lyre
From out whose chords the lightest breeze that blows
Drew trembling music, wakening sweet desire.
How shall she cherish him? Behold! she throws
This precious, fragile treasure in the whirl
Of seething passions; he is scourged and stung,
Must dive in storm-vext seas, if but one pearl
Of art or beauty therefrom may be wrung.
No pure-browed pensive nymph his Muse shall be,
An amazon of thought with sovereign eyes,
Whose kiss was poison, man-brained, worldy-wise,
Inspired that elfin, delicate harmony.
Rich gain for us! But with him is it well?
The poet who must sound earth, heaven, and hell!
A new arrival!
Baby Ella Lankford was born shortly after midnight!!!
Friday, July 02, 2004
So Wednesday I was talking to Paul Moore, trying to find out about the service in Sacramento tonight.
Okay, guys, you know that kind of thing isn't my cup of tea.
I feel like I don't even speak the same language.
I contemplate the evening and mentally, I draw back, not quite in horror (to coin a phrase), but in something more odd kind of intellectual fear.
Paul says it's because I'm "sophisticated," which I think is code for "stuck-up."
I told him it's because I'm too boring.
I suppose people think that having an open mind (for lack of a better term) means compromising the blinking neon sign between right and wrong.
And it doesn't.
Okay, guys, you know that kind of thing isn't my cup of tea.
I feel like I don't even speak the same language.
I contemplate the evening and mentally, I draw back, not quite in horror (to coin a phrase), but in something more odd kind of intellectual fear.
Paul says it's because I'm "sophisticated," which I think is code for "stuck-up."
I told him it's because I'm too boring.
I suppose people think that having an open mind (for lack of a better term) means compromising the blinking neon sign between right and wrong.
And it doesn't.
Okay, I know this isn't funny....but it is!!!
SUV owner Pat Campanella talks to a towing company owner about getting his car out of Katherine Peacock's pool on June 28 in Honolulu, Hawaii. Campanella's wife drove the car into the pool on Saturday while learning to drive.
It's a grand night for singing...
Hhmm...what do I have to say...
Today is Friday.
That's always nice.
Uhm...I got the cast album of the Fiddler revival. I love it. It's great.
The weather has been lovely, not too hot.
Oh, I put together a beautiful Power Point presentation for July 4th. It's too cool. *pats self on back*
I think my powers of snappy dialogue and witty conversation are in recess or something. Must be because a certain jolly vegetable went off and left me for week.
I got a lovely card in the mail from Reina Rodmilla DeGhent Smith.
Her and Tim sent me some gift certificates to "Stone Cold" Creamery.
I was listening to Michael English' Heaven to Earth album yesterday. Man, that is a good one. That guy can sing.
Ah, I also got the La Boheme cast ablum.
Goodness, that Jesus Garcia sure reminds me of Roberto.
It just seems odd that so big a voice can come out of a little guy.
Still don't like Alfred and David.
They should have just let Jesus record the whole cd!!
Once again, they didn't consult ME about this!
Today is Friday.
That's always nice.
Uhm...I got the cast album of the Fiddler revival. I love it. It's great.
The weather has been lovely, not too hot.
Oh, I put together a beautiful Power Point presentation for July 4th. It's too cool. *pats self on back*
I think my powers of snappy dialogue and witty conversation are in recess or something. Must be because a certain jolly vegetable went off and left me for week.
I got a lovely card in the mail from Reina Rodmilla DeGhent Smith.
Her and Tim sent me some gift certificates to "Stone Cold" Creamery.
I was listening to Michael English' Heaven to Earth album yesterday. Man, that is a good one. That guy can sing.
Ah, I also got the La Boheme cast ablum.
Goodness, that Jesus Garcia sure reminds me of Roberto.
It just seems odd that so big a voice can come out of a little guy.
Still don't like Alfred and David.
They should have just let Jesus record the whole cd!!
Once again, they didn't consult ME about this!
Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Article on Farenheit 9/11
Interesting bits...
From a CBS news article -
Despite concerns about his handling of Iraq, and an overall approval rating of 42%, George W. Bush is still running neck and neck with Democrat John Kerry as the choice of registered voters. Growing public optimism about the nation’s economy has helped lift support for the President.
Kerry is the choice of 45% of registered voters, Bush the choice of 44%. This is a sharp turnaround for the Bush campaign in the span of just one month; in May, Kerry had opened up a wide 8-point lead over Bush. The race has been close since April.
(Registered voters)
John Kerry
George Bush
John Kerry
George Bush
John Kerry
George Bush
As has been the case throughout the campaign, Bush’s backers are best described by their fervor for the President, while Kerry’s supporters are driven more by their dislike of the opposition than by Kerry himself. 56% of Bush’s supporters say they strongly favor Bush, while 32% back him with reservations. Kerry, meanwhile, inspires the strong support of less than one-third of his voters, while 37% are with the Democrat mainly because they dislike George W. Bush.
Recent commercials for both candidates have sought to portray them each as optimistic about the future, and voters have been receptive. 78% say Bush is optimistic, and 70% say this about Kerry. Both are also trusted to keep their word as president.
Bush continues to have an advantage over Kerry on saying what he believes: 58% of voters think Bush says what he believes, compared to just 34% who say the same about Kerry. 55% of voters think Kerry says what people want to hear.
Yet as the campaigns struggle to define themselves and their opponents, neither candidate is seen by voters as sharing their priorities. Only 41% of voters think Bush shares their priorities, and just 42% think Kerry shares their priorities for the country.
Despite concerns about his handling of Iraq, and an overall approval rating of 42%, George W. Bush is still running neck and neck with Democrat John Kerry as the choice of registered voters. Growing public optimism about the nation’s economy has helped lift support for the President.
Kerry is the choice of 45% of registered voters, Bush the choice of 44%. This is a sharp turnaround for the Bush campaign in the span of just one month; in May, Kerry had opened up a wide 8-point lead over Bush. The race has been close since April.
(Registered voters)
John Kerry
George Bush
John Kerry
George Bush
John Kerry
George Bush
As has been the case throughout the campaign, Bush’s backers are best described by their fervor for the President, while Kerry’s supporters are driven more by their dislike of the opposition than by Kerry himself. 56% of Bush’s supporters say they strongly favor Bush, while 32% back him with reservations. Kerry, meanwhile, inspires the strong support of less than one-third of his voters, while 37% are with the Democrat mainly because they dislike George W. Bush.
Recent commercials for both candidates have sought to portray them each as optimistic about the future, and voters have been receptive. 78% say Bush is optimistic, and 70% say this about Kerry. Both are also trusted to keep their word as president.
Bush continues to have an advantage over Kerry on saying what he believes: 58% of voters think Bush says what he believes, compared to just 34% who say the same about Kerry. 55% of voters think Kerry says what people want to hear.
Yet as the campaigns struggle to define themselves and their opponents, neither candidate is seen by voters as sharing their priorities. Only 41% of voters think Bush shares their priorities, and just 42% think Kerry shares their priorities for the country.
Monday, June 28, 2004
A note given to President Bush...with his comment..
I was thinking..
The only reason the US is a free country and generally has peace is because of war (War for Independence, Civil War, etc.).
I was thinking..
The only reason the US is a free country and generally has peace is because of war (War for Independence, Civil War, etc.).
I just had a flashback of being in the kitchen at NLA and drinking coffee.
I don't normally drink coffee unless it's cold, but this morning at work, coffee sounded good.
So I get a cup and fill it and found some of those little flavored creamer things in the refrigerator.
I put those in my coffee when we used to make it while we were doing hot lunches.
That was five years ago.
People, I'm getting old.
I just turned 22.
I don't normally drink coffee unless it's cold, but this morning at work, coffee sounded good.
So I get a cup and fill it and found some of those little flavored creamer things in the refrigerator.
I put those in my coffee when we used to make it while we were doing hot lunches.
That was five years ago.
People, I'm getting old.
I just turned 22.
Sunday, June 27, 2004
Mother and I went to San Francisco yesterday to the Palace of the Legion of Honor Museum. They have an Art Deco exhibit right now that is very nifty. I wouldn't advise taking children to see it. They have a video playing of Josephine Baker. 'Nuff said.
My favorite thing in the exhibit was probably the big architectural model of Rockefeller Center. There was a video of old footage of New York City playing on the wall behind it.
I cried.
I need help.
Every Saturday and Sunday, they have concerts with the symphonic organ in the great hall by the Rodin gallery.
That thing is soooo cool. The guy played some Sousa marches and a medley from The Music Man and some other stuff. I displayed marvelous self-control in not bursting out into song during the medley. *pats self on back*
I'm not feeling so hot today.
Had dreams last night which included being held hostage and having a guy after me with a large knife.
I had some Top Ramen for lunch.
Amazing how something which is actually kind of nasty can be so comforting.
My favorite thing in the exhibit was probably the big architectural model of Rockefeller Center. There was a video of old footage of New York City playing on the wall behind it.
I cried.
I need help.
Every Saturday and Sunday, they have concerts with the symphonic organ in the great hall by the Rodin gallery.
That thing is soooo cool. The guy played some Sousa marches and a medley from The Music Man and some other stuff. I displayed marvelous self-control in not bursting out into song during the medley. *pats self on back*
I'm not feeling so hot today.
Had dreams last night which included being held hostage and having a guy after me with a large knife.
I had some Top Ramen for lunch.
Amazing how something which is actually kind of nasty can be so comforting.
I have never been a fan of this song...
You're... "Stars" |
Stars in your multitudes, You're an anthem to obsession and old-fashioned family values. Eek. Yet you're deeply poetic. |
Friday, June 25, 2004
It's Friday
So I'm feeling a little loopy today.
I was just cracking up because the guy in the office next to me was trying to say hypoglycemic.
He wasn't having much success.
***The story you are about to hear is true. The names have been changed to protect the innocent.***
Mother and I were going through the time sheets and contracts and I noticed that "Joe Smith" had signed "Bill Jones'" contract. So I thought "Hhmm..I wonder who singed "Joe Smith's" contract?
I checked.
"Bill Jones" signed it.
Boy did I get a laugh out of that.
I was just cracking up because the guy in the office next to me was trying to say hypoglycemic.
He wasn't having much success.
***The story you are about to hear is true. The names have been changed to protect the innocent.***
Mother and I were going through the time sheets and contracts and I noticed that "Joe Smith" had signed "Bill Jones'" contract. So I thought "Hhmm..I wonder who singed "Joe Smith's" contract?
I checked.
"Bill Jones" signed it.
Boy did I get a laugh out of that.
Thursday, June 24, 2004
I GOT AN A IN SPANISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am officially embarrassed for the American public
...from a news article...
Backstreet Boy Brian Littrell is close to signing a deal with Provident Music Group that would instantly make him one of Christian music's highest-profile singers.
''It intrigues me,'' Littrell said yesterday in Franklin, where he was playing host to a charity golf tournament. ''When the Backstreet Boys were riding high, my mom said, 'The Backstreet Boys are a mere steppingstone for you.' I didn't know what she meant then, but now I think I do. We've sold 68 million albums, and I would never have imagined selling that many. Why not use that as a tool?''
*rests head on keyboard and commences sobbing*
Backstreet Boy Brian Littrell is close to signing a deal with Provident Music Group that would instantly make him one of Christian music's highest-profile singers.
''It intrigues me,'' Littrell said yesterday in Franklin, where he was playing host to a charity golf tournament. ''When the Backstreet Boys were riding high, my mom said, 'The Backstreet Boys are a mere steppingstone for you.' I didn't know what she meant then, but now I think I do. We've sold 68 million albums, and I would never have imagined selling that many. Why not use that as a tool?''
*rests head on keyboard and commences sobbing*
Folks, this whole business of Mr.Bill Clinton's new book is just ridiculous.
People are falling all over themselves and him.
He called his affair an extreme moral dilemma or something like that.
Someone should come up with a new slogan...
Commit adultery in the Oval Office and make MILLIONS!!!
My fellow Americans, we need help.
And that need of help has nothing to do with Mr.George Bush.
People are falling all over themselves and him.
He called his affair an extreme moral dilemma or something like that.
Someone should come up with a new slogan...
Commit adultery in the Oval Office and make MILLIONS!!!
My fellow Americans, we need help.
And that need of help has nothing to do with Mr.George Bush.
My little Baby :)
Isn't he cute.
He's being very lovey dovey today.
I think he must have done something...
Wednesday, June 23, 2004
The Dance
Looking back on the memory of
The dance we shared 'neath the stars alone
For a moment all the world was right
How could I have known that you'd ever say goodbye
And now I'm glad I didn't know
The way it all would end the way it all would go
Our lives are better left to chance I could have missed the pain
But I'd of had to miss the dance
Holding you I held everything
For a moment wasn't I a king
But if I'd only known how the king would fall
Hey who's to say you know I might have chanced it all
And now I'm glad I didn't know
The way it all would end the way it all would go
Our lives are better left to chance I could have missed the pain
But I'd of had to miss the dance
Yes my life is better left to chance
I could have missed the pain but I'd of had to miss the dance
Tony Arata
The dance we shared 'neath the stars alone
For a moment all the world was right
How could I have known that you'd ever say goodbye
And now I'm glad I didn't know
The way it all would end the way it all would go
Our lives are better left to chance I could have missed the pain
But I'd of had to miss the dance
Holding you I held everything
For a moment wasn't I a king
But if I'd only known how the king would fall
Hey who's to say you know I might have chanced it all
And now I'm glad I didn't know
The way it all would end the way it all would go
Our lives are better left to chance I could have missed the pain
But I'd of had to miss the dance
Yes my life is better left to chance
I could have missed the pain but I'd of had to miss the dance
Tony Arata
Well how about that!
Mother got the cd of Tim Smith's message from a couple of Sundays ago and I put it in the computer to listen to it.
Windows Media Player lists it as a Pink Floyd album.
Windows Media Player lists it as a Pink Floyd album.
Tuesday, June 22, 2004
Those Brontes...
by: Emily Brontë (1818-1848)
ELL hast thou spoken, and yet not taught
A feeling strange or new;
Thou hast but roused a latent thought,
A cloud-closed beam of sunshine brought
To gleam in open view.
Deep down, concealed within my soul,
That light lies hid from men;
Yet glows unquenched--though shadows roll,
Its gentle ray cannot control--
About the sullen den.
Was I not vexed, in these gloomy ways
To walk alone so long?
Around me, wretches uttering praise,
Or howling o'er their hopeless days,
And each with Frenzy's tongue;--
A brotherhood of misery,
Their smiles as sad as sighs;
Whose madness daily maddened me,
Distorting into agony
The bliss before my eyes!
So stood I, in Heaven's glorious sun,
And in the glare of Hell;
My spirit drank a mingled tone,
Of seraph's song, and demon's moan;
What my soul bore, my soul alone
Within itself may tell!
Like a soft, air above a sea,
Tossed by the tempest's stir;
A thaw-wind, melting quietly
The snow-drift on some wintry lea;
No: what sweet thing resembles thee,
My thoughtful Comforter?
And yet a little longer speak,
Calm this resentful mood;
And while the savage heart grows meek,
For other token do not seek,
But let the tear upon my cheek
Evince my gratitude!
by: Emily Brontë (1818-1848)
ELL hast thou spoken, and yet not taught
A feeling strange or new;
Thou hast but roused a latent thought,
A cloud-closed beam of sunshine brought
To gleam in open view.
Deep down, concealed within my soul,
That light lies hid from men;
Yet glows unquenched--though shadows roll,
Its gentle ray cannot control--
About the sullen den.
Was I not vexed, in these gloomy ways
To walk alone so long?
Around me, wretches uttering praise,
Or howling o'er their hopeless days,
And each with Frenzy's tongue;--
A brotherhood of misery,
Their smiles as sad as sighs;
Whose madness daily maddened me,
Distorting into agony
The bliss before my eyes!
So stood I, in Heaven's glorious sun,
And in the glare of Hell;
My spirit drank a mingled tone,
Of seraph's song, and demon's moan;
What my soul bore, my soul alone
Within itself may tell!
Like a soft, air above a sea,
Tossed by the tempest's stir;
A thaw-wind, melting quietly
The snow-drift on some wintry lea;
No: what sweet thing resembles thee,
My thoughtful Comforter?
And yet a little longer speak,
Calm this resentful mood;
And while the savage heart grows meek,
For other token do not seek,
But let the tear upon my cheek
Evince my gratitude!
Picky vs. Particular
So Joyce sent me some stuff from the Belgian cast album of Romeo et Juliette.
Boy did I get a laugh out of that.
One of the guys, I think it's Benvolio, sounds like a munchkin. It's that recently sucked helium sound.
Boy did I get a laugh out of that.
One of the guys, I think it's Benvolio, sounds like a munchkin. It's that recently sucked helium sound.
Monday, June 21, 2004
Looking back..
I hereby offer my most sincere apologies to anyone who was asked to read my poems from a few years ago.
I re-read some of them.
Painful. Just painful.
And embarrassing.
However, there are two or three that aren't bad.
I'll post some of them tomorrow.
Bro.Morgan was in fine form last night. Has us all rolling in the pew at certain points. He's a fireball, that one.
I remember when he first came to Napa and he stayed in a trailor on the grounds. He would come out in the morning to be with us kids and he would complain about how cold it was. Complaining about the Napa. He would play quarterback for both teams in football. Now there's talent.
But he was quite a guy. There was one girl in particular who took tons of pictures of him. Andrea and Shannon used to slip notes under the door of his trailor.
Most of the girls had a crush on him. I must say he is still one fine looking man. Sort of gives a girl hope, ya know?
I was thinking about all the evangelists that came through Napa...Claiborn, Griffin, Grayson, Morgan, Martin, McKee, McKemmy...
G's and M's seem to work well for us.
Last but not least, there was that evangelist named Timothy Whiseant. He married my best friend, but I forgive him. It's a good thing we get along splendidly or I might have a preacher on my hit list.
I have the best pastor in the whole wide world.
I think what I admire the most about him is how much he loves people.
That's often hard for me.
I realize that I tend to be rather critical about people and I think of myself as the ultimate judge of character.
But Bro.Brown loves people and I never doubt that he loves his church.
I feel a Bronte mood coming on.
Might have to read some of their poetry.
I think Emily is my favorite of the three, as far as poetry goes.
Then there is Byron.
Dear Byron.
Sal pointed out that in poetry, I prefer the Romantics, but that period of music bugs me. Have I mentioned that I recently sat through an entire Dvorak symphony? Can't I get a Badge of Courage or something for that? I had to call Bec and we yelled together about how blech that music is. It just makes no sense. It starts out with this big whopping climax and then calms down into practically a waltz and then it slaps you over the head again. Bah. *shakes fist*
It's funny how many times I turn on the classical station and think "Oh, I really like this piece!" and it turns out to be Bach or Vivaldi.
Of course, I do like a good adagio now and then and I like some of the later stuff, like Prokofiev...
But Mozart doesn't do much for me. Or Beethoven. Give me my Baroque dudes and I'm happy.
Well I've rambled on long enough.
I should be heading to bed.
I leave you with this...
Music, when soft voices die,
vibrates in the memory;
Odours, when sweet violets sicken,
Live within the sense they quicken.
Rose leaves, when the rose is dead,
Are heap'd for the beloved's bed;
And so thy thoughts, when thou art gone,
Love itself shall slumber on.
Percy Bysshe Shelley
I re-read some of them.
Painful. Just painful.
And embarrassing.
However, there are two or three that aren't bad.
I'll post some of them tomorrow.
Bro.Morgan was in fine form last night. Has us all rolling in the pew at certain points. He's a fireball, that one.
I remember when he first came to Napa and he stayed in a trailor on the grounds. He would come out in the morning to be with us kids and he would complain about how cold it was. Complaining about the Napa. He would play quarterback for both teams in football. Now there's talent.
But he was quite a guy. There was one girl in particular who took tons of pictures of him. Andrea and Shannon used to slip notes under the door of his trailor.
Most of the girls had a crush on him. I must say he is still one fine looking man. Sort of gives a girl hope, ya know?
I was thinking about all the evangelists that came through Napa...Claiborn, Griffin, Grayson, Morgan, Martin, McKee, McKemmy...
G's and M's seem to work well for us.
Last but not least, there was that evangelist named Timothy Whiseant. He married my best friend, but I forgive him. It's a good thing we get along splendidly or I might have a preacher on my hit list.
I have the best pastor in the whole wide world.
I think what I admire the most about him is how much he loves people.
That's often hard for me.
I realize that I tend to be rather critical about people and I think of myself as the ultimate judge of character.
But Bro.Brown loves people and I never doubt that he loves his church.
I feel a Bronte mood coming on.
Might have to read some of their poetry.
I think Emily is my favorite of the three, as far as poetry goes.
Then there is Byron.
Dear Byron.
Sal pointed out that in poetry, I prefer the Romantics, but that period of music bugs me. Have I mentioned that I recently sat through an entire Dvorak symphony? Can't I get a Badge of Courage or something for that? I had to call Bec and we yelled together about how blech that music is. It just makes no sense. It starts out with this big whopping climax and then calms down into practically a waltz and then it slaps you over the head again. Bah. *shakes fist*
It's funny how many times I turn on the classical station and think "Oh, I really like this piece!" and it turns out to be Bach or Vivaldi.
Of course, I do like a good adagio now and then and I like some of the later stuff, like Prokofiev...
But Mozart doesn't do much for me. Or Beethoven. Give me my Baroque dudes and I'm happy.
Well I've rambled on long enough.
I should be heading to bed.
I leave you with this...
Music, when soft voices die,
vibrates in the memory;
Odours, when sweet violets sicken,
Live within the sense they quicken.
Rose leaves, when the rose is dead,
Are heap'd for the beloved's bed;
And so thy thoughts, when thou art gone,
Love itself shall slumber on.
Percy Bysshe Shelley
So where is Darcy?
You are Lizzy Bennett. You are beautiful,
intelligent, and have particularly fine eyes.
Your scathing wit is envied by everyone, male
and female alike. Even better, you seem to
have caught the attention of one broodingly
beautiful Mr. Darcy!
Which Pride and Prejudice Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Friday, June 18, 2004
Another lesson on keeping your mouth shut
I am completely tooting my own horn here, but hey, that's what blogs are for...
I want to congratulate myself on my self-control in not yelling at some people on the Jane board who actually had the nerve to refer to James' portrayal of Rochester as sometimes, and I quote, passionless.
I like to think of myself as a person who has the ability to see all sides of an issue. I do try to investigate the varying opinions on a subject and then make a judgement for myself.
But my friends, there are some things that are just....they are just beyond....well, you know what I'm trying to say here!!!
I mean really!!!
That's like saying that George Bush's accent sounds like he's from the Bronx!!!
Or that Bach and Mozart couldn't compose music!!!
Or that Vermeer didn't understand color and light!!!
Or that David didn't kill Goliath!!!
Am I making my point?
Someone in the discussion said that they feel that James holds back sometimes.
I totally agree, if we are talking about the cast recording.
That's one thing that is very annoying. You put the guy in a studio and it's like tying up a wild horse and expecting him to run a mile in 30 seconds. It just doesn't work.
Now in a live situation, the man practically blows off your eyebrows with the power in his voice. Michael is kind of the same way.
This is something that I can only chalk up to the fact that some people are merely singers and others are performers who sing.
Steven Curtis Chapman, for example, basically sounds the same live as he does on a recording.
So, I didn't say anything.
Aren't your proud of me?
Because I know he is great and he definitely knows he is great.
So that's that.
And if we agreed on everything all the time, we could be living in a world with only one kind of cookie, and that would be the real tragedy.
I want to congratulate myself on my self-control in not yelling at some people on the Jane board who actually had the nerve to refer to James' portrayal of Rochester as sometimes, and I quote, passionless.
I like to think of myself as a person who has the ability to see all sides of an issue. I do try to investigate the varying opinions on a subject and then make a judgement for myself.
But my friends, there are some things that are just....they are just beyond....well, you know what I'm trying to say here!!!
I mean really!!!
That's like saying that George Bush's accent sounds like he's from the Bronx!!!
Or that Bach and Mozart couldn't compose music!!!
Or that Vermeer didn't understand color and light!!!
Or that David didn't kill Goliath!!!
Am I making my point?
Someone in the discussion said that they feel that James holds back sometimes.
I totally agree, if we are talking about the cast recording.
That's one thing that is very annoying. You put the guy in a studio and it's like tying up a wild horse and expecting him to run a mile in 30 seconds. It just doesn't work.
Now in a live situation, the man practically blows off your eyebrows with the power in his voice. Michael is kind of the same way.
This is something that I can only chalk up to the fact that some people are merely singers and others are performers who sing.
Steven Curtis Chapman, for example, basically sounds the same live as he does on a recording.
So, I didn't say anything.
Aren't your proud of me?
Because I know he is great and he definitely knows he is great.
So that's that.
And if we agreed on everything all the time, we could be living in a world with only one kind of cookie, and that would be the real tragedy.
Tuesday, June 15, 2004
Rochester Ramblings
Well my friends, I found the folder that has my old poems and other mishmash in it. I took some of the stuff I wrote as Rochester and mixed it together into the following.
If only we could get inside his head.
FYI - We enter the story shortly after the attempted wedding and Jane has left Thornfield...
I cannot leave Thornfield. My prison has become the only balm for my wound. Jane’s spirit still lingers in this accursed place, giving it some redemptive value.
My mind knows that she has fled, but my heart still believes her to be near. There are times when I sit at my desk and I hear her light step advancing toward me in the hall. For one fleeting instant, I expect to see her shining face peer around the door. My heart leaps in my breast and I rise to greet her, my arms open to receive her in an embrace. But she does not appear.
I thought I knew what it was to suffer. I thought I had experienced pain beyond endurance. But what I fool I was then. I realize now that the suffering of self is nothing when compared to the knowledge that I have brought such pain upon the one person that I truly love. I think of her suffering and I fear for her with such intensity that I cannot draw a breath. My thoughts torment me every waking moment and even the night does not afford me any rest. I fall into restless sleep and wake several times before dawn, my pulse racing, my body drenched with sweat, as horrible dreams of her fate drive me into despair.
Last night this restlessness was stronger than ever and I gave up all hope of sleep. I roamed through the Hall, trying to find some peace for my mind through exertion of my body. I came to Adele’s room and saw that the door was ajar. An unseen force compelled me to step silently across the threshold. I made my way to the sleeping child and saw that Mrs.Fairfax had left a chair next to the small chest drawers beside the bed. I looked down and my eyes feel upon a slender volume of fairy tales, a bedtime storybook. It was well worn, a gift from Jane to Adele on her birthday. I recalled the many times I had seen them reading by the fire in the drawing room. No doubt this token of Jane’s affection was to be treasured as though it were made of gold.
I came to rest in the chair and observed Adele’s face for a few moments. It was immediately apparent to me that she had cried herself to sleep. Her little pink cheeks were tearstained and her pillow bore the evidence of those tears. A wave of sympathy came over me without warning. I suddenly felt as if Adele was Jane as a little girl with no father or mother and the person who had shown her some kindness had left her behind. I reached over to the bed and took her small hand in mine. Something inside me seemed to break lose. Tears flooded my eyes and a sob escaped my lips. I tried to force it down, but my resistance was no match for the emptiness in my soul. As my memories of Jane rushed forth, the emotions that I had kept locked inside for so long spilled over and I began to weep harshly and brokenly. My heart ached more with every beat.
I grasped Adele’s hand tightly and for some minutes I continued in this state until I felt her stir. She blinked a few times and looked at me. I was surprised to find that I was not ashamed, nor did I try to stop the tears. I looked in her eyes and saw instant comprehension and empathy. She drew herself from under the bed cover and without saying a word, climbed into my lap. She wiped my cheeks with the sleeve of her nightdress and I knew she was trying to be brave, but the quivering of her bottom lip did not escape my notice.
“I miss her, too,” came out in barely a whisper.
Her little arms went up and wrapped around my neck. I held onto her like a man drowning in a relentless stormy sea. Our tears flowed freely and mingled as one. We wept together, sharing the same grief
If only we could get inside his head.
FYI - We enter the story shortly after the attempted wedding and Jane has left Thornfield...
I cannot leave Thornfield. My prison has become the only balm for my wound. Jane’s spirit still lingers in this accursed place, giving it some redemptive value.
My mind knows that she has fled, but my heart still believes her to be near. There are times when I sit at my desk and I hear her light step advancing toward me in the hall. For one fleeting instant, I expect to see her shining face peer around the door. My heart leaps in my breast and I rise to greet her, my arms open to receive her in an embrace. But she does not appear.
I thought I knew what it was to suffer. I thought I had experienced pain beyond endurance. But what I fool I was then. I realize now that the suffering of self is nothing when compared to the knowledge that I have brought such pain upon the one person that I truly love. I think of her suffering and I fear for her with such intensity that I cannot draw a breath. My thoughts torment me every waking moment and even the night does not afford me any rest. I fall into restless sleep and wake several times before dawn, my pulse racing, my body drenched with sweat, as horrible dreams of her fate drive me into despair.
Last night this restlessness was stronger than ever and I gave up all hope of sleep. I roamed through the Hall, trying to find some peace for my mind through exertion of my body. I came to Adele’s room and saw that the door was ajar. An unseen force compelled me to step silently across the threshold. I made my way to the sleeping child and saw that Mrs.Fairfax had left a chair next to the small chest drawers beside the bed. I looked down and my eyes feel upon a slender volume of fairy tales, a bedtime storybook. It was well worn, a gift from Jane to Adele on her birthday. I recalled the many times I had seen them reading by the fire in the drawing room. No doubt this token of Jane’s affection was to be treasured as though it were made of gold.
I came to rest in the chair and observed Adele’s face for a few moments. It was immediately apparent to me that she had cried herself to sleep. Her little pink cheeks were tearstained and her pillow bore the evidence of those tears. A wave of sympathy came over me without warning. I suddenly felt as if Adele was Jane as a little girl with no father or mother and the person who had shown her some kindness had left her behind. I reached over to the bed and took her small hand in mine. Something inside me seemed to break lose. Tears flooded my eyes and a sob escaped my lips. I tried to force it down, but my resistance was no match for the emptiness in my soul. As my memories of Jane rushed forth, the emotions that I had kept locked inside for so long spilled over and I began to weep harshly and brokenly. My heart ached more with every beat.
I grasped Adele’s hand tightly and for some minutes I continued in this state until I felt her stir. She blinked a few times and looked at me. I was surprised to find that I was not ashamed, nor did I try to stop the tears. I looked in her eyes and saw instant comprehension and empathy. She drew herself from under the bed cover and without saying a word, climbed into my lap. She wiped my cheeks with the sleeve of her nightdress and I knew she was trying to be brave, but the quivering of her bottom lip did not escape my notice.
“I miss her, too,” came out in barely a whisper.
Her little arms went up and wrapped around my neck. I held onto her like a man drowning in a relentless stormy sea. Our tears flowed freely and mingled as one. We wept together, sharing the same grief
Silly Yahoo changed their email set-up.
Bethany is probably unhappy with them.
This morning I went shopping with Andrea and I actually bought something.
I know, I know.
But it was only 10 bucks and I don't have anything like it, so hey...what could I say.
Goodness, it's hot today.
I need some food.
Bethany is probably unhappy with them.
This morning I went shopping with Andrea and I actually bought something.
I know, I know.
But it was only 10 bucks and I don't have anything like it, so hey...what could I say.
Goodness, it's hot today.
I need some food.
Monday, June 14, 2004
News flash
Ladies and gentleman, when I'm fit to be read in public, I will resume blogging.
Until then, find a way to live without me.
Until then, find a way to live without me.
Wednesday, June 09, 2004
I'm alive!
Ah, mes amis, it's been a long time, no?
So, this last week, Sal and I had a lovely visit which included the following:
-a day in San Francisco consisting of a performance at Davies Symphony Hall and tea at the Ritz with Gretchen
*sticks nose up in the air*
-a day in Stockton with Lissa
-a trip to Colorado
-a trip to Yorkshire
And we did all of that while staying in California!!!
I am now the proud owner of a program called Nero, which allows me to change mpeg files to vcds.
*insert big cheesy grin*
I would just like to add here that walking is an art which most men do not understand.
I would also like to add that the very idea of Melanie Hamilton appearing at a public ball while she is great with child is absolutely ridiculous.
And while I'm at it, I'll mention that Rhett Butler is a great character, almost on par with Rochester.
Oh, and Vinnie is lovely.
Has anyone noticed that I'm growing fond of the word "which?"
I'm not sure why.
It just seems very satisfactory at the moment.
I was thinking...someone needs to write a musical version of Ruth or Esther and I don't mean Veggietales here, folks...I mean a real musical. Hhhmmm.....
One of the greatest things I have learned in life is that keeping one's mouth shut is often a very smart thing to do, especially if the person addressing you does not know what they are talking about in the first place and you are vastly more informed on a subject that they. Because some things just aren't worth arguing over.
My mother is so cute.
She saw a new Barbie, Titania from A Midsummer Night's Dream and when she told me about it, she pronounced Titania like titanium, rather than employing the short form of the first "i" in the name.
Shakespeare isn't her thing.
Sal brought up a very interesting point about Louis Lamour's heroes - they always described as "broad of shoulder and lean of hip."
Yesterday everyone was all prepared for a big hail storm and the silly thing moved into Solano County, so we were let down.
I was rather looking forward to it.
I remember one time when I was with Becca and there was a big storm at about 1am. Harry was sitting by the window and a streak of lighting got a little close. She vacated that window rather quickly.
Well, I seem to be typing like my fingers are hyperactive so I better get going before the keyboard starts smoking.
Au revoir chickies!
So, this last week, Sal and I had a lovely visit which included the following:
-a day in San Francisco consisting of a performance at Davies Symphony Hall and tea at the Ritz with Gretchen
*sticks nose up in the air*
-a day in Stockton with Lissa
-a trip to Colorado
-a trip to Yorkshire
And we did all of that while staying in California!!!
I am now the proud owner of a program called Nero, which allows me to change mpeg files to vcds.
*insert big cheesy grin*
I would just like to add here that walking is an art which most men do not understand.
I would also like to add that the very idea of Melanie Hamilton appearing at a public ball while she is great with child is absolutely ridiculous.
And while I'm at it, I'll mention that Rhett Butler is a great character, almost on par with Rochester.
Oh, and Vinnie is lovely.
Has anyone noticed that I'm growing fond of the word "which?"
I'm not sure why.
It just seems very satisfactory at the moment.
I was thinking...someone needs to write a musical version of Ruth or Esther and I don't mean Veggietales here, folks...I mean a real musical. Hhhmmm.....
One of the greatest things I have learned in life is that keeping one's mouth shut is often a very smart thing to do, especially if the person addressing you does not know what they are talking about in the first place and you are vastly more informed on a subject that they. Because some things just aren't worth arguing over.
My mother is so cute.
She saw a new Barbie, Titania from A Midsummer Night's Dream and when she told me about it, she pronounced Titania like titanium, rather than employing the short form of the first "i" in the name.
Shakespeare isn't her thing.
Sal brought up a very interesting point about Louis Lamour's heroes - they always described as "broad of shoulder and lean of hip."
Yesterday everyone was all prepared for a big hail storm and the silly thing moved into Solano County, so we were let down.
I was rather looking forward to it.
I remember one time when I was with Becca and there was a big storm at about 1am. Harry was sitting by the window and a streak of lighting got a little close. She vacated that window rather quickly.
Well, I seem to be typing like my fingers are hyperactive so I better get going before the keyboard starts smoking.
Au revoir chickies!
Tuesday, June 01, 2004
Well duh!
You are Jane Eyre. You were orphaned as a baby and
given over to the care of your harsh Aunt Reed.
Shunned and disliked by the Reeds of Gateshead
Hall, you worked to earn your respect and
recognition at Lowood Charitable Institution,
where you lived for nine years before becoming
a governess at Thornfield Hall for Mr.
Rochester's young ward, Adele Varens. You are a
quiet, kind, stubborn, deep person who makes a
good listener and witty person to converse
with. You have a big heart and moral
conscience. I salute you.
Which character from Jane Eyre are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
given over to the care of your harsh Aunt Reed.
Shunned and disliked by the Reeds of Gateshead
Hall, you worked to earn your respect and
recognition at Lowood Charitable Institution,
where you lived for nine years before becoming
a governess at Thornfield Hall for Mr.
Rochester's young ward, Adele Varens. You are a
quiet, kind, stubborn, deep person who makes a
good listener and witty person to converse
with. You have a big heart and moral
conscience. I salute you.
Which character from Jane Eyre are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Friday, May 28, 2004
This is too funny
K | Kind |
A | Awkward |
T | Tough |
H | Hilarious |
R | Relaxed |
Y | Yucky |
N | New |
E | Exciting |
L | Lively |
A | Adventurous |
I | Innocent |
N | Noisy |
E | Energetic |
G | Good |
O | Odd |
O | Organic |
C | Careful |
H | Hilarious |
Name Acronym Generator
I've never been referred to as Yucky or Organic before!!!
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